Personal growth

Effective tricks how to know your abilities

If we take the axiom that each of us has abilities, then identifying and developing them will help in achieving success. But is everything so simple? After all, there are hidden human abilities. Is it possible to recognize them? How to know your abilities? How difficult is it to do it yourself? Are there any criteria to understand that we are dealing with abilities? What are the levels of ability development? How to figure out at what stage ours? We will discuss this further.

Ability development levels

To learn to recognize abilities, it is advisable to know what levels of their development are. After all, abilities can manifest themselves both in their rudimentary form, which is difficult to reveal, and to be so pronounced that it is impossible not to see them.

  • The makings of - anatomical or physiological features that are the basis for the development of abilities;
  • Abilities - personality traits that allow to successfully engage in the chosen activity;
  • Endowment - a combination of skills necessary for success;
  • Talent - a high level of development of abilities, which opens with the acquisition of experience and skills;
  • Genius - The maximum manifestation of abilities in a particular type of activity.

If giftedness, talent or genius is expressed clearly enough to be recognized "with the naked eye," then it is not always easy to reveal the makings and abilities. Especially with himself. Then obsessive thoughts about “what are my abilities?”

To facilitate this task, we will consider the basic techniques of how to know yourself, your abilities, especially if they are hidden. Generally, we note that the key marker in the search for abilities are propensities - interests in relation to specific types of activities. Just they are formed on the basis of abilities.

How can I know my abilities

Analyze your interests

Due to circumstances, people often do things that are completely inappropriate for them. At the insistence of parents learn not where interesting. Then they also get a job, etc. But all this causes them only depression and irritation. In their soul, they want something completely different. That is what their inclinations are, which, in turn, are a true guideline on how to recognize your abilities. You should carefully examine the range of their interests, analyze what comes out of it better.

After all, there are not isolated cases when a hobby turns into a business of a whole life, bringing tangible income and universal recognition. There is no better job than the one for which you are going, as for a holiday.

Try a different occupation

How to know your abilities, if you do nothing? In order to better understand oneself, one should experiment as much as possible, try new activities, attend all sorts of circles, sections, themed evenings, etc.

Some find their own in school years, others for this is not enough life. But stop in the search anyway not worth it. After all, there are many examples when people who have taken place changed their profession and achieved new heights. If someone has not yet had time to be realized, then it is all the more worthwhile to “dig the ground with his nose”, to search hard. So even the hidden abilities of a person will manifest, not to mention talents or talents.

Remember all your dreams

Children's fantasies are especially useful when a person is as sincere as possible in front of himself and others. The child hardly thinks about the topic “what are my abilities?”, But he absolutely knows what he wants. Sing, dance, draw, care for pets, play in the sandbox, etc. Children often present themselves as brave warlords or travelers, they want to go to the moon or become film actors. In those years, people still do not know about life circumstances, the prestige of the profession, the level of wages. They just dream. Without any rules or conventions.

How to know your abilities? Freshen up all your dreams, including children’s. Carefully analyze which of them really implement as an adult.

Consult with other people

Everyone knows the saying "by the visible." You can tread in one place, not noticing the obvious things that are under the nose itself. One of the techniques, how to know your abilities, offers to sincerely talk with friends or relatives, to know their opinion on this issue.

It is advisable to analyze the requests with which they contact us more often. To understand what we are useful to them? After all, even if someone has decided that he is a born politician, and they mainly ask him to take a ride by car, perhaps he should ponder and change the tribune to the steering wheel. Nerves will be more whole and people will say thanks.

Pass thematic tests

The Internet is full of tests that promise to sort everything out “on the shelves” by answering any questions “from A to Z”. There they will not only tell you how to recognize your abilities, but even the talents of future grandchildren will determine. Too serious to treat them can not, but really find a hint. The main thing is not to cling to the results of one test, and try to pass them as much as possible. The result is a collective image that can be the key to understanding your abilities.

Regularly learn something new

New knowledge - a reliable way to see the hidden abilities of a person. For example, it is difficult to recognize the makings of a rugby game if you have never heard of it. Books, thematic videos, discussions in social networks, communication with representatives of various professions help to get the necessary information. How to apply it is the second question. That in the soul will find its response, then it should be studied more closely.

For a time to change the situation

In his social environment, a person adapts, as if dissolving among other people. He loses his "face", turning into a part of the system. But if at least for a while to break these bonds, then people become themselves. This happens, for example, during a revolution or a warrior, when a refueling worker becomes a military leader, and some official is in a garbage can. No one calls for radical action. More importantly, a sharp change in the situation, which shows that a person is truly capable of.

If someone is confused in lifeLet him take a pause and begin a new life in another city for at least a couple of weeks. Or at least present it mentally. How would he make money? What would you like to do? What would bring income in the first place? Perhaps the answers to these simple questions and tell him how to know their abilities. In any case, they focus attention on what qualities a person is really sure of.

The above techniques, how to recognize your abilities, may seem to someone rather simplistic. But, in fact, all ingenious is simple. It is not worth complicating where even a few effective tips work. Understanding yourself reveals even the hidden abilities of a person. This will make sure everyone who tries at least a few items from the list.