Family and Children

What if the child does not want to go to school at all?

If you do not want to join the group of parents, about whom there is even a joke about the process of preparing homework, use the humane option to help children in their conquest of the granite of science.

Otherwise, the script "... the mother is hoarse, and the neighbors and the dog fully learned the material ..." will be a daily nightmare for you throughout the school year.

Why do children not want to learn?

Healthy children are curious by nature and seek to find out everything that will interest them.

Therefore, if a child of kindergarten or primary school age categorically refuses to learn, then we can definitely say that the protest is based on the merit of adults.

It is in high school that a teenager starts hormonal storms, because of which yesterday's mother's-father's joy seems to break the chains, “scoring” for study and attention to the words of the older ones, because brain and consciousness at a loss and does not know where to direct the host.

And the little kids - do not give them bread, but just tell them something more interesting.

A child’s dislike for learning may occur due to:

  1. Material inconsistencies intellectual development of the child. If he can already read fluently and even write, and learning the alphabet is on the agenda of the school day, then the lack of interest in the lesson is predictable. The same result is achieved in the case of too early education, when the mind and physical development of the child is not yet ready to perceive large amounts of information and prolonged concentration.
  2. The inability of the teacher is interesting to talk about the subject. It is not a secret that some teachers find it interesting to listen even about well-studied things, while others are interested in listening to new material from listening. Of course, today's teachers need to compete with the "World Wide Web", full information about anything and in any detail. But this data stream only in 10% of cases is served without distorting the facts and is understandable for children's perception. Therefore, an experienced Internet teacher assistant, and not a competitor.
  3. Rude unprofessional behavior of the teacher with the students. The habit of insulting wards, dissolving hands, and other horrors from the teaching sphere is not uncommon today for educational institutions.
  4. The tense atmosphere in the classroom. For example, because of a conflict with classmates, which prevents a child from relaxing and concentrating on classes.

    And who of the adults would be able to plunge into the essence of the voiced in the lesson, if he knows that after classes he will be bullied and perhaps even beaten?

  5. Difficult situation at home. When a child is concerned, for example, that with an important close to him person who is in a hospital, a business trip, or has disappeared from view for some other reason, even his favorite subjects fall out of the list of interests.
  6. Punishments for a bad mark or not high enough. Nerve stress disrupts the ability to normally perceive new volumes of material, and getting out of this vicious circle is almost impossible. Since stiffness will increase, and the number of unpleasant consequences will increase, as a result, you will soon receive a hardened neurotic at the exit, completely disbelieving of his abilities and the adequacy of adults.

Most of the reasons listed are distraction only conditionally short time.

If at that time the school was difficult for self-mastering the material and the child did not understand it, and then received a reprimand from the teacher, and was also ridiculed by his classmates - with the permission of the teacher, by the way, he got a bad beat at home, you can end up with total loss of interest in learning.

And it is very possible that forever.

In rare cases, the reason for the child’s inability to absorb school material is due to a defect in hearing, sight or severe developmental disability.

However, preschool children always undergo medical examinations, therefore such problems usually become clear long before school.

What to do?

If earlier they did not know where to hide from the avalanche of questions about the world arrangement, then the sudden loss of interest in learning should bring thought about the problem at school.

Provided that the situation in the house has not changed and in the courtyard with the friends of the son or daughter is also okay.

In this case, you are required to unobtrusively find out with whom what conflict was there to beand then suggest how to solve the situation. Or actively participate in the process.

When ascertaining the fact of unprofessional behavior of a teacher, the first measure is parent conversation with teacher "Heart to heart" and the report to the consciousness of the teacher that he is wrong and should not behave improperly in relation to children.

If the conflict does not end there and it is clear that the confrontation will continue, it is better to change the class or even the school.

The same enforced measure is also necessary in the case when it became clear that the professionalism of the teaching staff is in great doubt. Naturally, assessment must be adequateand not formulated purely due to raging emotions.

What if the child does not want to do homework? When the lessons are oppressed and there is no more strength for them, the best alternative is home help. Attraction of children to the team for the supervision of livestock is particularly effective.

Just a couple of hours throwing shovels waste products of cows, magically return the desire to sit with a pen in front of a textbook with a notebook.

If the age of a negligent student is small, then it should be noted that a small shovel too brings pedagogical benefitsIt does not allow overstrain.

If there is no farm, a preventive measure against unwillingness to learn can be:

  • the task of high-quality and thorough washing of tiles in the bathroom, kitchen;
  • hand washing a large number of delicate items;
  • keeping order in the closet in strict accordance with the parental requirements;
  • business trip under escort to the grandmother in the garden, for weed control.

If occupational therapy does not bring results and even long physical complicated duties do not diminish the enthusiasm to work with your hands, do not return the desire to study, then perhaps your child is by nature oriented to work with the rapid onset of apparent practical benefits.

To say that this is bad is impossible: it is possible to grow up a fine mechanic, turner, carpenter or specialist of another profession out of a child, where a lot of physical work is required.

And is the notorious and well-read handyman of all things Gog-Gosh from the movie “Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears” - is this an unworthy person with a bad fate?

Do not agree with such a radical view of the situation? Then Consider other solutions to the problem:

  1. If you have difficulty understanding, then try to personally explain how and what works, what follows and why. Freehand drawings, small thematic stories of his own composition help out a lot, helping the child to form a figurative idea of ​​an abstract concept. In the absence of pedagogical talent from their parents, they are looking for an adequate tutor.
  2. If refusal to perform lessons is due to congestion and banal fatigue, review the daily routine child, reduce the optional extra load.

Psychological advice to parents


How to convince a child to learn? As psychologists advise to motivate a child to study:

  1. All adults in the family strictly observe the rule: cartoons, playing on the street or with a computer only after completing the lessons. If one of the parents systematically or periodically connives, trying to annoy the partner, then, first of all, spoils the life of the child. The ability to manipulate due to the "clasping of the foreheads" of adults can result in a long and painful conflict in the family.
  2. Dosed and adequate praise - not for every fiddling step, but for the success for which it was necessary to work hard. It is very important for children to rise in their parents' eyes, therefore, in elementary school, many children are ready to give all the best to their mom or dad to evaluate success.
  3. By example. The child must see that the adults finish the work they have begun and enjoy the process and the end result.
  4. Promise of pleasure at the end of the work week or month. The duration of the waiting period for the award depends on the difficulty of obtaining the "carrot" and its high cost.

    As a reward, a joint visit to an interesting event, an outing on nature, or the purchase of an expensive gadget can be made.


How to generate interest in learning?

Very useful for kids:

  1. A lot for them to read and not only for the night, and then discuss the new.
  2. To arrange small lessons for toys with themes based on books read, math, calligraphy. No wonder they say that in order to fix any new material in the memory, it is useful to invent lectures on the learned topic for people who do not understand this question. Using this method is much easier to understand how well the child understood this or that amount of information.
  3. Participate in preparatory courses with good staff. So the child will get an idea about the school, before the first class will acquire useful skills that will simplify the process of studying at school.

How to show a child's interest in learning? How to work with students:

  1. After talking with the child about his plans for the future and find out what profession attracts him most, tell us about the knowledge that will be useful in this area. And then show the connection between these skills and individual school subjects. Explain to the child, that it is on these lessons that you need to leap with all your strength, and the rest you need to study to expand your own horizons. So honest with the child. He, in turn, will be able to understand the abstract future benefits from their present efforts.
  2. If interest was, but gone, urgently find out the cause and eliminate it as early as possible so that you don’t have to make up much of what’s missing.

It is very useful to prohibit oneself and the rest of the adult family to discuss with the child the shortcomings of the domestic sphere of education and specific teachers.

If there is no desire look like idiots in the eyes of their own childrenwhich you send to the same school.


How to stimulate a child to learn?

  1. Support him, interested in the topics of lessons, the results of experiments.
  2. To help develop new things using your experience in this area (if any) or one of your relatives.
  3. Recognize victory, help survive the defeat.
  4. To captivate. Maintain the “light” of enthusiasm by offering assistance in acquiring the right items or searching for information on the topic.


How to help your child learn well?

  1. Choose best possible educational institutionand if necessary, the tutor.
  2. To help him with lessons if he asks. But do not chew the material, and pushing examples to the right decision.
  3. Organize your daily routine. The brain is vital to fully relax in order to cope with new data.
  4. Adjust power and eliminate iodine deficiency. In the absence of the possibility to use various foods in the diet, cover the lack of substances with the intake of good vitamins.
  5. Take the topic seriously joint travel.

    The more new places a child will be, the better his brain will be able to form neural connections necessary for the development of intelligence and memory.

  6. Organize a tour to the institution where the child wants to work, becoming an adult, or similar in the specific activities.

Is it necessary to force to comprehend the granite of science?

How to make a child learn?

Naked to make using pressure with authority can be if you wish the child evil and nervous breakdown in the near future.

For the benefit of the cause and preserve the mental health of the child, use the wisdom and insight of a large Kaa (boa from the Mowgli cartoon, if anyone has forgotten) and push the child in the right direction humane and civilized methods.

As mentioned above, a child who has lost interest in learning is an “object” subjected to serious pressure from the outside.

Priority parent task: identify the source of the problem and deactivate it.

After that, you can begin to proceed to a difficult, but important process. revival of interest have a child to gain knowledge.

If the child does not want to learn. Neurology and psychology:

Watch the video: Child Does Not Want to Spend Time with Other Parent in Custody (December 2024).