
The causes and symptoms of Asperger syndrome in children

In our life we ​​encounter a huge number of people, but do we notice them? The one to whom we will precisely turn our attention is sometimes called "rain Man".

Such people are distinguished primarily by their behavior: they find it difficult to communicate, they do not understand the world around them and do not perceive the rules established in it.

They have a complex disease - Asperger syndrome. Looking at the appearance, you never guess about it, but having observed and communicating with them, you will understand it for sure. What is Asperger syndrome and what are the symptoms in children and adults?

What it is?

Asperger Syndrome - in simple words, it is a mental disorder in which social development is impaired.

A person with this disorder difficult to adapt in society, he lacks certain social skills, many rules and regulations are strange and incomprehensible for him, it is difficult for him to converge with people and build relationships.

In children from an early age lack of interest in other people their actions have a certain pattern, they have a speech disorder, there is a reticence and unwillingness to communicate with peers.

They prefer some kind of quiet occupation, which is given at 100%.

People who suffer from this affliction not physically different from other people. Their intellect does not suffer at all, on the contrary, it is usually higher than that of others, which is noticeable already at an early age.

They can be real geniuses, like Einsteinwho allegedly also had Asperger syndrome.

About what is Asperger's syndrome, you can learn from the video:

Synonym term

Asperger's Syndrome gets its name from an Austrian psychiatrist Hans Asperger.

He studied this disease. in 1944.

But the doctor himself called him "autistic psychopathy." Lorna whing in 1981 suggested using the term “Asperger syndrome”.

A synonym for this disease is the term "schizoid disorder of childhood." It is used in ICD-10, but this designation is extremely rare. Doctors prefer to use the first option.

Are Autism and Asperger's Disease the Same?

Around this issue for many years disputes do not subside.

It is believed that Asperger syndrome is a mild form of autism. Both diseases have very similar symptoms.

Asperger himself described the syndrome as a form of autism.

Famous people with the syndrome

Some famous people Asperger's syndrome did not prevent achieve tremendous success and become famous throughout the world. Perhaps he even helped them to some extent.

And although the official diagnosis was made not to everyone, certain symptoms of this disease can be traced in their behavior.

  1. Virginia Woolf - A famous British writer, suffered not only Asperger syndrome, but also bipolar disorder.
  2. Daryl Hannah - American actress, she was diagnosed with autism in her childhood, she also suffered from dyslexia.
  3. Woody Allen - American film director.
  4. Bob dylan (pictured) - American musician whose behavior is clearly expressed Asperger syndrome.
  5. Vincent van Gogh - An artist, he was also diagnosed with epilepsy, bipolar disorder and chronic depression.
  6. Courtney love - wife of Kurt Cobain, in her childhood she was diagnosed with autism.
  7. Albert Einstein - theoretical physicist, the most famous alleged autist.
  8. Harry truman - 33rd US President, it is believed that the disease was inherited.
  9. Dan Ackroyd - American actor, personally stated that he suffers from Asperger syndrome.
  10. Stanley Kubrick - The director, suffered from inability to interact with people, he also had problems with the fact that he spent too much time on the details.

Symptoms and signs

Asperger syndrome is hidden diseases.

No symptoms appear until a certain age.

The child develops on a level with his peers, but differs only more developed intellectual abilities.

By appearance it is impossible to determine that a person has Asperger syndrome.

Symptoms in children:

  • unwillingness to participate in active games with their peers;
  • obsession with one lesson, the child chooses a rather calm hobby and asks not to disturb him;
  • irritation from cartoons, the child does not understand the jokes, he does not like loud songs and dances;
  • they do not like strangers, they can even make a real tantrum if any stranger "breaks into" their lives;
  • does not like big companies of children, he often behaves alienated in them and prefers to play on his own;
  • the kid who has Asperger Syndrome is very attached to his parents and his home, he needs them, a change of scenery causes him negative emotions and panic.

Symptoms in adults men and women:

  • it is difficult for a person to meet new people, he cannot find a common language with them;
  • it is difficult for an adult to be friends or have at least some kind of friendship;
  • inability to start a love relationship;
  • do not understand sarcasm, metaphor, humor and subtext;
  • everything said is taken literally;
  • they have no sense of humor;
  • they cannot tell lies from truth and vice versa;
  • they do not understand the emotions of their interlocutor, they cannot determine what a person feels;
  • they say what they think;
  • often tactless, but it does not happen on purpose.

About the symptoms of Asperger syndrome in this video:


Scientists are still arguing about the causes Asperger syndrome. It is not known for certain why it appears in certain people and what causes it.

But the majority is inclined to believe that the causes of this disease are the same as for autism.

According to experts reasons include:

  • heredity (if there were relatives with such a disorder in the family, then the chance that the child will have Asperger syndrome is very high);
  • injuries during pregnancy and childbirth (can be physical and psychological);
  • intoxication of the fetus (if at the time when the fetus is inside the womb of the mother it is affected by any toxic substances, the chances of the disease increase significantly);
  • nervous, hectic pregnancy of the mother;
  • head injuries;
  • ecology (not a confirmed fact, but only the assumption of experts).

What is dangerous?

For physical health, Asperger Syndrome no threat, but it significantly prevents a person from leading a normal life.

With age, the symptoms of this disease only intensify and in the future everything can reach the point of absurdity.

Adult can get hysterical right in the workplace, if someone touches his things or hand over something.

A person with Asperger Syndrome very difficult:

  1. To find your place in life - it seems to them that everywhere they are superfluous, because people are wary of them and often do not perceive and accept.
  2. To build some kind of relationship - it is very difficult for them to make friends and even more so to start a family.
  3. Any life changes can lead to serious nervous breakdowns and depression.
  4. With age, the number of phobias increases, an obsessive state develops, the fear of diseases and microbes.


Diagnose can only specialized doctor.

According to external signs, it is difficult for an ordinary person to recognize a person with Asperger syndrome, but an experienced doctor can do it.

True, how far has the disease gone will help determine special tests. They are divided into those that define:

  • intellectual level;
  • sensory sensitivity;
  • creative imagination.

On the basis of the tests and interviews conducted, the doctor can even find out some causes of the disease, as well as prescribe treatment.

About the diagnosis of the syndrome in this video:

Methods of treatment and correction

This disease not treatable. A person suffering from Asperger syndrome needs to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Constant discussions and conversations will help him cope with the disease.

In the event of panic attacks, obsessions or thoughts, the doctor may prescribe sedatives to help calm down.

It also happens that the patient can not do without antidepressants, because even the slightest change in their lives can lead to a severe depressive state.

But there are cases that do not require special medication.

People who suffer from the syndrome need to explain their behavior as detailed as possible, in which case they will try to overcome difficulties and learn to understand the world around them as much as they can.

Children can go to secondary school, but they need special conditions. They also need to be trained in social skills, they may need classes with a speech therapist, as well as with a psychologist-teacher.

Is prevention possible?

Somehow prevent or prevent disease from arising and developing is impossible.

Everything parents can do - consult a specialist as soon as possible, he will diagnose and provide treatment recommendations.

The main task of parents - help the child adapt to society, teach him to recognize emotions, build relationships with people, etc. But the main thing is to provide it with support and understanding.

Unfortunately, today Asperger syndrome is considered an incurable disease.

Scientists do not even fully know the reliable reasons for the occurrence of this disease. People with Asperger Syndrome difficult to adapt to life in society.

Relatives should help them cope with problems, bring to them the social norms and rules that they must adhere to, and most importantly - you need to surround them with your love and support.

Watch the video: Is Aspergers Syndrome Autism? (May 2024).