A life

Self-esteem and self-esteem: similarities and differences of important concepts

Some qualities inherent in people initially have a lot in common, so it is not surprising that they are confused. For example, not everyone is able to distinguish self-esteem from self-respect. In addition, you can mistakenly endow the traits with negative connotation without realizing their meaning.

The article will discuss the differences between important concepts. Readers will be able to learn about the fight against narcissistic disorders and the importance of love and respect for each of us.

How is pride different from self-respect?

The concepts seem similar, but the difference between them is still there. The second is not able to exist without the first - without accepting oneself externally and internally as a whole. But some manifestations of self-love do not imply self-esteem — for example, wounded. This is due to selfishness, depressed complexes and other problems.

The difference is that respect necessarily means love. In addition, each person has self-esteem, sometimes manifested in not the best forms. In general, respect (not to be confused with pride) is a much more important quality, because it implies the full acceptance of all negative and positive features, work on yourself, ignoring unnecessary.

What is pride

Self-love is a feeling inherent in any person; full acceptance of their own strengths and weaknesses. He is mistakenly equated with egoism. In fact, it helps to achieve success, to limit oneself from unnecessary things, to avoid dangerous situations, and not to suffer because of progressive complexes.

Around the vanity of many myths that do not seek to debunk. Such an attitude of the individual towards himself is often blamed, it is considered almost indecent. In society, they are more loyal to the notorious than self-confident. The reasons are envy or the belief that confident individuals are fixated on their own desires, ignoring others, and unable to have strong feelings for others. The latter is peculiar to people, but the roots of such behavior lie not in relation to themselves.

Love is a fundamental feeling in our life. To test her to yourself is absolutely normal, moreover, it is necessary. But it is necessary to distinguish this feeling from the painful narcissism, elevation above the rest, narcissism. The listed traits destructively influence not only an individual, but also her relatives.

Wounded pride

It suffers from notorious teenagers, as well as adult solid men and women. The syndrome is inherent in those who have problems with the ego. Such people are easily touched, carelessly throwing a sharp joke, criticizing their activities / appearance / choice of a hobby, even looking "not so." Wounded pride is a strong reaction to external stimuli, which manifests itself almost instantly.

It may be anger, resentment, desire for revenge, or all of the above at the same time. It seems to a person that they want to humiliate him, insult him; he is going to defend his own dignity. Willingness to get into a fight after a harmless joke with his head gives a notorious person who tries to be inviolable, creates a "protective field" around him and is afraid to leave a narrow comfort zone.

The inability to ignore potential stimuli causes many problems: intrusive thoughts, attempts to see the threat in everything, and difficulties in communication. When even friends avoid meetings, in order not to see the sour face of a constantly offended disgruntled friend, this is a weighty reason to think. Problems with socialization - not the worst. Much worse than inadequate assessment of their own behavior and the suppression of complexes, which inevitably leads to mental disorders.

How to fight

Stop being angry at the joke; Do not pay attention to the phrases said specifically in order to catch the pride. A person does not become ugly or mediocre, because someone voiced an insult out loud - his personality does not change. Words, in fact, are not offensive: insult is just a reaction to something.

It is easier to relate to what others say. Someone's words do not affect the internal state. But anger, self-twisting, resentment from scratch - affect, and significantly. Those who deliberately utter offensive things try to throw out the accumulated negative, and practically any reaction of the respondent brings him a fair dose of negative emotions. Ignoring or neutral attitude is a proven defense that preserves nerves and self-control.

What is self esteem

Self-respect is self-acceptance; search for what will be optimal on the current segment of life; the choice of favorite things; the ability to abstract from what brings disappointment, unpleasant emotions. The concept is inextricably linked with the love of self. Without it, it is impossible to realize the essence of respect for other people as well.

Self-esteem is not the same as pride. The latter is the cause of similar actions. Those who are subject to the influence of pride, strive to be honored, admired, but others are treated at best condescendingly. For them, their own aspirations come first. It would seem that this is normal, but only when the desires and aspirations of others are not ignored.

Respect means choosing what is best for a person right now. This is a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, dream work, hobby for the soul; rejection of toxic relationships and communication with those who are completely uninteresting. Such people try to devote as little time as possible to uninteresting things, paying attention to the fact that they are as close as possible. Possessing internal pride (not to be confused with pride) will not waste time on scandals, showdown. Self-confident do not descend to attempts to rise at the expense of the worst qualities of others, they simply do not need it.

What does self esteem affect

This quality, at a minimum, saves a huge amount of time, usually spent on useless quarrels. It becomes obvious stupidity attempts to prove someone their importance, living someone else's life for others.

This human trait also influences relations with the environment. Anyone who is aware of his own strength, is ready to go towards his goal, without hurting the interests of others, is able to forge a strong friendship or romantic connection. Self-respecting people realize that the interests of others are important, and will never ignore them or scoff. Therefore, such individuals are honored, eager to communicate and maintain communication with them.

Confusion between the terms is quite understandable phenomenon, because they are considered adjacent. Nevertheless, the differences between wounded pride and self-respect are much more than common features. The first quality should be eradicated, the second, on the contrary, “feed”. This implies not only the elimination of destructive traits, but also the development of the best. Helping others, respecting them and yourself, self-development is the key to a harmonious happy life.

Watch the video: Self-Esteem (April 2024).