Love and relationship

How can you keep a relationship with your loved one for life?

The period of love passes, and you begin to look at your chosen one in a different way.

And sometimes it happens that it feels as if the feelings have died away.

How to keep relationships with a loved man?

Causes of fading feelings, separation and divorce

Psychologists identify the following causes of fading feelings in a couple:

  1. You have been together for quite some time. It often happens that a couple meets for a long time and the relationship just turned into a habit.
  2. Sex problems. Sex is an important part of the relationship between partners. And if in this area you have problems, it is not surprising that feelings can slowly fade away.
  3. Long separation. It’s quite difficult to maintain relationships at a distance. Especially if it is not known exactly when your chosen one or you will be reunited again.
  4. Life difficulties. It is very difficult to maintain the former passion in a pair, if you constantly encounter some everyday difficulties, for example, repair or financial problems.
  5. Life. When you begin to live together, the romance immediately seems to evaporate. Gray days may well contribute to the extinction of feelings.
  6. Misunderstanding or mistrust. Any relationship must be built on mutual trust. If not, then sooner or later the partner will get tired of your constant suspicions.
  7. Treason. This is one of the most frequent causes of separation. To forgive treason or not is a personal matter. But since your partner was able to “go to the left,” there is clearly something to think about.
  8. Unwillingness to work on relationships. If you want that respect and mutual understanding always reign in your pair, then you need to try. Strong relationships are based on the mutual work of partners and constructive dialogue. If not, then the separation is not far off.

The list, in principle, can be continued for quite a long time, there are a lot of individual moments.

But remember that in any case there is an opportunity to preserve the relationship and return the old feelings, you only need to try.

What are the reasons for a divorce? Shocking truth:

How to understand that your relationship is cracking at the seams?

There are the following signs that relationships have lost their old feelings:

  • you constantly swear, and any trifle can become a reason for scandal;
  • you are moving away from each other, you have less common interests and interests, and communication takes place at the level of common and everyday issues;
  • the partner began to annoy you, you only notice his negative sides;
  • you have become more often “looking at the side”, thinking about an attractive colleague or just a passer-by, and even admit that you can go and drink coffee with him;
  • you have no desire to spend time with your partner, with much greater pleasure you would rest with friends or parents;
  • romance and tenderness are long gone, and none of you are trying to make a nice surprise or a sudden gift;
  • you try to hurt and offend your partner with your own words or actions;
  • Passion has passed between you, sexual relations have deteriorated or disappeared altogether.

Relationship crisis - what is it: a catastrophe or an opportunity? Find out from the video:

Is it possible to preserve feelings and marriage for life?

Some say that love lasts only a year, others that a couple of years. Is that really true? Does not happen for feelings to remain between partners for life?

In fact, it happens. But only if your relationship is built on tenderness, trust, understanding and respect.

In addition, you need to constantly discuss problems and develop.

If you are ready for life work on relationshipsthen your feelings and marriage will last a lifetime.

How to save family and marriage:

Psychological advice and practical recommendations


How to keep a girlfriend?

  1. Evolve. Girls are very important that next to them was a promising man.

    And if you do not change from year to year, then what awaits her in such a relationship? Sooner or later you will become uninteresting to her.

  2. Let her feel that she is a little girl. Let me sometimes indulge, surround with care and warmth. Let her feel safe near you.
  3. Do not forget about romance. Especially if you have already started living together. Lovely surprises, flowers, a sudden trip to the restaurant - all this is really important for girls.
  4. Perform male duties. Any girl wants to see next to a strong partner who will share with her domestic and financial issues and help if there is a need.
  5. Discuss the future together. Your darling need to feel confident in the future.
  6. Do not forget about intimate relationships. It is a myth that only men like sex. It is also important for girls.
  7. Show her that you trust. If you are jealous of every passer-by and constantly try to check her correspondence, sooner or later she will get tired of it.
  8. Watch yourself. Who wants to be close to a messy and sloppy young man?

How to maintain a relationship with a girl? Problem solving:

To girls

How to keep a loved one?

  1. Be multifaceted. For your boyfriend you must be fun, caring, sympathetic, supportive - depending on the situation.

    You must be a friend and sister, and the woman he loves. It is necessary to be able to feed the man, and listen to him, and surround him with care and tenderness.

  2. Do not hurry. Yes, maybe girlfriends and mother constantly remind you that age is already time to get married. Yes, and you meet for a long time, what to expect? But in any case, do not press on your boyfriend, do not make constant hints and do not blackmail. This applies not only to the wedding, but also living together, children. Do not rush it. The time will come, and it will ripen. And with your endless hints, you can only scare him and destroy the relationship.
  3. Stay interesting. You must have your own hobbies. Girls usually have this: they start to dwell on relationships and forget about everything. But if you have your own hobby, your friends, then there will be something to talk with you about, and the young man’s interest in you will only be kindled.
  4. Do not forget about the appearance. There are girls. You have been together for quite some time and started to relax. Gained a couple of kilograms, periodically forgetting to do the depilation, can afford to appear with him with dirty hair or in spiked home clothes.

    Even if you live together, remain a girl: always beautiful and well-groomed.

  5. Maintain shared traditions. Usually the girls are involved in this relationship. It can be various trifles: a joint trip to the movies on Saturdays, a walk in the park once a week, a dinner after work together. It is important not to forget about already established rituals and sometimes add new ones.
  6. Be positive. Let's talk honestly. Who would love if his girlfriend is constantly upset, hurt, angry or crying? So try to create an optimistic attitude, stop complaining about life. Smile often!
  7. Give a man freedom. Guys are very kind to her. So give him the opportunity to manage his time himself, let him spend time with friends separately from you, stop controlling every step or movement. Nothing prevents you from directing it in the right direction, but it should be done carefully so that he does not notice. In addition, do not impose your views on the future. If you come up with the names of common children at a time when he is not ready for them at all, this will clearly frighten your chosen one.

How to strengthen relationships and how to keep a man? Find out from the video:


How to save the love of a husband?

  1. Maintain common interests. Did something bind you before? What happened now? Because of life have ceased to spend time together? Try to remember what made you closer. And gradually re-enter it in your life together.
  2. Take care of yourself. If you think that your husband will not go away from you and you can relax, then you are mistaken. But this does not mean that you should torture yourself with diets and constantly go with makeup. Just be well-groomed to look at you.
  3. Do something nice. A small trifle, a gift or a surprise will cheer up both of you and refresh your relationship.
  4. Maintain home comfort. Your husband should be pleased to return home after work.

    The apartment must be clean and comfortable. And even better if it will wait for a delicious homemade dinner, prepared with love.

  5. Do household chores together. Sometimes a joint cleaning, shopping trip or cooking dinner can be very fun and enjoyable. They can even bring you together.
  6. Be attentive to his family and friends. He will appreciate it.
  7. Do not forget about the intimate life. It should not be a chore for you, because sex is very important for relationships. If there is a feeling that he is already tired, what prevents you from diversifying him?


How to save the love of his wife?

  1. Do not forget about romance. The fact that you have been together for many years does not mean that you can not give flowers or make pleasant surprises.
  2. Never threaten to divorce. This is a psychological trick that if you keep talking about it all the time, your wife will soon get used to it and this thought will simply stop scaring her. So forget about this low reception.
  3. Give gifts. Women are very important attention. Flowers, toys, decorations - all this will make your wife a little happier. You are pleased to see the joy in her eyes, right?
  4. Let her be weak. Often women take on a lot of things: cleaning, cooking, work, children, social activities ... Let your wife feel weak. Show her that she’s safe with you.

    Help her with responsibilities. And sometimes even take them over, giving her a whole day to do their own thing.

  5. Do not find out the relationship in humans. And do not criticize her for others. Respect your woman, it will be unpleasant for her if you start scolding and blaming her for all.
  6. Watch out for yourself. With age, men often pay less attention to this. Your wife still wants to see in you that beautiful and strong man with whom she once fell in love. Sign up for the gym, throw out your stretched workouts, put your wardrobe in order, and follow hygiene. And then your darling will be pleased to be with you and look at you.

If you notice that your feelings have begun to fade and relationships tend to their logical conclusion, then no need to give up. Fight for your love. After all, everything can be fixed.

How to save and not kill love in the family? Relationship psychology:

Watch the video: 11 Signs Your Love Will Last a Lifetime (January 2025).