Personal growth

How to develop leadership skills - 7 components of leadership

How to develop leadership skills?

If a person holds a high post in a company, this is not a sign that he already uses his leadership skills. A leader is a more comprehensive concept than just a leader. It is worth remembering that you always have to struggle with your own barriers, constantly improve your skills and qualifications, to ever higher levels.
Leadership is not so much talent as daily hard work, necessary skills and self-awareness. Although there are, of course, such people who believe that the leader should simply be born. But no leader will say that.

But the main components of leadership over which you need to constantly work:

1. Critical thinking. Optimism, the right approach to business is half the success. With this, after all, you can not argue. But if we look at it from a position of a leader, the ability to predict possible difficulties and problems gives us a chance, respectively, to quickly find a solution to difficulties.
2. Motivation. The leader inspires himself and others to action. 3/4 of the population spends time every day on their motivation, but even in this matter can not always achieve success. The problem is lack of effort and desire. The leader of these elements interact.
3. Initiative. The origin of the word "leader" has roots in the English language - "leadership", "lead", i.e. “Lead” or “be first”. A leader is not just a passive pointer; a leader entails other people with words and actions. The leader works and infects the rest with this action.
4. The ability to listen. Truth is as old as the world. And yet - in order to manage, you need to know the reviews and opinions of the people who surround you. You need to know what is important for people around, what is valuable for those who follow you. It is important to learn to hear more than just the statements of colleagues, to hear even what they themselves do not want to say about themselves.
5. Discipline. Trust, but do not forget to check. Be interested in the results and control the goals that should be achieved as a result of working together. Discipline is the ability to adhere to a plan that has been agreed, therefore, it must be optimal.
6. Solve conflicts. Remember that the leader needs to hear! The worst thing you can do is allow conflicts to grow in strength. Do not suppress conflicts, do not try to reconcile the warring parties on your own, listen, and create opportunities for reaching a settlement agreement.
7. Draw conclusions and save up experience. Learn, not so much from books, but from people, regardless of position — each link enriches us with new experiences. The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only long-term advantage you have over them.
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