Personal growth

Procrastination: treatment and causes

Procrastination is a term that not everyone knows, but everyone knows this phenomenon. Its essence lies in the habit of constantly postponing the execution of affairs for later. Procrastinators are most of us; It is very rare to meet a person who, having set a goal, goes towards achieving it, despite many obstacles.

One might think that procrastination is a common laziness, but here there are psychological moments that need to be dealt with in order for the treatment of this condition to be effective.

The content of the article:
Causes of procrastination
Treatment methods
Psychologist's comment

The reasons

The search for new and new activities that will help pass the time, just to not act on the plan (numerous social networks, TV - the main problem) may be due to the following reasons:

  • fear of defeat;
  • lack of pleasure from work;
  • global project, which includes the solution of many problems;
  • striving for the ideal, fear of not getting the perfect result.

Remember: procrastination is dangerous because all deferred cases, as a rule, turn into unfulfilled at all. The enthusiasm associated with the new project sooner or later disappears, and if there is no habit of moving toward the goal every day (by whatever steps, if possible), the matter will not be brought to the end.

How to beat procrastination

Based on the main reasons, you need to develop your plan to combat this infection. And it is really contagious, so surround yourself with people who love to act, and do not stand still. You need to determine why you do not want to do anything, although the list of cases is expanding, and find counter-arguments for yourself.

If you are haunted by the fear of defeat, think about how you can win, even if you don’t make any effort?

If you try, you at least have a chance to get what you dream about, if you don't try, there are no chances. In any case, there are difficulties, and there are always a lot of them, otherwise all people would be successful, but only those who do a lot receive a lot. There is nothing to be afraid of: there will be problems, but almost always there are solutions for them. In addition, you can not get the desired result absolutely in any case. Is it because of this that you will continue to spend your life in doubt and fear? It's time to do something with it, namely, to begin!

In any project there are items, the implementation of which is mandatory, but unpleasant. In time management, such cases are called “frogs”. Eating a “frog” is recommended for breakfast, that is, every day you need to start by doing this. This will give strength and will lift your spirits, but if you constantly postpone it for later, then instead of working productively, you will be covered by a lasting state of stress, because this thing will still hang over you.

Self-pity is another feeling associated with the lack of enjoyment of any activity. If you want to continue to indulge in dreams and act up like a child, then do not get rid of it. But if you understand that it is necessary to fight for success, to be strong, to force yourself to move forward, then stop feeling sorry for yourself - the first thing to do.

Do not let the mood affect you. Everyone has difficult situations, but this should not affect the productivity of your work if you want to succeed. Learn how to monitor all attempts to check the mail 30 times or see what your friends wrote on the social network. You can spend 2 minutes on it - in the morning and in the evening, the rest is procrastination.

Set yourself several goals. Sometimes people subconsciously delay the solution of questions, because they do not know what they will do after. Make a personal plan, it is desirable that the next project was more interesting than the previous one (just do not drop this one). Then you will have the desire to quickly finish the work to start a new one.

It is noteworthy that many issues can be solved in a relatively short period of time. Much more energy and energy is spent on coming up with excuses, and then justifying oneself, or, conversely, reproaching the work that has not been done.
It will be much easier to cope with any unpleasant task if you tell yourself that you will spend only 15 minutes on its solution. Note the time and, without being distracted by anything, begin. Chances are high that you are drawn into and no longer want to be distracted until you finish.

How many times have you regretted that you didn’t do something yesterday or last week, didn’t launch the project last year? Tomorrow and next year will be the same, if you do not start acting right now.

Many people are scared of large-scale projects. But both the goal and the result will also be large-scale. Break your most important task into the smallest items, write them in the diary, and after doing, safely delete. Even the smallest step brings you closer to your goal. How many points in your project? 100? Even if you perform one per day, you will almost finish in 3 months, and this is not so long.

Perfectionism - the desire to get the perfect result - another problem that many people face. Make everything perfect without any experience obtained from the units. There are much more examples when people with their perseverance, diligence sought what they wanted. Do not expect much at once, do not be afraid to try, any result is a result, you can be happy or not happy, gradually polish until the desired gloss is obtained. But you need to start.

It is necessary to distinguish procrastination from other things. For example, if you do not like your job, you may need to think about changing your profession. You shouldn’t constantly rush from one to another, but if you have been sitting in a hated office for several years (and even longer), you are sorting out pieces of paper, while you are dreaming of doing a more creative work - try it, otherwise receive, and in retirement you will remember the lost opportunities with regret.

Another reason you don’t want to do anything is fatigue, both physical and moral. Give yourself a chance to rest: get enough sleep, eat normally, stop thinking about problems for a while.

In any case, if you are reading this article, you have already understood that you have such a problem, which means that it is necessary to fight it. And whether you come to your dream or not, depends only on you.

Alisa, Novosibirsk

Watch the video: 5 Ways to Overcome Procrastination! psychology and mental health help with therapist Kati Morton (October 2024).