Family and Children

How to name a child?

Since the beginning of human history, people have attached great importance to the names they wear. Their meaning spoke of the expectations of parents, events in the world and sometimes the name was considered a prophecy about a person’s life. Many believe that the future of the newborn depends on how to name the child.

Family name

Often, local traditions are strongly influenced by parents on this issue. For example, in many families it is customary to name children in honor of grandmothers, grandfathers, and other relatives, especially if one of them was known for something. In some places, it is believed that this helps strengthen the family and instill respect for the memory of relatives. Some believe that by inheriting a name, a child gains the knowledge and abilities of their namesakes from previous generations.

In any case, it is true that when a child is named after someone you remember and say, it creates a certain atmosphere in the family. A son or daughter is to some extent associated with the namesake of previous generations. Parents recollect and tell cases from the life of a grandmother or grandfather, and if a child has some similar trait or manner, special attention is paid to this. Growing up in such an atmosphere, the child at the psychological level will try to imitate what they are talking about so much.

It becomes worse in the situation when children are endowed with completely different natural data, unlike the ancestor. The expectations of the parents are not justified, the child feels like a loser, conflicts arise. Therefore, you should not too closely associate the name of the child with one of the relatives.

The same applies to those who call children after famous people. Although a common name may encourage a child to strive for serious accomplishments, sometimes high expectations may cause him to panic.

As the stars and saints say

Those who want space to help a person achieve success, choose a name in accordance with the horoscope. For selection, use the sign of the zodiac, the year in which the child was born and special tables. Great importance is attached to the time of day at which the baby appeared.

However, it is wise not to follow the stars blindly. Firstly, an excessive fascination with astrology can lead to the child's unwillingness to work on their own qualities - all the flaws will be considered intractable, because the stars have disposed so. Secondly, often those who are closely associated with magic and astrology are rarely happy.

Believers of Christian denominations, reflecting on how to name a child, as a rule, refer to the church calendar. It is believed that in this case the child receives protection from disease and evil forces. Sometimes two names are chosen: secular, and what will be given at baptism.

Simple principles

Most often, people choose the name of the child based on their own preferences. There were situations when a chance helped me choose a name: for example, the future mother saw a beautiful, smiling woman who studied kindness, asked her name and called her daughter the same way. And the girl, growing up, remembered that she was named after an attractive, kind, smiling woman. This had a beneficial effect on her attitude towards herself.

In any case, it is important for parents to remember their responsibility towards the child. There are a number of nuances that need to be taken into account.

Parental love is an incredibly strong feeling, so everything that parents do is reduced to affection. There is a certain danger in this - the desire to choose a child’s name with the most tender sound. However, his son or daughter to grow up and live with this name, it is important that others take him seriously.

In fact, it is strange to meet an adult guy with the official name Andrejka.

From this principle the following follows smoothly: the sound of the name from the parental lips and from strangers will be different. There is an easy way to check this: ask another person to voice the chosen name or several, individually and in combination with the surname and patronymic. Need to listen to these sounds, are they pleasing to the ear? That is how most people will call a child.

It is important how the name is combined with the surname and patronymic. Sometimes a beautiful name may seem like a mockery. And vice versa: consonant combinations are easily remembered and pleasant to the ear.

It is recommended to use one consonant in the name, which is in the last name and patronymic.

Some mothers and fathers are very sensitive to how rare their children will have a name. In this case, you can use the sites on which the statistics of popular names. On such resources, you can track how children were called or not in a particular year.

With great caution you need to treat rare, exotic names. They attract a lot of attention, not every child can stand it easily.

Although the name is definitely important for each person, it is not decisive in relation to his life. Do not worry too much about this: the story does not know absolutely successful names, as well as the deliberately worst. Parental love, family atmosphere and upbringing will make the child a person who will stand behind his name.

Watch the video: The Stupidest Names On Earth Normal, Celebrity & Youtube Names (April 2024).