Personal growth

What is personal effectiveness and how to improve it

We often hear about employee, manager or policy performance. This is due to their work, the achievement of significant results in their chosen profession. But is it worth applying the same approach to everyday issues? What is personal effectiveness? Is it possible to measure it? How to understand that one person is more effective than another? How to develop personal effectiveness? What is needed for this? Does this help life management? Let's look for answers together.

What is personal effectiveness?

Personal effectiveness is the speed at which a person performs specific life tasks. The faster and more qualitatively someone copes with these tasks, the higher is his personal effectiveness. This concept does not apply exclusively to the domestic sphere. Career growth, wages, position in society and much more together form the quality of human life.

Each of us chooses the directions in which he wants to succeed. For some, this is family comfort and well-being. For others - professional victories. For the third - the knowledge of yourself and the world. Therefore, the personal effectiveness of the first, absolutely not help the second or third. From the chosen path depends on methods that help to succeed..

Main parameterdetermining personal effectiveness in any area of ​​life - timespent on work. The more rational a person uses his time, the more effective he is. What else you need to pay attention to in order to improve your efficiency, let's talk in the next section.

How to increase personal effectiveness?

Any skill can be developed and improved. No exception and the performance of man. What helps to increase it:

  • Competent goal setting;
  • Rational use of resources;
  • Proper prioritization;
  • Clear and phased planning;
  • Concentration and attention;
  • The ability to delegate responsibilities;
  • Socialization skill.

The efficiency of a person, his high motivation and enthusiasm largely depends on the observance of these seven rules of personal effectiveness.

Competent goal setting

Goal setting is an important condition for a successful start. No matter how productively a person works, he will never succeed with an incorrectly chosen reference point of the movement. Realization of one’s vocation and purpose is closely connected with the correct setting of life goals. Self-analysis helps in this, rejection of imposed ideals. A person must himself understand what he wants, work precisely in this direction.

Rational use of resources

Personal effectiveness depends on the quality of assignments. In order for them to be successfully implemented, one should learn to save resources, to apply only those that are necessary. For example, someone has 50 UAH. We must get to the institution, located one kilometer away. Taxi "eat" the full amount. The bus will leave 4 UAH., And on foot - generally free. If time is not running out, it is better to go outdoors and save 50 UAH, than it is not clear where to hurry and lose money.

Proper prioritization

A huge mistake of most people - the inability to choose the right route among several. Suppose a person who is fond of sports is almost equally good at running and swimming. At the same time he is a mediocre football player. Yielding to the ideals of others, he concentrates his efforts on the ball game, and without achieving success in this. Being a swimmer or a runner, he would have fulfilled the standard of a master of sports a long time ago and, perhaps, would have fallen into the national team.

Clear and phased planning

Systematicity is important in any kind of activity, from playing a musical instrument to political "racing". It is not enough to set a goal and choose priorities. It is equally important to clearly plan what needs to be done and when. It is also worth noting the regular control, which helps to adjust the movement in case circumstances lead away from the chosen path.

Concentration and attention

One of the main problems of man. No matter how motivated he is, it is still a long time to keep attention on one object or task, a person is not strong enough. A child concentrates no longer than 7 minutes, an adult - up to 40 minutes. Further performance decreases. If you do not learn to rest and "recharge", the operating time increases exponentially.

The ability to delegate responsibilities

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a person’s personal effectiveness depends on his ability to competently shift part of his responsibilities to others. For example, the price of a designer’s working time is $ 10 / hour. Wife asks to take her to the mall for shopping. Calling a taxi back and forth costs about $ 5 with a downtime. If he delegates this duty to a taxi driver, he will save at least half of his income. If you are lucky, you will lose $ 10 UAH or even more. The simple rule of delegation is “If you delegate your responsibilities to another, you can achieve more, do it.”

Socialization skill

Since people do not live on a desert island, the personal effectiveness of each depends on the ability to build social ties. This direction is being developed in depth in the framework of networking - the theory of building long-term business relationships. People who have learned how to rationally apply the skill of socialization can accomplish their tasks much faster by looking for the necessary executors or consultants.

The importance of personal effectiveness contributed to the development of a whole direction called life management. What is it we learn next.

What is life management?

Life management is a set of recommendations for increasing the personal effectiveness of a person. This direction borders on psychology, coaching, business training, etc. First of all, life management is useful to individuals, as it helps them to find their calling and purpose. Many employers are afraid of such training, because there is a chance that employees will reconsider their life goals and change jobs. This is the main disadvantage of individual life management - a threat to the integrity of the team.

On the other hand, the named approach allows one to preliminarily deduce from the staff of random people who are still not on the way. Besides, Life management enhances employee personal effectivenesshelping them to take the place in the team that suits them, which greatly increases their efficiency, strengthens the commitment to the ideals of the company.

The effectiveness of life management in business structures is confirmed by the Japanese teaching Kaizen, which stimulates personal and professional improvement of a person. This technique, originated in post-war Japan, helped many enterprises to quickly regain their strength after an international cataclysm.

In addition to goal setting, planning and prioritization, life management pays more attention to self-development, motivation, ability to rest and recuperate, harmonious development. Taken together, it helps to increase personal effectiveness, to help a person in understanding his true nature.

Personal effectiveness is not an abstract concept, but specific factors that enable a person to succeed. Helps to understand the technology itself, called life management. She uses techniques that optimize human activity. This approach makes it possible to achieve goals with insignificant expenditure of resources.

Watch the video: Developing Personal Effectiveness (May 2024).