Personal growth

50 questions to help you know yourself

In childhood, the formation of the child’s personality is influenced by parents, gradually friends and teachers join them. In adulthood, it can be colleagues. A person who does not know himself is easily subject to pressure, influence and is rarely happy. He simply does not know how, because he does not understand what he really wants. Therefore, it is important to know oneself of the present.

How to know yourself and why answer questions to yourself?

Give yourself time to think. If the answer flies from the mouth, it may say that both in this area of ​​life a person is all right and that he is too subject to patterns and stereotypes. For example, if you ask a person if he could kill a beloved dog, he will most likely respond in the negative. But if you ask a question differently, adding "if she bit your child," "if she suffers wounds," the answer may change.

Some questions suggest the answer "yes" or "no", but you need to be sure to clarify it. Many problems in life are not connected with others, but with violation of harmony inside a person. Having resolved some issues, you can break the shackles that hinder development. Answers may surprise. It is best to ask questions out loud in a conversation with yourself.

Bad habits

  1. Why am I drinking alcohol?
  2. Why do I smoke?
  3. Why do I swear?
  4. Why do I take drugs?
  5. What do I depend on and why?

By answering such questions, you can find out that the reason for the extra bun is boredom, not hunger. Cigarettes - a way to get away from doing unloved work, and alcohol - to escape from loneliness. Having understood the reasons, you can find other ways to solve problems, more constructive.


  1. What's going on in the world?
  2. What is happening inside my country?
  3. What films / actors / musicians are now popular?
  4. Do I know people who work with me / study / live?
  5. Do I have enough communication?

At first glance, it seems that these questions do not concern the internal state, but they clearly show whether a person interacts with the world. You can also use these questions to determine the interests and degree of sociability.


  1. I like my work, what would I change in it?
  2. Does the salary suit me?
  3. Life is short. Do I want to work at my work all my life and what happens if I lose it?
  4. Why can't I open my own business?
  5. What prevents me from changing jobs?

Work is an important part of life, if a person does not like much in it, it will leave a negative imprint on other spheres. Answers to these questions will help to understand how a person is implemented, as a specialist, whether he has the potential for professional development.

A responsibility

  1. Am I a superstitious person, do I believe in horoscopes, signs, the predestination of fate?
  2. Am I satisfied with my choice of lifestyle?
  3. Is surrounding obliged to do what I want?
  4. Should I do what others want?
  5. Who is to blame, that I and my life are exactly like that?

The ability to take responsibility for their lives and their actions is very important. It helps to get rid of someone else's influence. As soon as a person realizes that for everything that he does, only he can answer, fear may arise, which will later be replaced by a sense of free choice and the discovery of new ways.


  1. Am I happy and what do I need to be happy?
  2. When was the last time I was really happy?
  3. Do I laugh a lot?
  4. Do I enjoy what I do?
  5. How much do I deny myself and why?

Happiness is something that largely determines the quality of life. The questions are aimed at understanding whether a person knows what makes him happy and whether he contributes to it.


  1. Why isn’t what I’m doing?
  2. Why am I worried and nervous?
  3. How often do I feel fear?
  4. Why am I alone (without a couple), does it scare me?
  5. Do I think about my death and what exactly?

To start thinking constructively, you need to identify what causes discomfort. Often a person exaggerates his problems, forges. And all because he thinks too much about them. These questions will help determine whether the "real enemy" or he is only in the head.


  1. Why is it difficult for me to be alone and what will I do if this happens?
  2. Why is it difficult for me to make new acquaintances?
  3. How much time do I spend on the Internet / watching TV?
  4. Do I spend enough time with my friends and relatives, that gives me a chat with them?
  5. What are the pros and cons of my loneliness?

There is nothing wrong with spending time alone. Every person needs personal space and rest from society. But loneliness can be intentional when a person runs away from people due to complexes or other internal problems. There is another side, when a person does not know how to be alone, he is frightened by the very thought that he will have to remain alone.


  1. Why am I embarrassed, what impression do I have on other people (acquaintances, strangers)?
  2. Should I be better than others or reach for their strap?
  3. How do I react to criticism?
  4. Why do I think other people are better than me?
  5. What do other people like / dislike me about?

By asking yourself these questions, a person will be able to understand how dependent he is on someone else's opinion, how highly he appreciates himself. To understand if self-esteem is not too high, you can ask yourself how often you do something for others and for what purpose.

Negative emotions

  1. Why do I swear with family / friends / colleagues / associates?
  2. Why do emotions take over me?
  3. What emotions prevail in my life?
  4. How often do I have a bad mood and why?
  5. Am I ready to come to a consensus in a dispute or argue to throw out emotions?

Sometimes emotions get the better of a person; he throws them out on others. The reason for this is an internal imbalance. A happy and well-balanced person will not swear in a line, be rude to his family. It is important to determine what is out of balance.


  1. What will happen to me in 10/20/30 years if I continue to live like this?
  2. What are my plans for next year, 5 years?
  3. Does old age scare me? How do I plan to spend it?
  4. What will I do next weekend?
  5. Do I live in the present, past, or future?

The essence of these questions is to understand what a person sees his life. He can describe it in too much detail, indicating the color of the fence he will build around the house in 2 years. This is fraught with the fact that if something from the list does not come true, the person will be unsettled. There are cases when it is difficult for a person to plan even the next weekend. It is necessary to analyze whether this behavior is connected with expressiveness or with avoidance of responsibility.

To understand yourself, you can analyze the day before going to bed, determining whether it has passed as it should be. Making adjustments in life is never too late.

Watch the video: 50 Questions to Get to Know Yourself Better CYSO (December 2024).