Personal growth

Plan a maximum: how to do everything?

How to do everything

Remember, how often do you postpone small things to "tomorrow"? And how much time you spend on social networks, aimlessly flipping through the news feed? Do you chat for hours with your beloved girlfriend while the case folders on your desk are slowly covered with dust? Of course, a conversation with a friend is very important (a former boyfriend called her, someone else bought a dress for her dream in front of her nose, for some reason, the beloved cat began to sneeze ...). But, unfortunately, it’s only 24 hours a day, and by spending your time on internet gatherings, having tea with friends who unexpectedly came to visit and calls to your beloved friends, you automatically take this time from other business.

In the end, you find that the day has passed, and the case folders are closed on the table, lunch is not ready for tomorrow, and the clock is ready to count the first seconds of the new day. You sit at the table, then go to cook ... There is almost no time to sleep. The next morning, instead of charging and eating a full breakfast, you rush to work at a breakneck pace, because you are late and did not hear the alarm clock, drink coffee to wake up the first half of the day, do not have time to do the work, so take it home.
In the evening, go see the news in your favorite social network ... STOP !!! If you see a picture of your day in this description for an instant, immediately stop and look in which direction you are going. Did not like? Then let's change this direction. Do not worry, no one will take away the phone and turn off the Internet: these useful inventions of mankind can only harm with uncontrolled use. How to do everything and take control of your life?
Start planning a day.
It is worth getting up 10 minutes earlier to write a list of things you need to do today. Be kind to yourself, your body needs not only work, but also rest. Do not plan all your time, leave about 20% of the time for unexpected, unplanned things (and if you don’t have them, you can spend the time left for nice things: watch an interesting movie or call a friend). Plan time with a small margin, take into account the time on the road, the queue and other possible nuances.
Determine for yourself a certain time when you will go to the mail and social networks: for example, 15 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. Do not worry about that you will talk less with you: those who want to discuss something important, surely know your phone number. Others will quickly adapt to your Internet access schedule. Yes, you will lose a part of the interlocutors, but most likely they were people who took your precious time, so don’t worry about it!
Make approximate plans for the near future.
It is necessary for you to understand what your goals are and not to try to return to your previous lifestyle. Set a dream goal in your schedule and strive for it. You can hang a small collage for a more vivid representation of the dream. For example, at the end of the year you will go to Tunisia. During the year, you need to earn and save a certain amount for the trip, work well and get a bonus or promotion. The goal, if it really lights you, will give a huge impetus to action.
Use time to the maximum.
Calculate how much time you spend on the road or in lines. It turned out not less than an hour, is not it? Spend this time with benefit, studying a foreign language on audio books or listening to business literature. An hour a day, seven hours a week, 30 hours a month, more than 360 hours a year! During this time, by downloading a good educational book on a foreign language to an audio player, you can learn this language at a good level. Good news, isn't it?
Learn to say no.
Strange, but many are embarrassed to say this short word. As a result, instead of their planned cases, they help a friend to take the dog to the vet, go to the company for a movie or cafe, do the work of their colleagues ... Because "they may be offended." Remember the advice to leave 20% of your time on unplanned? At this time, you just can help a friend with his dog, but others will have to gently but firmly say that you have already planned the day ... or that tomorrow you need to submit an annual report, for this reason, today you can’t go with them.
And carefully hint that you have a lot of work, so let them call in advance (and then you calmly include them in the planned cases). When you learn to refuse, you will quickly find that you are less inviting somewhere. Analyze the situation and you will understand that the people who previously spent your time on completely unnecessary things were eliminated.
Start the changes gradually.
The fact is that our body is similar to the well-known frog in a pot of water. If you heat the water gradually, this frog will cook unnoticed for itself, but it will jump out of boiling water. Remember this when starting to plan. First, try to plan only a few hours or just get up a little earlier. Then gradually you will tune in to change, and the new rhythm of life will be perceived as the norm. Do not give up, any changes - stress to the body, and it will resist. Learn to overcome small failures, boldly go towards a new life!
Encourage yourself for any success.
Let it be a pleasant change for a small victory over yourself (for example, a tasty ice cream) or a long-awaited purchase of a fashionable bag for serious achievements. Most importantly, love yourself, believe in yourself and remember that everything depends on your attitude and the number of attempts :) If you follow these tips, you will soon have time for everything and in time!

Watch the video: STUDY EVERYTHING IN LESS TIME! 1 DAYNIGHT BEFORE EXAM. HoW to complete syllabus,Student Motivation (May 2024).