
How to stop hating your life and yourself: help of a psychologist

Hatred is a strong and not very pleasant feeling, which is sometimes very difficult to overcome. When such sensations wake up in relation to themselves, a person begins to go crazy with the contradictions that tear him apart. How can you overcome self-hatred, and what steps for this need to be decided?

Determine the causes of feelings

The first thing a person should think about is the question "why do I hate myself"? Sometimes these emotions seem contradictory, because the person must love himself and do everything to improve his position.

So why the similar negative arises?

  1. Most often, the cause must be sought in childhood. If a child from an early age was implanted with the idea that no one needs him, that he interferes and creates problems, in adulthood this may be an objective reason for the emergence of complexes or hatred.
  2. Such feelings may be associated with a sense of guilt. It is possible that a person has committed a serious offense with various consequences. As a result, the oppressive feeling of being involved in something bad gives rise to a solid negative.
  3. Hatred can be a direct consequence of the lack of self-realization. Low wages, unloved work, lack of relationships — all these problems affect a person so much that negative emotions awaken in him.
  4. Hate can be associated with external flaws. The presence of excess weight or other problems with appearance stimulate a person to treat himself with a negative.

Each case is purely individual, and only a psychologist can get to the bottom of the problem. Most often, hatred towards oneself wakes up due to the influence of external factors. Beloved man constantly humiliates a girl or mother regularly mentions her shortcomings. All this makes one doubt our own superiority, personal uniqueness. As a result, a person loses faith in himself, loses love towards himself, which in the future develops into hatred.

Why I hate my life and myself is a matter of a slightly different order. If a person does not like the way he lives, then we are talking about the lack of self-realization. We all dreamed about something in childhood. Life was moving forward, we tried to be in time, and by the age of thirty it turned out that those old desires remained unrealizable dreams.

Due to the lack of vital implementation, the presence of unloved, poorly paid work and hatred wakes up. In the depths of his soul, a person understands that he himself is guilty of his own problems, and this awareness finally beats on self-esteem.

Ways to Awaken Self-Love

What to do if I hate myself is a matter of the utmost importance for modern society. The first piece of advice that absolutely any psychologist will give is to try to love your “I”, your own life and redo it into a dream model.

If the negative feelings do not disappear anywhere, you can resort to the following tricks:

  • it is necessary to make a list of goals and try to follow them, adjusting life to the ideal model;
  • a person needs to be distracted from the negative that others say in his address;
  • you need to make compliments on your daily basis, buy new clothes and gadgets that can raise a person’s self-esteem;
  • should limit communication with those people who adversely affect a person.

It's all pretty simple: hatred becomes a product of low self-esteem and personal failure. How can you love yourself if you are an ugly accountant who sits in the office for a small salary, secretly dreaming of being a model and traveling around the world?

In this case, it is necessary to change not only externally, but also internal. A person must realize that life alone and spend it on hating his person is extremely stupid. You should regularly delight yourself with new clothes, trips to interesting places, communication with new people.

The richer the life of a person is, the less often there will be attacks of negativity.

How to stop hating yourself if everything is more successful, more beautiful and richer? Here a person will have to work hard, find a sphere in which he is good and start developing. Being engaged in a favorite thing, getting pleasure from it, it is difficult to continue to experience negative emotions to yourself.

Psychologist help

What if you hate yourself throughout life? If elementary self-help is powerless, and the negative is still gnawing at the person, you need to think about the help of a professional.

The main advantage of a psychologist is his ability to get to the bottom of the problem. The specialist will try to figure out when the emotions awoke for the first time, what it is connected with, and how to deal with it. Perhaps hatred arose because of bad words of the mother in childhood or because of resentment from classmates. Sometimes the cause is extremely difficult to find, but the result is beyond praise.

Self-hate psychology heals through conversation and self-conviction. Is the opinion of classmates or old resentment towards mother so important? Can these emotions be allowed to destroy the modern life of a person? The specialist will force him to return again and again to the traumatic experience until the negative is defeated.

When should I turn to a professional? Here we are talking about the most neglected cases, when it is difficult to fight hatred on our own when it awakens thoughts of suicide. In such situations, specialist assistance is simply necessary! Sometimes a psychologist manages to snatch anger from a person’s heart and bring him back to normal life.

“I hate myself and can't do anything about it” - many people turn to psychologists with a similar statement. Sometimes cope with the negative, coming from the inside is very difficult. However, as soon as a person loves himself, all the anger from him will literally disappear. He will be able to discover new facets of his own life and begin to smile every single day. If self-hypnosis and various trainings are useless, you can always resort to the support of a psychologist.

Watch the video: Why Do I Hate Myself? How To Stop Hating Yourself Self Hatred (April 2024).