Personal growth

3 ways to get rid of perfectionism

Perfectionism is one of the most common and destructive habits I have encountered. He pulls you back and does not allow you to grow. He keeps you from trying to do anything, because you feel that everything has to be perfect. And it breaks into pieces your self-esteem.

What can be done with this?

In today's article, I would like to share with you 3 effective ways in which you can get rid of perfectionism and replace this habit with something better.
1. Go to a fairly good level.
Striving for excellence can lead you to never finish your project. So it is worth enjoying the level that is close to perfection. Do not use this tool as an "excuse", just understand that there is a so-called good enough, if you have reached it, then you are finished.
Good enough in this case means that you have done a fairly good job on a specific task. There are many things you have to do in a week, this will help you use your limited time and energy in a reasonable way.
2. Reminder: looping on perfection will hurt you and your life.
When you watch too many films, listen to too many songs and take everything that the world tells you, and this in turn is a direct path to self-deception and belief in perfectionism.
Everything sounds so good and beautiful that you want to achieve it. But in real life, perfectionism conflicts with reality, and this usually hurts you and the people around you. This path can harm and destroy your relationship, work, and only because your expectations are "not of this world."
I remember this every time I want to reach it, because I understand that it can harm me. So it is easier for me to focus my thinking, to avoid unnecessary excitement.
3. Set your own bar and surround yourself with human standards.
You should not allow others to determine the level of your capabilities; you need to define it yourself and install it on a universal level.
We all have bad luck. We all have problems when we try to reach our goal. This is normal and habitual for a person. DO NOT take into account the slats that someone has set for you. In most cases, they are set by spiritual kindness, or to maximize profits.
Set your own bar on the level at which you are the most, you should not achieve superhuman results in order to be pleased. The best option to achieve the result is to reduce viewing of the media, because they make you feel worse when you promote to live in accordance with ideal standards.
You should replace the media with magazines, blogs, books, etc. who are filled with optimism and motivation, because they are a source of more realistic expectations and standards. Spend more time with good people who aspire to something in life.
This is your life and you decide how to dispose of it. If you want to be happy and successful, then you should surround yourself with your own standards that will help you to do good and improve your life.

Watch the video: How To Stop Being A Perfectionist. Overcome Perfectionism (December 2024).