Personal growth

Self-control: what influences it and how to develop it

Any processes or actions need to be controlled, otherwise they can lead a person in the wrong direction. Discipline others is always easy. It is even easier when you are controlled. But what if the control function falls on its shoulders? What is self-control and how difficult is it to master this technique? Can you learn it yourself? What is the importance of self-control? What techniques are effective? Does the diary of self-control help? How to fill it in correctly? We will try to become disciplined together.

What is self control?

Self-control is the ability to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior, using the necessary willpower to do this. This skill ensures the competitiveness of a person, increases his chances of success in the chosen case. Everything, whatever people do, requires them to focus and sequence of actions.

According to the Nobel laureate, an Israeli-American psychologist Daniel Caniman - self-control ensures the flow of emotionally intense reasoning or the implementation of complex actions.

By the way, do not confuse self-control and repression of emotions. After all, control of your thoughts or emotions does not mean their suppression. Repression is the desire to simply hide what is happening in the soul, without understanding the causes and possible consequences.

What influences self control?

Studying self-control, psychology closely connects it with the concept of human self-regulation. The ability to control oneself is due to the physiological and mental characteristics of the individual. The first are laid genetically. The latter develop in the process of education and socialization.

If you take into account biological side of the phenomenonthen the frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for the function of self-control. When it is damaged, problems in human behavior are observed. Associated with the poor development of this area of ​​the brain are antisocial behavior, including excessive aggressiveness or criminalization.

From the point of view of psychology, human self-control depends on the interaction of two opposite systems: pulse and reflex. The impulse system pushes us to respond immediately to environmental changes, especially those that promise satisfaction. The system of reflexes, on the contrary, helps to anticipate the results of actions and correct them.

For example, if a full girl who decides to go on a diet, at the sight of a chocolate bar, forgets about everything and eats it, then impulses will drive it. If she remembers that after the sweets of the priest will become even more, then a conditioned reflex will work in her brain: “one chocolate bar - plus one clothing size”. Self-control is the ability to deal with impulsive behavior, maintain emotional balance at an appropriate level.

Indicative in this regard is the experiment of the American psychologist Walter Michel, called "marshmallow dough". The scientist proved the close relationship between the volitional qualities of the personality and its success. As part of the study, a group of children were offered a piece of marshmallow. Those who could resist 15 minutes to not eat it, received an additive. If the child succumbed to the temptation and savored sweetness, then the second piece did not reach him.

Writing down the test results, Walter Michelle over the next 40 years watched the life of these guys. As it turned out, those children who knew how to exercise their volitional qualities were much less exposed to stress, various kinds of addictions, emotional problems in adult life.

The value of self-control in a person’s life is difficult to overestimate. There is a reasonable question. Can this skill be improved?

How to improve the skill of self-control?

Like any other skill, self-control is also amenable to development. To improve self-control, you can use simple tricks:

  • Analyze the effects of impulsive behavior;
  • Remember about self-motivation;
  • Step by step plan your actions;
  • Create a diary of self-control;
  • Prevent emotional exhaustion;
  • To accustom yourself to discipline and mode;
  • Develop punctuality.

These tips open up new heights of self-control. Let's sort them out consistently.

Impact analysis

As in the example of a full girl, who discovered a connection between a chocolate bar and extra pounds, each of us can foresee the results of rash actions. If you learn to build chains of patterns in your head, then it will be much easier to control your actions.

The right motivation

Self-control is closely related to the understanding of its necessity. If a person is interested, there is no need for excessive volitional efforts. After all, what causes desire does not require coercion. Suppose someone decided to start learning English. Without proper motivation, he is not interested. And if he finds a good high-wage job opportunity? In this case, the learning process will not be so boring.

Action plan

Controlling actions is much easier if they are structured. Without specific goals and phased planning, it is impossible to understand the effectiveness of the work. Self-control also needs a time frame that limits certain stages. Otherwise, you can quit smoking until retirement, sign up to the gym or take a driver's license.

Diary of self-control

Pretty tricky trick to carefully monitor your progress. Most often, the diary of self-control is demonstrated by the example of sports. Use the usual notebook, which make markup for dates and indicators of self-control. Further, two types of data are systematically recorded: objective (pulse, weight, load) and subjective (appetite, sleep, state of health, etc.). Over time, a graph is obtained that shows the change in performance, work efficiency.

Emotional health care

Self-control should not turn into a mockery of oneself. From time to time, it is worth doing "fasting days", otherwise depression and chronic fatigue may appear. Here it is appropriate to recall the saying about a not quite intelligent person who broke his forehead during a prayer. In order not to repeat his "feat", it is desirable to rest from time to time.

Discipline and mode

Discipline has never hurt anyone. A clear daily routine, neat workplace, clear notes in a notebook only help in self-control. Uncollectibility takes too much time and energy, which is better to redistribute in a more constructive direction. Having accustomed himself to discipline, a person begins to perform many tasks automatically, thereby freeing his head for more important reflections.


Punctuality is the privilege of kings. Self-control is not possible without respect for your own and other people's time. Tardiness, if they become methodical, spoils the opinion of others, while underestimating the self-esteem of a non-punctual person. You should learn to set a clear time frame, try to do everything before they expire. Having accustomed yourself to punctuality, it will become much easier to control the execution of scheduled tasks, not to stop halfway.

Self-control is an important component of human self-development. This skill is necessary for people who set themselves ambitious goals. One way or another, in any kind of activity there are moments when interest and desire to work disappear. If one learns to control oneself and move persistently in a chosen direction, then the obstacles disappear, opening the way for success and well-being to a person.

Watch the video: The secret to self control. Jonathan Bricker. TEDxRainier (January 2025).