Love and relationship

How to care for a girl to win her sympathy

Attempts to establish personal life end in failure? You take care of yourself, get acquainted without hesitation, go on dates, but in no way can you leave the friendly zone. We know that you are doing wrong and we will tell you how to properly care for a girl so that the relationship turns into something more than a couple of dates.

What am I doing wrong?

First, consider the classic mistakes of guys in the process of courtship:

  1. You became her best friend.

To achieve the location of the girl you like and earn her trust, you are always in touch and ready to listen to her. Talk about past relationships, about envious girlfriends, seasonal depressions ... Stop! Stop, you risk and stay in the best "girlfriends". Do you want a love relationship or a lifetime to advise her which dress to wear?

  1. You force events.

If you are used to offering girls sex on a second date, it is not surprising that they immediately disappear from your life. Everything has its time. Girls are not so frivolous about intimate relationships, like guys. In order for your relationship to cross this line, you need to try. Take care, be romantic, recognize each other and do not rush things.

  1. Jargon, obscene language, ambiguous jokes.

In a conversation with a girl watch speech. Obscene language and jargon can ruin impressions of even the most beautiful romantic evening. Many guys do not interfere with re-learn their native language. In any case, do not forget that you are not among friends. Dirty jokes and ambiguous jokes are also taboo.

  1. "The one who pays is the one who orders the music."

Your material wealth is above average. After meeting a girl, you are trying in every way to show it. Expensive gifts, restaurants, generous tips for staff. Your behavior suggests that with you the girl in nothing will know failure.

But for some reason the relationship still does not add up. Do you know why? Girls do not like when they "buy." They know that you are waiting for something in return. In addition, this behavior is often characteristic of men of power, not tolerating objections. Review your attitude to the female gender and the tactics of winning sympathy. Voluntarily in the "golden cage" no one will go.

  1. Economy option.

You invite a girl to a date in a budget place. Simply, if the further relationship does not develop, why spend money on it? Moreover, it may well pay for itself, as feminists in European countries do. By the way, do not read her about this lecture? But, if you pay, after careful study of the menu, you order to your taste - coffee and cake (at best). Why ask her? She did not come to eat at your expense. He wants something else - let him pay herself.

If you behave this way, do not be surprised that girls run away from you, like from a plague. Revise your views. No one goes on a date with you to eat or drink for free. The girl agreed to meet with you in order to get to know you better in the process of communication and form your opinion about your human qualities. Can you imagine how you look in her eyes after such an economy date?

Do not forget that you are a man and behave accordingly. Politeness, attentiveness, willingness to lend a helping hand - these qualities always win the hearts of the fair sex. And, on the contrary, rudeness, overestimated self-esteem and lack of elementary upbringing repel girls.

How to care for a girl

No need to play a cool pickup. Sincerity is the best tactic, women feel false. How to care for a girl to win her sympathy? Follow our tips:

  1. Be a romantic.

Even if your darling is interested in martial arts, he drives a car perfectly and spends his days off fishing, she still remains a girl. Therefore, be sure to appreciate a romantic evening, a small surprise, a bouquet of flowers. Do not be afraid to be in an awkward position, but rather think about how you can surprise your beloved.

  1. When choosing a place for dating, consider its interests.

When inviting a girl for a date, think about how it would be interesting for both of you. Invite to the cinema - find out what movie she wants to go to. If you go to a cafe or restaurant, then specify what kind of cuisine she prefers - Japanese, Italian, French.

  1. Get ready for a date in advance.

The key to success is a well-planned meeting. No need to ask the girl questions: "Where are we going? What are we going to do?" Frankly, beautiful ladies are annoying. Think over the "entertainment program" and make sure that the purse has the right amount of money. Your appearance should also be appropriate.

  1. Not only girls should look good!

To enjoy the success of the beautiful half of humanity, it is not necessary to have the appearance of a movie star. But always be well-groomed and neatly dressed you just have to. Also note that clothing must fit the event. If you go on a date in a restaurant, then it is appropriate to wear a suit. But the same costume would be ridiculous to look at a walk in the city park.

  1. Be attentive and take care.

Do not forget about the rules of good tone. Help her to take off her coat, move the chair back in the restaurant, open the door in front of her. Ask if she is cold and offer her your jacket if that is the case. Ask if she is tired during the long walk, ask her to drink some water or a snack. This behavior shows the girl that you are not indifferent to how she feels. It will melt the heart of any "snow queen"!

  1. Be original and don't let her be bored.

Try to diversify your vacation. Excursion to another city, paintball in the company of friends, a trip to the wax museum or to a concert of a popular group - this is only a small part of the options for hanging out together. Be active, amaze, have fun and give your darling positive emotions!

Do not know where to start, and how to care for a girl? Compliments, flowers and small gifts are a classic way to talk about your sympathy. Remember the rules of good tone, neat appearance and culture of speech. Try to make the girl next to you as comfortable as possible.

Watch the video: Bill Burr Doesnt Have A Lot Of Sympathy For Hillary Clinton - CONAN on TBS (May 2024).