
Mandrazh: a description of the state and possible ways to overcome it

Quite often in the life course of a person there are situations that cause a certain excitement: exams, public speaking, upcoming interviews, competitions, etc. At such moments, there can be not only some emotional experiences, but also external manifestations: palms sweat, voice disappears, stuttering appears, knees shake, hands tremble and other unpleasant processes occur. It can also begin to hurt your head, digestive problems arise, mental processes slow down and you can even lose consciousness from internal stress. All this can be called one capacious word "jim-jams".

What is jitters.

Mandrazh in the general sense of the word is a certain emotional state, characterized by high mental intensity. It should be noted that internal jitters can occur not only during some unpleasant or threatening events, self-doubt, but also with a long wait for some positive processes, such as a wedding or other holiday. Thus, the cause of the mandrazz is always some anxiety, concern about the future.

This excitement or anxiety appearing before important events is objectively and expediently for each concrete person. If anxiety appears, it means that our psyche needs it, just like the body as a whole. But because of the mandrass, often a person commits some external actions that interfere with him. The brain at this time is so excited that it can perform even some familiar operations with great difficulty. Therefore, some reactions and processes are inhibited. It is necessary for our brain in case of emotional overstrain.

It should be understood that coping with anxiety, like any other strong emotional reaction, is quite difficult, and therefore you should try to work on reducing the manifestations of jitter, and not on eliminating the causes.

How to get rid and overcome jaundice.

In order to overcome the jitters without excessive tension of willpower, before an important event, you need to define a technique for yourself that allows you to quickly relax, calm down and bring emotions in order. You can try a variety of options, but for each person there is always a certain strategy that allows you to quickly achieve the desired. The sooner a person learns how to handle "his" technique, the easier it will be in the future.

Proper breathing.

With the help of proper deep breathing, you can get rid of jaundice. The main thing here is not even the very filling of the brain and the organism as a whole with oxygen, which triggers "logic" and mental operations, but concentrating on the rhythm of breathing, on the count during inhalation and exhalation, which distracts from the experiences themselves.

There are chest and abdominal breathing. For relaxation and various relaxation techniques, belly breathing is more suitable. You need to breathe slowly, deeply, evenly, as if feeling a diaphragm rising and falling.

Usually for calm and relaxation you need to breathe so that the exhalation is slower than the inhale. So, the breath can be carried out on 4 counts, and exhalation - on 8. At the same time, it is desirable to briefly hold the breath during peak moments. To activate brain activity, on the contrary, exhalation should be shorter than the inhale. At the same time, if unpleasant symptoms (nausea, dizziness, chest pain) appear, it is necessary to return to the usual rhythm of breathing, and then try again.

Other relaxation techniques help with mandrazh.

You can also use other non-breathing relaxation techniques, although it is almost always necessary to control it too.

  • Well removes the manifestations of mandrass muscle relaxation. This method consists of alternately conscious tension and relaxation of certain muscle groups. Here it is better to work with those muscles in which the tremor occurs with mandrazh. For example, if a tick of an eye begins, you need to squeeze your eyes tight several times and quickly open your eyes. In the case of trembling hands or fingers, you need to quickly squeeze and unclench your fists several times, or strain and relax your biceps, etc.
  • For some, the best technique to cope with jitters and excitement, is visualization. If you think up some kindly picture in your thoughts, you can calm down in external manifestations. For example, some people present themselves in a hammock on a tropical island, others in their own children's room, others in a secret castle, etc. Naturally, it is better to designate these “shelters” in advance, because at the moment of great excitement it is rather difficult to engage in such “travels”.
  • If you need to calm down, music can be another helper. Even listening to a particular melody, evoking pleasant memories, or simply bringing positive emotions, can relieve anxiety. If you don’t have a player or phone to listen to the melody, you can sing it yourself, even to yourself. Vocal data are not important here, only your own comfort is important.
  • Some manage to achieve relaxation through autogenic training. So, self-hypnosis of the form "I calm down", "My shoulders are relaxed", "I am calm and relaxed", etc. helps to overcome the manifestations of jitter. But this technique is effective only with constant practice. It is good to recall her at the moment of excitement, but it is unlikely that the body will quickly respond to "orders."

Switching attention.

An effective way to get rid of jaundice is to switch attention to objects that are not at all related to the situation. For example, on the street, you can ask yourself to count all the passing foreign cars of orange color. Indoors, you can try to find all the yellow objects. You can also use your imagination: imagine how a seated man would look like without hair, or imagine a performance hall where all women wear ball gowns.

Such tasks you can invent yourself every day, even when a person is not nervous. Someone on the way to work, for example, finds people in hats or individual brands of cars. Then it will become a habit that will allow you to more effectively access this method if necessary.

Logic work

Although the jitter mainly affects the external aspects and the physical state of the body, you can influence it with the help of the mind, mental installations. Therefore, those who are used to working with the mind, and not with emotions, can "turn on logic."

This technique involves considering the situation that causes excitement, from a reasonable point of view. So, you can estimate the likelihood of bad events and their consequences, to consider whether something can be corrected, and then outline a plan of action.

To add a positive to the reasoning, you can mentally bring the situation to the point of absurdity. For example, before the exam, you can build a logical chain like this: “I can’t really know nothing, I read a textbook, wrote lectures and listened to a teacher. At least I know something. Even if I can’t answer anything, he will start chasing me through others Questions. Something I will definitely say. " And then add a little humor: "And if I still can not answer, the teacher will get a gun, do his dirty work and mom will mourn her uneducated son." It is better to work with such "essays" in a pair with someone who also mandrages before the audience.

Watch the video: MANDRAZH - native Land (October 2024).