
Desire visualization: how to do it?

Every person, even the most avid skeptic, at least sometimes presents in his head the image of what he wants. For some, it is - a luxury car, for someone - the birth of a child.

In fact, what is important is not what you want to achieve, but how you do it. Some people do their best to come closer to their dreams, others lie on the couch and dream about their desired days.

The content of the article:
6 rules of visualization
We make a board of desires
Psychologist's comment

But the fact is that these two ways need to be combined! When action is supported by the visualization of desires, the chances of success are doubled.

Wishes Visualization Rules

Visualization is the ability to represent a vivid image of a certain object, person or phenomenon. We all have an imagination that is able to paint our dream in all our colors in our head. So why not take advantage of this opportunity given to us by nature?

Many people confirm that the visualization of desires helped them in the fulfillment of their dreams. How it works? Constantly scrolling in your head the image of a dream come true, your feelings and emotions in connection with this, we thereby adjust ourselves to the same wavelength with our dream.

Our subconscious mind becomes accustomed to this way of thinking, and then we sometimes unconsciously choose from millions of possible options those that bring us closer to the fulfillment of a dream.

How to make a visualization of desires? There are several rules that will help you achieve amazing results.

Rule 1. Exact wording

If you want the Universe to help fulfill your desire, you need to precisely voice it. To do this, the wording of your current desire must meet the following requirements:

  • use the present tense verb (not in the future and not in the past);
  • not to have in its composition a negative particle “not” and the words “I want”;
  • contain a specific description of the desired.

For example, a correctly formulated desire for its subsequent visualization should look something like this: "I get the position of head of a department with a salary in ..." (insert your amount instead of the ellipsis). Incorrect options: "I want to get a position of a manager", "I will not work at the same place".

Maximum specifics will help you reproduce the image in more detail in your head.

Rule 2. Visualization of a dream come true

It is necessary to present a goal that has already been achieved, and not steps to achieve it. This will help you enjoy success, even if imaginary, relax and tune in a positive way.

It is not so important what actions you will bring yourself to the goal - give fate the reins of government. Of course, you can not rely only on providence, but do not underestimate him. Using visualization of desires and presenting a vivid image of a dream come true, you start the process of attraction of the desired, and the whole Universe begins to help you.

Imagine your feelings, emotions, the joy of owning a desired thing or the happiness of fulfilling your dreams. These positive vibes are sure to help you move forward.

Rule 3. Do not look from the side

AT while visualizing your dream, be sure to imagine it from your face, as in real life. Feel the joy of the fulfillment of desire, enjoy its consequences. No need to imagine yourself from the outside - so you can not feel the true ecstasy and tune in to the desired wave.

For example, if you want to buy an apartment, imagine how you enter it for the first time, what is the situation, what wallpaper and furniture. Feel that you no longer need to live in a rented apartment, submit signed documents of ownership. But you must see it all with your own eyes. You do not need to be a view from the outside, you need an image from inside your consciousness.

Rule 4. Scroll through the video, but do not see pictures.

Each person represents the fulfillment of his desire in his own way: someone seems to be leafing through a photo album, while others are watching a movie. People who actively use the visualization of desires say that video clips are more effective than photographs.

It is very important to create in your head the basis of a video called “A dream come true” To do this, it is better to choose the moment when you can be alone with yourself and present in details how it will be. If you find it difficult, try to imagine the answers to the following questions:

  • How will you respond to the dream?
  • Who will you tell about such important changes first? How will these people react?
  • How will your life change after the fulfillment of this desire?
  • Where will you be when you reach your goal?

Rule 5. Use your senses.

A person is not in vain given the opportunity to hear, see, smell, taste and touch. Try to use them all to present your dream more vividly.

Let's say you want to go to Brazil for a carnival.

  • Rumor: "turn on" fiery music in your visualization video.
  • Vision: Imagine all the richness of colors of the Brazilian carnival, colorful costumes, night fireworks.
  • Smell: smell the flowers, the sea, preparing the national cuisine nearby.
  • Touch: Feel feathers on the costume of dancers.
  • Taste: Taste the food offered to guests of the carnival.

Rule 6. Regular visualization of your desires.

Like any other matter, visualization will be effective only if it is repeated regularly. The more often you imagine the realization of your dream, the faster it will come true.

Choose a specific time that you can devote to visualizing desires. For this 5-10 minutes is enough. It is better to allocate morning hours for this: at this time people are full of strength and energy, positively disposed.

Try to use every spare moment to think about your dream. For example, when you are traveling in transport, waiting for your turn or have dinner alone.


Now that you can present your dream in detail, it's time to make a wish visualization board.

It will help you quickly reach your goal, and will also remind you that you need to visualize your dream regularly. Hang it in a prominent place so that each time you pass by you can be inspired anew.

Work does not require any special skills, just follow this small step by step instructions.

  1. Collect everything you need:
  • whatman;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers;
  • stack of glossy magazines.
  1. Decide what you want to see on the board (for example, if you want to receive a certain amount per month, you can stick images of banknotes and coins everywhere, and write a slogan in the middle: "My monthly income is 100,000 rubles."
  2. Scroll through magazines in search of suitable pictures and cut them.
  3. Stick the pictures on the drawing paper in random order, as you like.

Help the dream come true

In order for your wish to come true, it will not be enough just to visualize it. Even if you continuously scroll through the movie in your head about how you are happy to achieve your own goal, but at the same time do not take any action, the Universe will not help you.

The forces of providence will stand on your side only if you prove that you really deserve it. Make a plan of action, divide it into its component parts and regularly take small, but important steps to implement your plans. Believe me, the universe will help you.

Of course, everyone in life has trouble that can knock off the intended path, overcome the will to win. At such moments it is important not to give up, but to continue to work to achieve your goals - the only way to achieve success. Few people fall into the hands of luck, it must be earned.

Visualization of desires will help you get on the right path, remember why you want to achieve this, do not turn off the road you are on. The technique of presenting what you want helps not to lose the mood for victory, which many lose when they encounter obstacles on their way to the goal.

Visualization helps us to attract the fulfillment of a dream to ourselves, but only those who are ready for this will be able to grab the bird of luck by the tail. Be alert, use the opportunities that fate offers you to bring the day of your dream meeting closer. The main thing is to sincerely believe that your dream will come true.

Olga, Moscow

Watch the video: The Formula: Desire, Goals, & Visualization (May 2024).