Fears and phobias

"Calm, only calm!" or how to get rid of emotions?

Many people face the problem of heightened emotionality, which greatly complicates their lives.

Help yourself cope simple psychological techniques.

Causes of increased emotionality

Increased emotionality - this is a mentality, which is characterized by easily arising excitability in response to weak and moderate stimuli.

People in this case are characterized by tearfulness, a demonstrative manifestation of joy, anxiety, frequent flashes of anger and irritability.

Such personalities easily change mood, instantly lose the ability to self-control during experiences. Under the influence of their emotions they cease to objectively assess the situation.

The main reasons for the instability of the emotional sphere:

  1. Special features temperament. The mobile psyche can be given to a person from birth.

    Due to its nature, since childhood it will show vivid emotional reactions to any events, and under the influence of external stimuli this feature will only worsen.

  2. Psychological trauma. Various stressful situations in the form of a serious illness, the death of a loved one, violent actions, and moral repression can lead to serious emotional problems. Under the influence of negative factors, a person becomes more irritable, insecure and anxious, and this leads to increased emotionality.
  3. Stress. Chronic lack of sleep, intense physical and mental stress, conflict situations in the family or at work - all of this has a negative effect on human behavior. Constant overvoltage leads to depletion of internal resources. The ability for self-regulation is significantly impaired.
  4. Endocrine imbalance. Changes in hormonal levels can directly affect the emotional state, the ability to self-control.

    It is for this reason that the problem is often observed in adolescents, in pregnant women, in patients with pathologies of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland.

  5. Vascular diseases. With hypotension, hypertension, atherosclerosis, the blood supply to the nervous tissue is disturbed. This provokes the emergence of affective reactions.
  6. Neurological problems. With traumatic brain injuries, tumors, behavioral problems are observed.
  7. Mental disorders. Neurosis, psychopathy, dementia is always accompanied by instability of the emotional sphere.

Can you learn to suppress it?

Is it possible to become an unemotional person?

Suppression of emotions - It is an active influence on strong experiences, the purpose of which is to destroy these experiences.

It is important not to confuse the suppression of emotions with their control and control.

Under the control refers to the impact on the emotions of medium strength, and under the control - coordination of calm emotions. In the case of suppression, we are talking only about strong, pronounced experiences.

It is possible to learn to suppress the external manifestations of feelings, but this is recommended to be done only in isolated cases. For example, when the demonstration of experiences is unacceptable in a particular place.

To suppress the emotion is necessary at the time of its occurrence. set up an internal barriercategorically prohibits any external action. This can be done only with a strong will and ability to control themselves.

Constant, systematic suppression of emotions will lead to serious health and mental problems, so this is not recommended.

The best way out of a crisis situation is not to struggle with your feelings, but to change the situation itself (as far as possible).

For example, when negative emotions appear during communication with a specific person. you can just stop this communication. In this case, it is not necessary to suppress inner experiences, since the source of their occurrence will be eliminated.

Psychology tips

Often people do not make any effort to correct their own behavior.

This position is wrong because the person himself suffers from his excitability.

Having learned to manage emotions, you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

How to get rid of excessive excitability?

To get rid of increased excitability in the following ways:

  1. Elimination of health problems. If the cause of increased excitability lies in neurological, endocrine, mental, vascular diseases, then it is necessary to solve the problems with health initially.
  2. Proper breathing, meditation. Meditative techniques used by yogis, have long been widespread throughout the world.

    The ability to breathe correctly, to concentrate on the internal sensations of your body helps not only to improve your overall health, but also to learn how to control yourself.

    Sensing the approach of irritation, it is necessary to concentrate on your own breathing. Usually, during excitation, a person begins to breathe often and superficially. Working out at such moments of deep, slow breathing will automatically lead to muscle relaxation, a feeling of calm.

  3. Liberation from the past. Often the cause of nervousness lies in the "ghosts" of the past, which do not let a person go. Bad relationships, hard breaks, betrayal - all this becomes a heavy baggage of life, which greatly erodes the internal resources of the body. Susceptible, impressionable people do not know how to let go of their past and think only of the present. For this reason, experiences that accumulate during life, sad memories gradually change the level of emotionality and ability to self-control for the worse.
  4. Awareness of their own values. The ease of emotional reactions may be due to the low level of self-esteem. Others opinions, gossip, comments can easily knock out a person’s insecure rut and bring him into a state of heightened excitability.

    Realizing one’s own value as an individual, one can easily come to the realization that other people's assessments have no meaning.

    Exemption from this dependence will significantly reduce the level of emotional anxiety.

  5. The ability to recognize mistakes. Often the cause of irritation or anger lies in the awareness of one’s own wrong and unwillingness to admit the obvious state of affairs. For example, a person’s constant irritability in the workplace may be caused by the inability to perform the duties assigned to him.

    Experiencing constant stress due to failures and condemnation of others, a person begins to demonstrate affective behavior. Changing the situation (in this case - changing the type of activity) allows you to restore emotional balance.

  6. Appeal to nature. Nature is a source of positive emotions. She allows to reach a peace of mind, to distract from daily vanity. This is especially useful for residents of megacities who constantly exist in an annoying atmosphere. Hiking, sitting by the fire, active games in the fresh air, cycling - all this helps to calm the nervous system, to restore the reserves of vital energy.
  7. Proper rest. Often people spend their free time from professional activities on shopping trips, meeting friends in a cafe, solving many everyday issues.

    These ways of spending the weekend are quite natural, but in the case of emotional over-stimulation are not desirable.

    If there are obvious psychological problems, it is important to try to spend your rest as calmly as possible: get enough sleep, read, walk in the fresh air. Such actions will help to really relax and calm down.

  8. Positive thinking. In almost any critical situation you can find positive moments. It is important to constantly work on the formation of a positive mindset. If you are in a bad mood, you should start thinking about something good that is to come in the future, or recall funny moments from the past. Psychologists claim that an elementary mechanical smile on the face automatically leads to an improvement in mood, as the brain receives the appropriate signal.

How to turn off emotions?

To learn how to turn off emotions, do the following:

  1. Make an informed decision to control your temper. A person is distinguished from animals, including the presence of willpower and the ability to control their thinking. Any external manifestation of emotion is a conscious choice of a person. Accordingly, by giving yourself the installation, you can gradually learn how to do it.

    Stimulate the development of skill can be with the help of rewards and punishments.

  2. Strengthen self-esteem. Any criticism in your address should be taken adequately and rationally. If a person expressing a remark says objective things - this is a reason to analyze your behavior and work on yourself. If the remark is expressed with the intention to cause offense and has no ground under it - it is important not to show any emotional reaction and completely disengage from what has been heard. A person who knows his own worth is very difficult to offend. He perceives all people's opinions about himself objectively and openly, easily separating truth from slander.
  3. Learn to recognize precursors. Watching yourself, you can easily identify key sensations that arise before the onset of an emotional reaction (pain in the abdomen, sore throat, muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, etc.). The appearance of these sensations becomes a signal that an undesirable reaction is approaching.
  4. Lower expectations. People are dissatisfied most often because of high expectations from the surrounding reality, from other people. Everyone wants everything in his life to happen only in accordance with his desires and plans. The ability to accept the situation for what it is, allows you to enjoy the present and not get hung up on small failures. It gives a feeling of calm and peace.
  5. Develop positive thinking. The same situation can cause completely opposite reactions in people. This indicates that we ourselves often form our attitude to the events taking place.

    The ability to look at the problem from a different angle often allows you to find a way out of the situation, to minimize the experienced stress.


The main consequences to which can lead to systematic forced suppression of emotions:

  • a state of apathy, which may be present regardless of the circumstances of life for a long time;
  • constant samoing, self-esteem;
  • irritability on any occasion;
  • resentment towards others and to life as a whole, arising from the discrepancy of one's own expectations of reality;
  • the rapid formation of an angry reaction in case of failure.

The above conditions can eventually lead to a number of physiological health problems: headaches, digestive disorders, insomnia, etc.

Get rid of excessive emotionality on the strength of any person. You can achieve positive results by following the recommendations of psychologists.

Is it possible to turn off emotions? Scientific approach to the problem:

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