Personal growth

Willpower and its importance in achieving goals

Successful people in modern society can boast a very interesting quality, which plays a major role in their success. This is a developed willpower. It is this system that allows people to achieve their goals, not to turn off the intended path, follow their plans and finally get good results. But, if everyone knows that willpower is a very important and useful quality, for some reason, it is not up to everyone to develop it. Although there are quite a lot of ways to develop willpower, you need to make considerable efforts to achieve the desired result.

What is will power?

Strong-willed person is often called the one who has a strong character. Sometimes this concept implies purposefulness, internal motivation, perseverance, even stubbornness. There are several components of willpower:

  • Belief in success and in your strength. Many famous and successful people say that it is faith in themselves that allowed them to achieve high results. Without faith in success, it is better not to start a single business from regular weight loss to the start of a large business.
  • A wish. When a person desires something, he has a goal, to which he then goes. Without a goal, willpower in principle would not be needed, since there will be no final desired image in the mind, i.e. there will be nothing to achieve.
  • Courage. Without courage and determination, not a single really difficult decision will be made.
  • Patience. Thanks to him, a person does not give up on the way to achieving the goal, repeatedly overcomes obstacles and does not retreat before difficulties.

You can consider all these components in one simple example: the desire to lose weight. If a person has excess weight, and he wants to see himself fit, slim, healthy and attractive, there is a goal - to lose weight. In thoughts, a slimming person already imagines himself to be slim, i.e. he "sees" the end result to which one should strive. Really brave, you can find the decision to lose weight on their own, with their own efforts, and not go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Belief in yourself helps him to start playing sports and deny himself junk food, and already patience allows day after day to fight the temptations of absenteeism or visiting fast food.

The exclusion of at least one of these components guarantees failure in achieving the goal. If there is no belief in oneself or a decrease in motivation from the lack of quick results, with a lack of courage to abandon unnecessary feasts or socializing with friends in a restaurant, with a lack of patience, the desired goal cannot be achieved.

Another position in the consideration of this issue is the need for reason to dominate the body. So, laziness as the opposite of willpower often causes a person to lie down in bed in the morning for 15 minutes more, depriving him of time to charge, or so he leaves his intentions to tidy up the apartment or repair the tap simply with intentions. The body simply informs the mind, they say, "I am so good to lie on the sofa and watch the series." And if the mind does not oppose anything, does not "turn on" willpower, the body wins. The same applies to improper diet, skipping workouts, lack of planning, throwing cases halfway, etc.

How to develop willpower?

A positive point for those who have learned in the above example of themselves is that willpower can be developed. Undoubtedly, volitional characteristics are quite difficult to train, but the results are worth it. The main thing to remember when working on willpower is to start small and leave more difficult exercises for later.

Awareness of purpose.

Defining your own goals is a very important step towards the formation of a strong will. Purposeless attempts to develop and strengthen the will will not give anything. A person must have an incentive, motivation to work on himself.

After determining your goal, it is worthwhile to think about why the body is trying to hinder the development or performance of some actions. If it’s just laziness, developing willpower will help you achieve your goals. If there are other objective reasons (physical abnormalities, health problems) that do not allow something to be done, willpower will be a good help, but will not solve the problems by itself.

Good habits.

Regularly you need to force yourself to do something useful, for example, for health. Everyone knows that it is useful to get up regularly at the same time, but on weekends many give themselves up slack, everyone knows that exercising or jogging in the mornings is useful, but few people also devote time to sports exercises. To develop willpower, you need to introduce these good habits into your life. Force yourself to get up 10-15 minutes earlier to perform all these actions. The bonus will be a good shape and a healthy complexion.

At this point, many will say that it is to force yourself to get out of bed and is the greatest difficulty. The body asserts: "Let us lie still, it is possible to go for a run in the evening", and in the evening it says: "We will definitely run tomorrow." And so constantly.

In order for a person to feel the strength to perform all the morning exercises, you just need to move or start some kind of activity. Loud alarm clock is desirable to put in the opposite corner from the bed and get up to turn it off. You can ask a friend to call and wake him up, and let him ask a question in order to trigger brain activity. On the most running case, you can provide for the installation of a program on a computer that, without entering a password at some time, will begin to format the hard disk. For many, this is definitely the best way to climb.

Unpleasant things.

A few days a month should be devoted to doing unpleasant things. Those who do not like to clean up, on this day will need to clean and wash all that is possible. For those who seem to be torture shopping, one day you need to buy everything you need for the next month. For those who have never liked the cooking process, they will have to feed the whole family. This is the best way to do everything at once, freeing yourself from unpleasant pastime for a while. In addition, it is effective for the development of the will, because, having begun the process, one wants to complete it faster, without stopping halfway and not stretching the “torture”.

Public promise.

By setting a goal in front of you, you can make a promise to yourself or, more effectively, make sure that others are able to achieve it. When someone is aware of the plans of a person, anyone will try not to lose face and fulfill their plans. By the way, when a person writes down all his goals and plans, the probability of achieving them increases.


One of the most difficult ways to develop willpower is to limit yourself to something. You can do this just for the sake of doing the exercise, and you can additionally help yourself, for example, limit yourself to those who are trying to lose weight for a month. Those who often lose time on the Internet need to limit their access to social networks for a month by asking a friend to change their password for a while.

Be sure to support their attempts to develop willpower with the help of mental images. You need to regularly present yourself as a strong-willed person who can resist various temptations and achieve the highest results.

Watch the video: Using Goals to Maintain Willpower. Brian Tracy (April 2024).