Family and Children

How do I know if my wife cheats on the side?

Women's treason, unlike male infidelity - the phenomenon is not very frequent, but no less unpleasant. For each exemplary family man, the news about the betrayal of the woman he loves will be a blow to the patient himself: as they say, you do everything for the sake of the family, and all of a sudden. In order not to become the subject of ridicule of others, when everyone around will know about the adventures of the devotee on the side, except for the cuckold husband, we will talk about how to find out if the wife is cheating.

She began to take more care of herself.

Any woman during the search for a new man or at the beginning of a romantic relationship wants to look at 100%, so she begins to make all efforts for this. If you notice that your spouse, who used to even sometimes sleep a little longer than make up before work, began to get up an hour earlier to turn around in front of a mirror, then this is cause for alarm, maybe your wife has changed you.

It is worth noting: only those women who suddenly began to take care of themselves can be concerned, although they have not paid much attention to their appearance before. In addition, do not worry if his wife went on a diet or changed her hair in the spring: she can just get ready for the beach season.

She often communicates on the Internet and using SMS

Women generally like to chat on the phone and chat on different thematic forums, but they behave differently depending on who they communicate with. If the interviewer is a friend or co-worker, then any woman would prefer to talk on the phone, rather than communicate with messages. SMS and chatting in social networks is a way to hide the subject of conversation from the person who is nearby.

If you have any suspicions about this, try to see who she writes. Of course, to do it better at the time of direct communication with the interlocutor: just ask her to show with whom she has so nicely been rewritten for half a day already. If she refuses, you can only make sure that they are close to the truth.

She became absent-minded and thoughtful.

If your wife has started a novel, then significant changes will be noticeable in her behavior. Women love to imagine the image of their beloved in their heads, to scroll through the best moments of dating, to dream of a wonderful future together. All this is reflected in their concentration: they begin to forget what they just said, ask again, look thoughtfully out the window, while the burgers have already begun to burn on the stove.

Try to talk with your wife and find out what disturbs her, what she thinks so often and deeply about. If she just brushes away from you, this is a reason to think: women like to talk about their pains, but talking with her husband about her lover, of course, is taboo.

She began to come home later than usual.

Novel on the side, of course, requires a certain time. If your wife works, she will come home later if she changes. Pretexts can be a blockage at work, an extraordinary meeting or a birthday party of a colleague. Associated signs of fraud - a battered hairstyle, stale makeup, rumpled clothes.

If your wife is a housewife, then her frequent absences from home can be a cause for alarm. She can explain this with a new hobby (dancing, fitness, even macrame). It is easy to check whether the wife has changed or not: put a funny little note in her bag so that when opening a bag with sports shoes or a box of handicrafts, she would certainly notice it. If, on her arrival at your hint about a note, she is surprised, this may mean that she did not play sports or knit.

She began to quarrel often from scratch.

Increased irritability and peevishness can also be signals of the wife’s infidelity. If a woman changes you, it means that love has passed, and the husband begins to annoy for any reason: he does not eat like that, he snores, and slouches — comments and cavils are pouring out of her like from a horn of plenty.

Obviously, there are exceptions to this rule - conscientious women who are ashamed to think about their deception. Such girls in this situation can become touchy and capricious, require increased attention. They are trying to make a man guilty of something in order to stop feeling bad by switching to her husband.

She behaves differently in bed or refuses sex at all

Changes in sexual life are a frequent consequence of female adultery. If suddenly your humble spouse began to offer experiments in bed and zealously implement them, then it is likely that his wife has changed, experienced a new bright experience on the side and is trying to repeat it with you. There is one ambiguous plus - she still loves you.

If your intimate life declined for no apparent reason, then it’s time to sound the alarm. This does not apply to the disease, menopause or other objective causes. A wife may explain reluctance to have sex with a headache, fatigue, or bad mood. She can refuse your molestation, because, most likely, the wife has changed on the side and does not want your caresses.

She has new clothes

The presence of new things, such as clothes, jewelry, bags, perfumes and various types of accessories - another reason to suspect his wife of treason. If she cannot really explain where the new things came from, it is very likely that they were presented by her lover.

On the other hand, it may be that she puts aside part of her income and spends it on herself. Of course, this is also not good news, but still not treason. Talk to your wife about how secretive you are.

She often talks about breaking up.

If at each quarrel the wife began to threaten with divorce, although she was afraid to think about it before, then your marriage can really break up. Whatever the reason for such statements, this should be a very serious reason: women in most cases try to keep the family together with all their might. If they themselves are the initiators of the separation, then the link on the side may be to blame, and this promises them the prospect of developing relations. A rare woman will want to leave the family without having a man nearby.

Watch the video: How To Tell If Your Wife Is CHEATING (October 2024).