Personal growth

How to learn to motivate yourself: useful tips

In every area of ​​our life - in school, work, family, and a friendly environment - the role of motivation is very important. Without the right attitudes of success, it is almost impossible to get a gold medal or a red diploma, take a management position or get a dream job, create a strong and happy family, and maintain friendships for years. If you want to achieve your goals, then you need to know several ways to motivate yourself to succeed.

The content of the article:
Compiling a list of achievements
Draw your dream
Psychologist's comment

Before reading this article, form an image of your goal in your head. Try to make it bright, almost tangible. Accepting the desired visualization not only helps to direct all efforts towards achieving the goal, but also to better understand what needs to be done to that end. So, we start to be motivated!

Your achievements

If you think about the need to motivate yourself in every way, then now you feel the decline of vital forces. In order to shake off the burden of fatigue and longing, try to make a list of their achievements.

Take a notebook and pen, make yourself comfortable and start to remember what your actions or other achievements you are really proud of. For example, it could be a victory in a university talent competition, a bone marrow surrender, a quick advancement along the career ladder, and a car purchase for your parents. The list may be less ambitious, but no less important achievements: a list of books read, your travels, your pets.

The very process of drawing up such a list will return you to the days when you were on the rise, when you won and achieved your goals. Believe, it motivates you for new achievements!

Chatting with a guru or reading his biography

If you want to succeed in any business, then people who have absolute weight in this area can motivate you.

Try to go to these people to personally talk with them about how they achieved their current position. During the conversation, discuss the most pressing topics for you, ask questions that interest you, ask for advice to overcome difficulties. Chatting with the guru of your business can not only give you a magic pendel, but also help you learn a lot of useful and important information.

If the conversation with your idol is impossible for some reason, find his biography in the library or on the Internet: provided that he is a famous person, it is very easy to do. If you, for example, want to succeed in a more modern business, in which the gurus, as such, do not yet exist, search the Internet for blogs of people who already have a certain authority in this field, and subscribe to them.

Try something new

Remember, as in Western films: in any difficult situation in the life of the hero, everyone is advised to go on a journey to unwind. This is really good advice! If you have the opportunity, take a burning ticket to any country where you have not been, and go there immediately! New impressions and acquaintances will force gloomy thoughts out of my head. It is likely that in the trip you will meet people who can motivate you to new successes.

If your funds are limited, then you can try to do something less ambitious, but also effective: jump with a parachute, fly a helicopter, go diving, go hunting.

A new experience will allow you to look at the world in a different way and, perhaps, to see something that you have not noticed before. The main thing is to use the received impressions wisely: be inspired by them and create!

Create a picture of your dreams

It is necessary not only to visualize your dream daily, but also to create a mock-up of it at home, so that it often reminds you of what your life might be like if you put maximum effort into it now.

For this fit a large sheet of drawing paper and a bunch of old magazines. Take scissors and cut out from illustrated editions those images that you think are most similar to your goal. For example, if you want to buy a big house for your family, find a beautiful picture with a cottage and a garden around it, stick it in the middle of a drawing paper. Around the house you can stick a photo of a happy family, bags of money, an expensive car, airplanes, personifying travels - whatever your imagination.

Every time, looking at your dream layout, you will be inspired and motivated to fulfill your desires.

Free up living space

Unfinished business and projects, inappropriate goals and desires, a mess in the apartment and in your head litter your living space, making it difficult to focus on really important things. Follow all the points on the list below and you will make room for more important aspirations.

  1. Give up desires unrealizable or "not yours": if you want to become a world-class singer, but nature has deprived you of hearing, then trying to move in this direction is a big mistake. Better try something new.
  2. Finish all begun, but unfinished business, or completely get rid of them. These unfinished pieces pull us back, forcing ourselves to blame for the fact that something is unfinished. Divide big things into parts and do them gradually, but every day.
  3. Clean up the apartment. This can hardly be done in one day, so make a cleaning plan (for example, one room per day). Maintain cleanliness - a pledge of order not only at home, but also in your head.
  4. Stop communicating with people who are unpleasant to you. Many people of politeness continue to deal with those who are really unpleasant to them, although they may well break these bonds. Free up your time and emotions for people really close to you.

Start a healthy lifestyle

Presenting an active and healthy lifestyle on TV and in the media today is not an advertising move, but an effective way to change your whole life for the better:

  • quit smoking, you will become more active and active, and every month you will save a tidy sum, which you can save in a bank or invest in a business;
  • if you quit drinking, you will get rid of hungover days; when things stop, you will have more time to do and less sickness;
  • quitting eating junk food will not only improve your health, but also your appearance, which may have a positive effect on your career or family status;
  • starting to play sports, you will feel the strength and energy to achieve all your goals.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that self-motivation is very necessary in any business, so do not neglect the techniques described above. If you feel tired, unwilling to work and do anything at all, try shaking yourself in these ways. If they do not help, then you can deal with depression: in this case, it is better to contact a psychologist who will help you out of this state.

Finally, one more tip: never despair, look for positive aspects in everything (believe me, it is possible in any, even the most difficult situation)! Being positive, you can always achieve your goals, leaving behind pessimistic competitors. Good luck and good motivation to you in new challenges!

Anna, Rostov-on-Don

Watch the video: You Can Motivate Yourself ! - 14 Tips (October 2024).