Personal growth

What is a positive attitude and how to catch it

Any business begins with the desire to do it. The mood sets the tone for the whole future event. If you initially do not believe in possible success, then it becomes almost impossible to achieve it. A positive attitude greatly increases the chances of winning. But is it worth absolutising this phenomenon? What other prerequisites are needed for success? Is there anything more important on this way than the mood? How can you raise it on your own? Are there tricks to help attract success? We will talk about all this now.

What is a positive attitude?

A mood is a psychoemotional setting with which a person approaches the performance of a particular business. It can be positive and negative. As a rule, a positive attitude markedly increases the chances of success. This was noticed at the dawn of mankind. Hence the familiar phrases like "thoughts are material", etc.

Optimism helps a person to overcome difficulties more effectively, to achieve goals faster, sympathize with others. It is pleasant for people to communicate with those who help them to tune in to the positive. Optimists not only attract luck. They help others to become more successful. This is an important mechanism that stimulates the development of the collective and society as a whole.

A positive attitude may depend on external factors (for example, a good symbol or ritual), but it is best when it originates deep down, becoming part of the psyche.

What is the meaning of a positive attitude?

There is a well-known saying: "How you call a ship, it will float like this." People initially set up for failure, much less likely to make their way in this life. That's the way the world works in which the principle of feedback works. A person gets what he thinks about. Accordingly, what will be his attitude, he will receive such a return in the end.

One of the textbooks on the issues of optimism and perseverance can be considered the famous book of the American writer. Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich". Its author in dozens of examples convinces the reader of the need for a positive attitude. He presents it as a universal universal law, equally effective in any sphere of human life.

Everyone can recall cases when the mood predetermined the outcome of certain events. for example, before passing the exam, meeting a girl, or hiring.

Of course, only a positive attitude without fulfilling other conditions will be ineffective. It is foolish to hope to win a professional boxing match, never doing this sport, or expect to find a fern flower (this plant does not bloom). Goals must be real. In addition, in addition to the mood, much depends on the level of person’s training. If you combine the necessary knowledge and skills, multiplying all this by optimism, then the chances of winning significantly increase.

How to tune in to the positive?

There are many ways and techniques to help a person look to the future with optimism. Conventionally, they can be divided into two types: external and internal stimuli. A positive attitude may appear as a result of encouragement from the side, or in the process of auto-suggestion. Even better, when these two processes are complementary, reinforcing each other.

The main "magnets", attracting a positive attitude, include:

  • Symbols and rituals;
  • Affirmations;
  • Positive environment;
  • Proactive thinking;
  • Humor in all its manifestations;
  • Positive life experience;
  • Strong motivation.

And now we analyze them separately.

Symbols and rituals

Superstition is certainly not the best ally of man. But even they can be turned to help. For example, come up with a morning ritual that will give a positive attitude for the day. It can also be an amulet or a lucky charm. You can use internationally recognized methods for this purpose, or invent your own personal one. Horseshoe, four-leaf clover, acorn and more, instill confidence in its owner, greatly enhancing his mood to win.


Self-suggestion is the most effective technique that helps to become an optimist. Its advantage is that external stimuli are not needed. Not always there are people who want to cheer. Amulet or talisman can also be lost or forgotten at home. But affirmations are always at hand. With their help, you can enhance the mood anytime, anywhere. It is enough just to repeat a positive attitude to oneself until it is firmly rooted in the subconscious, bringing the "fruits" of confidence and optimism.

Positive environment

People who are nearby have a powerful psychological effect on a person. If you surround yourself with those who support and develop a positive attitude, it is much easier to look to the future with optimism. Such a collective affirmation has a more powerful effect. With whom you lead, from this and pick up. It is necessary to carefully choose your environment, leaving people in it aimed at positive and success.

Proactive thinking

At that moment, when a person realizes that victory depends entirely on himself, he begins to understand all the responsibility for his future. Positive attitude is an integral component of proactivity. If there is success - it is a merit of a particular person. In case of failure - also his fault. Understanding the power over the events, a person feels his inner strength, which gives him determination and perseverance in achieving his goals.


Humor itself does not guarantee success. It rather creates a positive emotional atmosphere that favorably affects the human psyche, giving it the necessary strength and energy. The mood to win often appears after emotional recharging, the role of which is performed by laughter. You can get this feed from a variety of sources: concerts, movies, broadcasts, books, songs, etc. Laughter helps to overcome difficulties and achieve success faster. Most leaders are people with a developed sense of humor.

Life experience

Accumulating positive events in life, a person subconsciously adjusts himself to future success. For these purposes, it is reasonable to start a Success Diary, in which it is necessary to record all, even if small, victories. Regularly re-reading it, the diary author reminds himself that he has repeatedly won, thereby developing a positive attitude for the future.


Any goals are best achieved subject to the motivation of the performer. If this is someone else, you should consider how to interest him. In the case when the person himself turns out to be a performer, it is necessary to invent a way of self-motivation. The mood directly depends on the awareness of the need for action. For example, going to the gym for a set of muscle mass before the opening of the beach season. This also includes foreign language courses, cleaning the workplace and many others. etc. Everything that brings logic to the upcoming task becomes a good motivator.

Positive attitude is an important component of any success. Anyone who has convinced himself in advance of the attainability of goals, is much more likely to realize his plans. Of course, it is necessary to distinguish arrogance and optimism. But it is better to overestimate a little bit of your opportunities, thereby forcing the world around it to believe it.

Watch the video: How To Reprogram Your Mind for Positive Thinking (December 2024).