
How to learn to fight

Fighting is really high quality, and not just waving hands, fighting off a sparring partner - this is a real science. Here practice, training at the best masters and personal desire are important. How to learn to fight, and is it possible to do it at home?

General rules of learning

The first thing that should be understood by a person is that it is simply impossible without setting an appropriate goal to become a professional in such a complex matter.

Psychologists advise to set a real, and most importantly a clear goal. In this goal, it is necessary to describe the time when a person is going to become a master in one or another kind of martial art, what goals he has, what peaks he intends to achieve. It is on these tasks that the future success of a person in a fight depends, because without a goal he will move at random, as in darkness.

What other learning rules are coming to the fore?

  1. Constant training with an instructor who will show all the basics of a particular type of battle. A good teacher will tell you how the fighter thinks, how he moves.
  2. It is necessary to regularly apply your knowledge in practice, that is, to fight. It is not enough one theory received from the instructor, after all it is important to learn also to put it into practice.
  3. Any athlete has to keep himself in perfect shape, so in order to achieve success in training, you have to give up bad habits.
  4. You must first investigate and study one type of battle, and only then proceed to the next.

Without competent theory and regular practice, learning to fight is simply impossible! And here it does not matter whether it is a conventional street fight or taekwondo. Therefore, you need to carefully choose a teacher: people with a great teaching experience and a sporting past are particularly honored.

Psychologists advise not to dissipate all types of martial arts at once. You must first master the basics, and only then move on to sophisticated combat techniques.

Psychological aspects of learning

Brawl is pure psychology, in which not the strongest wins, but the most skilled. Here it is important to remember the following nuances:

  • you should not be afraid of fighting, even if there are several rivals against a person;
  • in the ring, even the most inconspicuous fighter is able to defeat a huge rival if he correctly applies his skills;
  • you can not be afraid of defeat, because unsuccessful fights are in the career of even the best fighters in the world;
  • it is recommended to scroll through the learning nuances all the time in your head, because then it will be easier to apply them at the right moment.

It often happens that knowledge is gained, a couple of battles are held, and the person is still afraid to enter the ring and fight with rivals. Psychologists explain this reluctance to lose, hyperbolization of the forces of the opponent. The one who is taller and bigger is not always stronger, because often even professional girls are able to deliver devastating blows to an ambala who has never been trained.

If for some reason the person cannot practice and meet with the teacher, he should regularly scroll through the peculiarities of the vision of the battle in his head, sparring the battle with a pear or with an ordinary pillow at home. In this case, the skills will not be lost, and the fighter will no longer be afraid of in-person fights with rivals.

Features home scrimmage

How to learn a combat technique at home? Someone thinks that it is simply impossible, because a person without the appropriate help of professionals is not able to quickly get to the elementary elements of a fight. However, at home you can improve your abilities in this harsh sport. How to do it?

  • it is recommended to hang a pear at home and box with it for at least an hour a day;
  • in passing, it is recommended that a person study the physiology of the body, noting the pain points and the possibility of hitting them;
  • visual material comes to the rescue, namely professional fights or feature films about martial arts;
  • only after 3-4 weeks of regular training can you enter the amateur ring and try to fight a live opponent.

Homeschooling fights are about the same as professional ones, but the place of the teacher here is taken up by a variety of educational materials. Books about boxing, movies about fights, constant training with a punching bag - gradually all this will bring its results.

Of course, it would be impossible to defeat a professional with such superficial home knowledge, but for a street fight with hooligans these skills will be enough.

According to psychologists, you should always understand the ultimate goal of your workouts. If a person just wants to learn how to fight on the street, then long home schooling will be enough for him. If we are talking about a professional career in one form or another of sports combat, then a good teacher cannot refuse to study.

And, of course, the rules of etiquette in the market become an important part of education. The future fighter must understand that his goal is not to score an opponent to death. In the ring, it is not customary to beat the one who lies or the one who throws out the white towel. In street fights, everything is much tougher, and severe injuries are inflicted here more often, but this does not mean that it is necessary to strive for victory at any cost. Respect even the most vile opponent - this is real art.

Sometimes the desire to win brings rivals to tragedy, because they do not stop even when another fighter is bleeding. There are no rules in a street fight, therefore it is necessary to get involved in it only when absolutely necessary. Much more benefit will bring the fight in the ring, albeit amateur, because here a person does not risk his life. Usually, it is from the basics of combat etiquette that training begins with good teachers.

Learn to fight and all its nuances can be a lifetime. It is not enough to swing your arms or thresh fists. A person must understand the psychology of an opponent’s behavior, the physiology of his body and his own physical abilities. Only then can this successful art succeed.

Watch the video: 10 basic fighting techniques and methods360p (April 2024).