Personal growth

The power of the subconscious and how to implement it?

The psyche hides the unlimited potential for achieving life goals. An important role in this is played by the power of the subconscious, which directs us in the right direction, even if the mind does not know where to go. But how to gain this power? How can I increase it? How to manage the subconscious? Are there any effective techniques to help you better understand your inner world? How difficult is working with the subconscious? Is a person able to succeed due to the control of the subconscious? We offer answers, because subconsciously we understand that they are interesting for you.

What is the subconscious and what is its power?

The subconscious is the inner world of man, the deep foundations of the psyche, which appeared due to the acquisition of experience and the actualization of instincts. Thus, the power of the subconscious consists in understanding one’s present and one’s purpose. Awareness of this suggests how to control the subconscious. Without self-knowledge this process is impossible.

What is the power of the subconscious? Many of us have heard of psychosomatics - the influence of the psyche on physical health. So, this is one of the manifestations of the power of the subconscious. When a person is able to heal himself (placebo effect), or kill (nocebo effect). First of all, these terms are used in medicine. They describe phenomena when certain substances that do not possess pharmacological properties cause changes in health. If the patient is recovering, they talk about the placebo effect, if his condition worsens - the nocebo effect. This is one of the cases of manifestation of the law of attraction - when a person attracts to himself what he thinks about.

The next thing that shows the power of the subconscious is intuition. This is the ability to spontaneously find a solution, bypassing logical arguments. Developed intuition plays an important role in life, because it helps to avoid danger and trouble. According to one of the versions, intuition is formed on the basis of previous life experience, actualizing in the case of repetition of situations even before the brain has time to analyze them. This makes it possible to save time and not to forget memory with superfluous information.

Also, the power of the subconscious can play a cruel joke on its owner, allowing manipulate his mind. Many techniques, including NLP, are built on this. The impact on the subconscious is practically not captured by man, as it bypasses his psychological defense. On this principle, based services and sales, religious sects, as well as political agitation and propaganda. If someone does not understand himself and the world around him, it is easy enough to manipulate him, programming the subconscious to perform the necessary actions. In other words, a person can be "zazombirovat", inspire him anything.

In order for the power of the subconscious to manifest itself only in a constructive way, diligent work with the subconscious, long self-analysis and programming of oneself is necessary.

How can you influence the subconscious?

In this article, we will not consider ways to influence other people, but talk about how to control the subconscious of one single person - yourself. So, effective techniques to produce an effect on the subconscious:

  • Get rid of negativity, complexes and fears;
  • Program the subconscious for success;
  • Study success stories;
  • Get rid of unnecessary words and activities;
  • Follow your principles and traditions.

The names of these techniques are quite eloquent, but we will nevertheless discuss them.

Getting rid of negativity

Managing the subconscious begins with a "general cleaning" of your inner world. It is necessary to detect and get rid of all the spiritual "garbage", including offenses, fears, complexes, insecurity and frustration. They inhibit the development of man, hindering him in achieving success. How to manage the subconscious, if it is completely clogged with negative? It is worthwhile to look at oneself objectively, to understand the reasons for one or another failure, and to try to let it all go as an unnecessary ballast.

Installation success

Work with the subconscious relies on positive self-hypnosis. The term "affirmation" became popular. It is a mental attitude that improves a person’s attitude, encourages positive changes in his life. It may be a simple phrase pronounced every morning in front of a mirror. For example, "I am the best." Regular repetition of this setting, like a mantra, is sure to trigger the law of attraction. In order for affirmations to work, you should speak them clearly, without a doubt and denial, only in an affirmative form.

An example to follow

It's not about idol worship. Just in any kind of activity there are people who have already achieved a lot. Studying the history of their formation, being inspired by their life way, one can achieve no less or even more. Realizing that someone has already done what you are aiming for, it is much easier to program the subconscious mind for a similar success. Better yet, surround yourself with such people, daily inspired by communication with them.

Getting rid of all the excess

Information "garbage" accumulates in the head, cluttering up the entire intellectual space. "Empty" words and deeds that kill time, lay their imprint on the human psyche, leading him away from the right course. Controlling the subconscious happens much easier when a person lives productively, without spraying efforts on unnecessary chatter and activity. That is why, for example, all kinds of computer games that distract from important tasks are so negative.

Following your principles

The subconscious will not spend a minute whim. A lot of time must pass in order for something to be deposited in it. After all, as mentioned earlier, the subconscious mind relies on life experience, which accumulates gradually. Work with the subconscious requires diligence and dedication. If someone decided to quit smoking, then he should start doing it, and not “I smoke today, I do not smoke tomorrow”. The subconscious mind is not fooled. He needs time to "believe" the person.

The power of the subconscious is in its influence on life. Psychological attitudes can not only lead someone to the top, but also sink halfway. If you do not find the answer to the question of how to control the subconscious, it will control a person all his life. Working with the subconscious is not easy, but its results can inspire anyone. After all, in fact, the mind is the strongest weapon of man. So it’s irresponsible to give control to someone else.

Watch the video: A Simple Trick To Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind (December 2024).