
How to like people: practical techniques

How to like people: practical techniques

Undoubtedly, the need to please people is every person. Everyone wants recognition not only from friends and relatives, but also from strangers. In addition, success, career and relationships with other people depend on the ability to attract people to yourself. Therefore, it is important to know how to please people to make a good impression.
Appearance. First of all, you should pay attention to your own appearance. As you know, a lot depends on the first impression. Therefore, watch your appearance, clothes and body. This is the first time during the meeting, which will undoubtedly affect further communication.
Name. For any person, the most pleasant word is his name and has been proven by psychologists for a long time that the more often you repeat the name of an interlocutor in a conversation, the more trust you will get from him. In this way, you can not only inspire confidence, but also endear one to yourself.
Interest. Nothing is so grateful on the part of the interlocutor, as a sincere interest in the conversation, as well as in his life and hobbies. But you should not ask a lot of questions and be too interested, since this will already be like an interrogation, and not voluntary and pleasant communication.
Facial expressions and gestures. Keep the conversation with your eyes; you do not need to turn around or go about your business while someone is telling you about something, especially the current problem is the telephone and social networks. If you simultaneously correspond on social networks, this may cause a feeling of embarrassment to your interlocutor, which will lead to an unpleasant impression of you and the meeting as a whole.
Smile. Do not even talk about how to please people, if you have a stern look, you are constantly unhappy with something and full of negative emotions and thoughts. Learn to let go of the past and unpleasant situations, take life easier, smile more often and be open, and as they say, people will reach out to you.
Compliments. Do not be afraid to give people compliments and praise them, especially if it is deserved. Highlight the positive qualities of the people around you or evaluate the person's appearance, for example, hair, outfit, makeup.
Criticism. If your goal is to please a person, then do not even think of criticizing him. Even if a person is able to correctly perceive criticism, then this will not positively affect further communication, especially if it is not so close and trusting relationship yet.
Self development. Undoubtedly, a well-read person who is engaged in self-improvement, constantly works on himself and has goals and desires cannot but evoke interest and respect from others.
Happiness. Give people a good mood, positive, smiles and pleasant words. Make every meeting with you unforgettable and bring a lot of positive emotions. After such communication, people will want to see you again and continue communication further.
Remind yourself. In order to be liked, people need to be interested in other people, not forget about them and maintain communication. Do not forget about significant dates, especially close people, and if it is not possible to congratulate personally, call or send a message.
In general, in order to be able to please people and build trust, you need to respect others, be tactful and polite, be able to listen and be interested not only in your own life.
Treat others with patience and do not blame them for their shortcomings. After all, there are no perfect people and all are not perfect. Accept people, including yourself, as they are and try to make this world happier and happier.
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Watch the video: Bradley Cooper - Magnetic Charisma. 6 Practical Techniques (January 2025).