Personal growth

I do not like anyone: psychology rogue

Lack of communication may occur for various reasons.

How can you provoke others to avoid contact and not even suspect that you are doing something wrong?

Why does a person think that he does not like him?

Why does a person have thoughts that he does not like others?

Demonstrative transition of people to another room, refusal to sit in one sandbox, interruption of a conversation that sounded just a second ago, and obvious boredom that immediately settled on the faces of the interlocutors - these are few of the markers by which a person understands that undesirable in this circle of their kind.

To people

Why does it seem to me that people do not like me?

Sometimes the problem is contrived, since the surrounding homo sapiens can be quite self-centered and not interested in fellow students, colleagues for one simple reason: they don’t want to see anyone further their nose.

But not always the cause of antipathy from other people, is a consequence of the situation described above.

Beacons Indicating Problems:

  • open reluctance to maintain communication;
  • while being in a team, a person seems to be transparent: no one ever has an interest in opinion about an event, he is not given instructions, he is not called to drink tea and coffee during the period of rest;
  • people around them allow themselves unflattering expressions about wardrobe or other things belonging to a rogue, or whisper quite loudly about this, having first made sure that the person under discussion will hear their words;
  • lack of invitations to parties, birthdays, anniversaries;
  • some poke a finger and say in the face that due to physical imperfections a person should hide from people.

Opposite floor

Why it seems to me that I do not like the opposite sex:

  • no one ever invited for a date or agreed to a personal meeting;
  • if they agreed to all appointments, then they did not come without explanation or simply spoke openly about my naivety;
  • at discos to invite slow songs to anyone, but not me;
  • at any gatherings I am in the company of the same loner or even alone;
  • for all his life no one gave a valentine;
  • shy away from me or even laugh in the face, saying that I am a useless partner;
  • Stuffed toys in my collection only come from childhood, donated by parents.

And what is the reality?

Why you may not really like it?

There may be a million reasons. Many of them most people are able to eliminate.

No luck with the team:

  1. No one wishes to be in the company of majors, to be obliged to meet with them every day. because of the need to study or work together. Here, initially, only superior degrees in any life incarnation are respected. Therefore, it is possible to survive with them only if you have your own rigid rod. It is more difficult only with the unspeakable morons with criminal inclinations.
  2. Even a group of ordinary children of parents with average incomes can be tough, if the internal policy of the "sandbox" beat their own, so that others are afraid.

    Therefore, every newcomer here is checked for a fortress, and it is difficult for people listed in the “scapegoats” to change their status.

Causes the dislike of others because of your behavioral imbalances:

  1. Real and Mental Tearfulness. Whiners do not like, avoid, because it is unpleasant to forever observe a sour face and hear moans about and without. In addition, the "crybaby" is afraid of everything that requires at least a little risk and smells deliciously adventures. If such a thing is tolerated in a group, it is only for the opportunity to periodically put out its negative emotions on it.
  2. The habit of interrupting and sticking out my self. It’s one thing to take turns bragging about your achievements and listening to the stories of others about conquering some of their peaks.

    And it's completely different, always to talk about yourself in an excellent tone and to demonstrate your imaginary or reasonably high status in every way. In a team it is rarely considered as their own, if a person has a habit of boasting. Especially do not like those who really have the opportunity to stand out thanks to finance, connections, social status and wealth.

  3. Inability to speak in the usual sound range for most. The whisper is just as annoying as the op on raised voices. After all, the organs of hearing are very sensitive, from which a person has real physical discomfort when the interlocutor communicates in an unusual tone.
  4. Confidence in his wisdom and right to give advice to all who show carelessness and complain about life difficulties with you.

    At the same time, the interlocutor’s desire to receive in details and an instructive tone a hint how to live further is not taken into account.

  5. The problem with hygiene. For a person who is used to get rid of dirt under the nails and wash his head more than twice a month, use deodorant, a long-lasting smell of sweat from his interlocutor, koltun on his head, dirty clothes - a reason to avoid further contact in every way.
  6. Habit sloppy is. It makes no difference to watch people chomping, making strange sounds when eating soup or drinking, only people with a very strong psyche can. Yes, and they are trying to distance themselves from the company of such a person and do not meet without a particular need for him.
  7. Storyteller - This is just one of the most innocuous nicknames, systematically flying in your direction. The habit of writing tales encourages others only during gatherings around the fire, but not in everyday life, where the success of many projects depends on confidence in the partner and his reliability. And when you do not know which of the words spoken is true, and which is unfounded, it is very annoying.
  8. Rare people have never been interested in gossip. But this does not mean that others will willingly communicate with the collector and distributor of nonsense of various kinds and let him in his life. No one I do not want to be the next object of your stories.
  9. Tactlessness furious, like the day before yesterday's baby from a roll, the code of a dream doesn't go like that. And if, until now, your physicist has never felt external mechanical interference for your rudeness, then it is a matter of time.

    And about the fact that someone wants to communicate with you closely - forget it. At least, normal people will try to avoid it in every way.

  10. Attempts to be burdock omnipresent, not pulling his nose out of the events of someone else's life is annoying no less than squeaking a hungry mosquito over his ear. As in the case of the latter, everyone who understood your main passion shuns off you.

Possible reasons that are not due to your or partly not through your fault:

  1. Physical features, not causing harm to others, but perceived by other people as flaws. Sometimes other people's problems in appearance are so annoying to others that they consider it permissible to speak out on this matter. But is it worth striving to communicate with such people, if they value the outer shell more than really important?
  2. Success, visual appeal. It is a paradox, but often people avoid the obvious favorites of fortune because of the banal envy or fear of fading to look on a bright background.
  3. The inability to replenish the wardrobe fashionable things, get the latest technology, throw money down the drain.

Psychological advice and practical recommendations

Whatever the reason is not hiding in the roots of the arisen bush problems due to poor communication with others, what you are looking for is the essence of the trouble - it speaks of the desire to go towards peace and society.

It remains only to understand required change something in yourself or it is necessary to influence more global objects.

If someone doesn't like me: what should I do?

Naturally, with a physical defect or low finance there is no point in doing something to please someone.

This is a dead end road. Out in love and respect for yourself to yourself: only when you accept yourself, will external changes begin.

The best evidence for the effectiveness of the method is achievements of show business representativeshaving an unusual color of the skin, eyes or other features of the body.

For example, a girl with Down syndrome would never become a model if she tried to mask her physical peculiarity.

The failure would also have awaited the subjugator of the catwalk, in whom from birth certain parts of the skin have no pigment and stand out on the body with bright spots.

Hwhat to do if the sources of hostility of another plan:

  1. Stop Bleedingif you sin with the love of whining and crying in other people's vests, look down on those around you.
  2. Learn listen to interlocutors. And not theatrical, but seriously, delving into the essence of the story. Be a source of valuable advice only if asked. And, of course, offer solutions if you are 100% sure of their effectiveness.
  3. Fight shyness and the habit of talking in mouse tonality. For voice training there are lots of free and effective techniques. Ability to own voice and talk confidentlyIt helps not only to make acquaintances, but also to achieve various goals. If the problem is in the habit of communicating on high tones - also relearn. You can start by reading aloud verses or excerpts from works in a voice that is quieter than usual.
  4. Do not like fragrant soap, run from a fluffy towel? Rather, fall in love with them and every morning rejoice yourself with water treatments to smell sweet clean skin and not the smell of an unwashed body.

    People will reach out to you as soon as you change your views on personal hygiene and begin to give it proper attention.

  5. After breakfast and lunch there are traces around you, like from a couple of not very clean little animals? You can do without a knife and fork for fish, but absorb food without extraneous sounds of crumbsshould definitely learn.
  6. Without fantasies can not live? Start writing fiction novels or composing fairy tales for children, and in real life strive not encouraging people with unfounded promises.
  7. You can leave for a week on a rigid diet, if we guarantee the details about the life of a couple of famous or not so much people? Gossip evil not only for who they are told about, but also for the one who generates them. Why should we continue to spoil karma and life, if the latter is clearly not satisfied with this hobby? Further recommendation is clear: throw a tongue stranger about the affairs of others before the ears of others.

What if no one likes you?

Try to be honest and frank with yourself in order to independently determine the root cause of the problem.

The desire to communicate with others and like someone is absolutely natural. Therefore, if you want contacts, always look for opportunities and do not lock yourself away. The world is too interesting to deprive yourself of the pleasure to fully explore it.

People don't like me. How to avoid the influence of society on you:

Watch the video: Joe Rogan Experience #1191 - Peter Boghossian & James Lindsay (October 2024).