Personal growth

What is responsibility, what are its types and why does fear of responsibility arise?

Since childhood, we are accustomed to responsibility. Why do it at all? Why is it important to be responsible? How hard is it? Why bind yourself with commitments and promises? Do not oppose freedom and responsibility? Can it be better to be free and not morally burdened? What is more important? How to recognize the fear of responsibility? What to do if it appears? Is it worth doing something? We take responsibility to study these questions as deeply as possible and find answers to them.

What is responsibility?

Responsibility is a subjective feature of human thinking to make commitments and strictly implement them. The key word is “subjective”, since there are no biological health effects from non-fulfillment of agreements. That is, if a person even betrays someone or fails, then the punishment of a biological nature will not follow. For example, the nose will not disappear and the heart will not stop.

But why, then, do people so popularize this quality, develop it in themselves and teach others? The reasons for this are hidden in our biosocial nature. Can talk about several levels of responsibility. The most deep responsibility - parents in front of children. The need for procreation is so firmly seated in our genes that any mentally normal parent will take care of his offspring to the last. This responsibility is inherent not only to people, but also to most other creatures. It is a pledge of the existence of species, without which they would be doomed to extinction.

Next level - moral responsibility which has already appeared under the influence of society. It has no biological prerequisites, but arises under the influence of upbringing. In this case, responsibility is one of the mechanisms for regulating social relationships. It is customary to distinguish such forms as vocation, associated with status, and obligation, obtained by agreement. The highest level can be considered debt. Moreover, it is not always moral, but also a legal aspect, if we talk about a debt obligation. For example, a debt to the creditor. You can talk about the duty to the motherland. On the one hand, it’s like a moral, but on the other hand, try to explain it to the staff of the military registration and enlistment office.

Why there is a fear of responsibility?

There are several reasons for the fear of responsibility:

  • Misunderstanding why this is necessary;
  • Uncertainty in their abilities;
  • Responsibility is not consciously chosen, but imposed by others;
  • Selfishness, laziness or apathy;
  • Infringement of their personal rights and freedoms.

Let us examine these reasons and analyze how each of them can be defeated.

Responsibility, why is it needed?

In this case, this is not about fear, but rather about not understanding the meaning. Indeed, why? Excess trouble in the loaded schedule. To someone to promise something, must have. But for some reason, more responsible employees receive bonuses and career growth. Reliable boys meet with cool girls. In general, such people are perceived differently by society, more often they find friends and allies. Perhaps responsibility is not a burden, but a privilege? If you become a reliable person, then it will be easier to live? The look is selfish, but all people are selfish in their own way.

What if you can't be responsible?

This is a clear fear of responsibility. Fear does not cope with the hopes placed. Fear to let someone down. The reason for this is not that the person is bad, but that he is simply not sure of himself. In order to re-educate him, it is necessary to introduce orders gradually, from simpler to more complex. It is more difficult to retrain yourself, but it is also real. The main thing is to start living according to the principle "who if not me?"

Liability under duress

Sometimes the need for action is dictated by someone else. Society imposes on us obligations to its country, to other members of society. For example, a child does not want to learn lessons, but he has to do it, because parents and teachers require it.

In this case, it is appropriate to use such a psychological concept as the locus of control - the distribution of responsibility between themselves and external factors. If the control locus is external (external), then the person is inclined to shift the responsibility onto others. If the internal (internal) - on yourself. In the first case, he will perceive duty as violence, and in the second, he will readily accept it.

Too lazy to be responsible

Another common cause of disclaimer is laziness and apathy. This can be attributed, and egoism, because of which it becomes too lazy to be someone something obligated. The only effective way to stir up such a person would be to raise his general tone, replenish the reserves of vital energy. While he does not change his life position on a proactive, you should not wait for reliability.

Responsibility violates human rights

Describing this point, the captain immediately appears in his thoughts, leaving the bottom with his sinking ship. He could also swim away, but the debt does not allow him to do this. In this case, freedom and responsibility are opposed to each other. Not surprising if fear occurs. Who wants to feed the crabs, knowing that he could easily slip off? Suppose the captain voluntarily chose this job, received a large salary, learned the children at Harvard. And what about the person who was imposed duties at all without any "bonuses" from this. Such a personal responsibility will not please him. By the way, there is also a collective one that appears in groups of people interconnected with each other. A vivid example is the "honor of the uniform" or the saying that "there are no other people's children" and any adult is responsible for a child who is nearby.

In general, if a respected reader showed responsibility and carefully read this material, it will no longer be difficult for him to understand the meaning and meaning of this word. Also, it becomes clear and why there is a fear of responsibility. To avoid it, it is necessary that freedom and responsibility be clearly separated. It is important to understand that any decision must be made voluntarily. Only in this case, responsibility will be perceived as a choice, not a coercion.

Watch the video: The Power of Self-Responsibility - Matt Kahn (May 2024).