
How to overcome fear and go ahead

When we do that motivate and inspire peoplethey often have fears. The question arises: "How to overcome fears, get rid of internal resistance and confidently go forward?". Here it is very important to help another person, again, with the help of promoting questions - questions transferring him to the future, helping him to see his future. Because what we most often fear is ambiguities and uncertainties.

How to overcome fear.

When we know what we want, but we don’t know how it will be, where it will be, what it will take, we get scared. But ask a person a question directed to the future, ask him to imagine that this situation has already passed, and the problem has been solved a year or two ago. Let a person imagine how he already lives in his house, which he dreamed about, but he was afraid to start building it, because he was afraid to take a loan, and he would understand what he was refusing. Human scares, above all, uncertainty, ambiguity.

Coaching in this case is like a lens cleaning tool, it helps to see what you haven't thought of before. It is just as if you were getting into a car with misted windows. No matter how well you know the road, you will not be able to drive until you warm them until the wipers wipe the windshield. It’s like an airplane navigation. Coaching is first and foremost clarificationThis is what helps a person understand what he wants, and most importantly, how to achieve this. Another tool that will help you clarify your family, and your partnerships, your interactions with customers, is called: "On a scale from 1 to 10".

On a scale of 1 to 10 - This is one of the easiest tools.

He, like other coaching tools, is used for inspiration and motivation. The question is put as follows: "How do you rate the quality of our relations on a scale from 1 to 10?", "How much do you rate me on a scale from 1 to 10 as your mentor (employee, boss)?", "How much on a scale from 1 to 10 am I a good parent? " Since this is an open-ended question, which does not give an opportunity to answer yes or no, but implying an answer, you will get a result. This question is almost impossible to lie. To ask such a question can be painful and scary, waiting to hear the cruel truth, this tool will clarify your relationship.

By asking this question, you will find out what you are, as a husband or wife, as a mentor or chef, as a partner or as a customer or supplier. If you did not get a score of 10, then this question is inextricably linked with the following: "What you need to do to improve your scoreFor example, this is the question asked by the husband, who received 5 points from his wife, and she will answer him: “Stop being rude to me, and you will be husband at 10. Without asking questions, we ourselves can never guess what our partners are missing. business, relationships, family. We will get a hint and will be able to improve the situation. This question brings absolute clarity. This question saved millions of families. This question saved millions of businesses. If you are doing business, write a series of questions, how many points do your customers rate you from 1 to 10 according to different criteria, and ask them. Clarity and information about yourself is what you need to succeed. It is actually very simple, as well as all ingenious.

Watch the video: How to Overcome Fear (May 2024).