Family and Children

How to become a good wife: 5 steps to the status of an ideal wife

Many ladies all their lives trying to understand how to be a good wife, now and then faced with problems in his personal life. In fact, the whole secret lies in the sincerity and depth of feelings for the spouse. As soon as the representative of the weaker sex can find someone who wants to take care of all her life, the secret of how to become a good wife will be revealed to her immediately.

5 steps to perfect spouse status

Trying to find out how to become a really good wife for her husband, a lady should understand that not only the visual appeal is among the collective features of such a chosen one. Here the character of the girl, her attitude to life, the community of interests with the man plays its role. Respectful attitude to the partner is also of great importance: without him, the status of an ideal cannot be earned.

Compliance with the same rules will help a lady become a really good wife?

  1. A beloved man should always be praised, noticing his achievements and closing his eyes to minor shortcomings. Any member of the stronger sex wants a woman with him who can make a sincere compliment and delight him with his achievements.
  2. Your character needs to be shown infrequently and only at home, without taking out the dirty linen from the hut. It is very important not to interfere with the spouse in public, as this can create the wrong face of relationships and put the man in an uncomfortable position.
  3. Another important rule is to forget about excessive criticism or constant complaints. A good wife knows the shortcomings of her spouse, but does not indicate them all the time, as this will only annoy her lover. The task of the woman is to gently guide her lover along the path of fighting negative character traits.
  4. A wife must always look impeccable, both in public and at home. Many ladies forget about this important rule, dressing at home haphazardly, and preferring comfortable things. However, a man should never forget that not only his faithful friend is with him, but also a charming woman.
  5. Keeping the house clean and comfortable is also an important part of creating the image of an ideal spouse.

The men themselves call the qualities of a good wife different, but they all agree on one thing: a life partner must be an attractive, intelligent hostess, able to light in the bedroom, and in a difficult situation to support. In fact, the girl should be a faithful companion who knows how to cook perfectly, does not forget to raise children, and if she is willing, is able to surprise sexually.

Maternity and maintaining the status of the ideal wife

Many psychologists point out that difficulties in marriage arise immediately after the birth of the first child. In this difficult and joyful period, a woman forgets about everything except the baby. She can ignore the marital debt, her duties in the household, sometimes even forgetting to wash her hair. For some ladies, this stage lasts only 2-3 months, while other women are so much included in the image of the mother that they sometimes completely forget that they are also wives.

Does the question really mean how to become a good mother and wife, there is no logical and complete answer? In fact, there are no particular difficulties, and psychologists advise young mothers to observe the following rules:

  • always talk with her husband in his free time, and discuss not only the child, but also his problems and career achievements;
  • try to give your spouse more attention in the evening and at night, not forgetting about the performance of their duties in bed;
  • try not to take on all aspects of raising a child and caring for him, because then the woman simply will not have the strength for anything else;
  • the spouse should be praised all the time, noting that it is thanks to him that the family manages to live comfortably;
  • you need to keep fit, dress up before the husband arrives home;
  • Spouse at home should always wait for delicious food and cleaned rooms.

How to become an ideal wife for a lover, while remaining an excellent mother? The first and most important thing that psychologists advise to do is to shift some of the responsibilities of caring for the baby to the other half. Often, young mothers are so passionate about their new experiences that they do not allow anyone to visit the child, but this approach is wrong. It is necessary to take care of the baby together or in turns, because then the woman will have more free time, and the couple will have new topics for conversation.

Another important point is the preservation of its external attractiveness. After the birth of a baby, a woman should take on her appearance. With excess weight should be fought as quickly as possible, not forgetting about physical activity. With the help of diets and daily aerobics it will be possible to get in shape in just a couple of months. The beloved must see that the woman has retained her attractiveness, despite the appearance of crumbs.

Having survived the first six months, the couple will no longer experience such difficulties. Often, men notice that a woman has ceased to put them in the first place, paying all attention to the younger family member. Against this background, a certain form of jealousy arises, even complexes can develop, which will surely result in unnecessary betrayal.

To avoid this, a woman should always praise her soul mate, celebrate his merits and achievements. Then the man will feel loved, will be happy to go home.

How a good wife should not behave: 5 wise rules

There are many rules of a good wife that are relevant to certain life situations. So, the girl should not behave vulgarly in the presence of her husband's friends and relatives, should think for two, for herself and for her spouse, always taking his interests into account.

However, there are a few rules regarding how the ideal homemaker should not behave. Which of these rules are especially important in the opinion of psychologists?

  1. The girl must find a middle ground between admiring her husband and excessive flattery.
  2. It was already noted above that a woman should learn to compliment a man, but they must be timely. If a girl overly praises a spouse, it smacks of not sincerity, and even threatens to turn into a partner's hypertrophied self-esteem. Here it is important to maintain a balance and not overplay the other half too much.
  3. A good wife in no case should not change.
  4. What kind of ideal can we talk about if a lady looks to the left? Any man expects from his wife boundless loyalty, devotion. If the representative of the stronger sex is not ready for monogamy, then it is better not to marry in principle. At the same time, psychologists say that sometimes jealousy can benefit the relationship, but this does not mean that a man should be given too obvious reasons for suspicion of infidelity.
  5. The spouse should not make fun of the interests or financial situation of the spouse. Healthy humor in relationships is good, but there are topics you should not joke about. A woman should understand that ridiculing the interests of a man or his solvency will lead to the fact that a man withdraws into himself. As a result, the couple will have no topics for conversation, the trustiness that will always be present in long-term relationships will disappear.
  6. A woman in no case should not forget about sex. If the partners have long been together, their sex life somehow becomes fresh. Psychologists regularly note that it is the problems in bed that become the most common cause of divorce. A representative of the weaker sex should not allow this to happen: the more often she is original in bed, the stronger her relationship will be in the end.
  7. You can not allow yourself too long offense. Preserving relationships is hard work, and often women have to swallow resentment. This does not mean that you need to forgive your husband implicitly, but in some minor situations you should forget about your sensitivity. The next time a woman can remember her husband that she forgave him, turning the controversial situation in their favor.

Trying to learn how to become a good housewife and wife, a woman often makes mistakes, but she goes a difficult way to perfect relationships on her own. If a lady manages to work on her marriage all the time, attracting her and her husband to this work, she will definitely get the status of an ideal wife.

Watch the video: How To Be A Good Wife Step By Step (December 2024).