A life

A workaholic is a diagnosis.

A workaholic is a diagnosis.

That a shopaholic is a disease, everyone knows. A shopaholic is a person who spends all his money and free time on purchases, often meaningless and useless. Society has long recognized this as a bad habit and struggles with varying success. But what if a person spends all his time, including free, on work? Few people think that employment, income can hurt.

And what if we are measured over a certain amount of vital energy. That is neither more nor less. And a man, without hesitation, spends it all without a trace on a job that takes a lot of strength and nerves. And the worst thing that is constantly pursued is the feeling that this is not your work, but that others should know that this work is necessary. Well, everyone needs such work. And people are beginning to climb the career ladder hard, winning faster and faster one step after another. We must also build a two-story cottage is not worse than the others. Arrange children in Harvard or other prestigious institution. Twice a year to send relatives to rest in Goa.
And suddenly, everything becomes indifferent. Not interested in either the next high position, or a large salary. I would like to climb in my favorite robe and slippers under the rug on the sofa, take a book that everyone did not have time to read. And spend the rest of your life. Whatever no one called, did not come and did not bother at all.
This is just one of the sad ways to complete a workaholic career. And it is a mistake to think that friends at work, or rather colleagues, and in fact others will not be there, will always be there, be interested in well-being and invite to corporate parties. This is not true. The prospect is not bright?
But everything could be different. And your favorite work may not be a burden, and the family will not complain about the constant absence of family holidays and late hours at work. The recipe to the banality is simple and does not even need to poison the body with antidepressants and other chemicals. You just need to know when to stop and learn to say no.
The more you carry, the more you are burdened. This is an indisputable fact. Yes, it is useful to know everything and be able to, but it’s bad to do it all yourself. How long have we last read our job description? But many, to confess, did not even read at all. Therefore, the work is performed several times more than it should be, and most importantly, mostly for free.
And instead of doing a regular report, which shouldn’t have been done, it was just inconvenient to refuse, it’s better to go to the fitness or to the cinema, or just lie at home on the sofa.
The most terrible vice and scourge of workaholics, is excessive autonomy. It is better to do it yourself than to waste time and explain everything several times to those who should or can do it. And now people are already going home after a hard day’s work, and the workaholic who has completed the work of others safely is taken on his main job. And so every day. First, issues and problems of other colleagues who are gradually getting used to it and sit on the neck are solved. And then comes the turn and directly their duties.
And all just because when they apply for the first time - I want to help, the second time - so I will help, and the third time - I just could not refuse. And the sooner you start to get rid of this addiction, the sooner real life begins. Life in the circle of loved ones. Life, where work and family do not mix, and even more so do not replace each other.
Remember! There is only one life. And you need to have time to spend money on what you earn them.
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