
How to become feminine: useful tips for the weaker sex

How many girls understand the word "femininity"? Women strive to be strong, to work on a par with men, or even to outdo them, they are proud of their achievements. Many of them are respected by men. But sooner or later the realization comes that the female power is in the other, and then the woman learns to be anew what it should be by nature, so the question arises - how to become feminine?

What happened to the woman?

In the upbringing of girls, unfortunately, many omissions. We are taught that we should be good housewives, listen to a man in everything, carefully write letters in a notebook. But at some point in adulthood comes the understanding that something is wrong. However, sometimes women, not understanding which way to go, may rush to the other extreme - to take an opposition position, sweeping aside their feminine essence, absorbing the masculine features. It seems to them that they can only prove themselves in this way.

For some reason, we don’t think about how important the correct timbre of a voice is, a deep look, smooth movements. No wonder that in Japanese culture it was considered the highest skill for a geisha to make a man turn into one look. This is the power of a woman.

It is even difficult to understand what needs to be changed in yourself. Yes, and how to become feminine, when every page of a glossy magazine tells how to become a bitch, positioning that it is fashionable and only this way you can achieve what you want. Do you know a lot of happy bitches?

Every girl wants to see a man next to him stronger, just like a man, to take care, you need to know that his care is needed. Everything is not so bad and you just need to hear yourself and reveal what nature originally bestowed.

What do you need to rebuild in yourself?

  • Give up the leading position in the relationship. A man should feel important, only so he can take responsibility for you and your life together. This does not mean that you completely adapt to a man, but now you learn to act softer, unobtrusively - everything that you need is much easier to get without pressure.
  • Always a good mood. Yes, around a lot of problems and issues that need to be addressed. It happens that the mood is spoiled in the morning. But you need to learn to smile always. It is difficult to associate with the femininity the extinct gaze and the lack of keen interest and curiosity about everything that happens around. Do you think to always smile - is it so difficult? Of course, being a bitch and unchanging facial expression that conveys contempt for everything around is much easier. But you were looking for where to direct your power - try to work on yourself. Here are the first points how to become a feminine girl. We go further.
  • Awareness of the value of its nature. You can find tips on changing wardrobe and visiting the salon. But a dress or make-up will not make you more feminine if the fire is torn from the inside, ready to burn everything in its path. If you do not work on what is inside you, then external changes will be inappropriate, your internal self and external image will not be combined. Femininity combines tenderness, kindness, openness and sincerity.
  • Appearance. Despite the previous point, you should always be at your best. At the same time in your image you should feel comfortable. A beautiful and well-groomed woman always feels confident, and therefore ready to accept herself as she is. A feminine can be not only wearing a long flowing dress. But accuracy and cleanliness are qualities that must always be present.
  • Vote. The way you say is not a trifle. The voice should not be loud, monotonous. Fast, fussy speech also does not add femininity. And, of course, you need to monitor not only how to talk, but also what to talk about. Women tend to talk very much. But this is not so bad. Very often they like to discuss themselves - men, other women, well and few friends. At the same time, unpleasant words and condemnation can often slip. Do not forget that your words and thoughts form your energy, which then manifests itself in behavior. Avoid bias towards people, negative assessments.
  • Diplomacy is what a woman relies on in any conversation. Rudeness, vulgarity, vulgarity - something that should not be in your lifestyle.
  • What reveals the feminine essence? Do something truly feminine to help you open up. This does not mean that you need to run to the stove, though, why not, if it is from cooking delicious and beautifully decorated dishes, you get real pleasure. A great opportunity to reveal your femininity - dancing. Dance classes change gait, posture, add plasticity to movements. Grace and grace - something that is so lacking in modern women who want everything to be in time. So we figured out how to develop femininity.

It is very important to understand and feel the line between being submissive, submitting to a man and being his woman. The question of how to become feminine does not exclude the presence of a solid inner core and adherence to one’s own principles. This does not mean that you should become his mother. Find the balance in which you will not feel that you are sagging, but at the same time will become softer and more tender.

Alexandra, Alexandrov

Watch the video: Sex tips for women: 4 quick fire tips (October 2024).