A life

How to become happy: 7 tips for every day

Today, studying your inner world for a long time and closely is a popular activity. But after a thorough revision of the emotions and states that fill us, we often fail to find happiness there. Paradox, right? Where are the joy, ease, harmony? How to become happy? This article offers 7 effective ways to find balance and a feeling of complete satisfaction with your life.

Listen to yourself

Most often, the question "how to be happy" is asked by people who are prone to reflection and creative thinking. It is these qualities that come to the rescue in the process of finding happiness, because the first thing to do is to “separate the wheat from the chaff,” and your own desires from the imposed stereotypes. Sometimes, the girl was raised to devote herself to the family, and she feels an insurmountable craving for launching space rockets or exploring the underwater world of the Bay of Biscay. Or the son of the military in the fifth generation wants to open a beauty salon or grow the most pink tulips in the world.

Our upbringing and environment leaves an indelible imprint on our thoughts and plans, sometimes completely drowning our own dreams. This is evidenced by dissatisfaction with one’s life with apparent general well-being. If such a feeling arises more often, perhaps you should listen to him? To say out loud “what does it mean to be happy?” And patiently, sincerely, friendlyly write down the answer. After that, switch to several other cases listed below - here begins a fascinating journey that can change life.


Sometimes our days turn into a routine sequence of identical gray everyday life, and the screeching cats at the heart once hover in the stomach of quivering butterflies. The reasons for such a state of mind are very diverse, but the result often becomes a desire to hide deeper. Or is it better to run away?

The results of psychological studies vote for the second option. You can move in the direction of the park or square. On the treadmill nearest gym. Let even in the class of salsa! After all, physical activity saturates the blood with oxygen and contributes to the development of the hormones of joy endorphins. Thus the state of health improves, working capacity increases, anxious feelings go away. A toned body as a nice bonus can motivate to run towards happiness today.

Make the world brighter

About the influence of color on the mental state of man was already known in ancient India. The knowledge of Eastern sages today is supported by the observations of scientists. For example, for weight loss you should eat from blue dishes, and to be happy, you should surround yourself with yellow-orange and light green objects. This palette inspires optimism, friendliness, self-reliance and a sunny mood. This range can be used in interior details, accessories, clothing. It is important to note: the desired color accent is desirable to place in your field of vision.

Eat consciously

Colors can be added not only to the wardrobe, but also to the contents of the plates. We are what we eat. Or how to eat. The secret of a happy meal for each his own. Sometimes it is worth trying to give up the flour, sometimes - from the meat. Or try to replace the snack on the go with delicious dishes at the table and get a knife for oysters.

Eat foods grown within a hundred miles or dine in evening dress under the Brahms clarinet quintet. The main thing is to eat, pay attention to food, saturate the body with calories, and the soul with positive emotions.

Touch the beautiful

For example, to get closer to Edouard Manet and Claude Monet and still learn to distinguish between French impressionists. To master a guitar or a violin, to learn a mazurka or bachata, to play, to weave, to embroider, even artistically cut with a jigsaw. The world of art is diverse and wide, in it everyone can find something to enjoy, capable of pleasing this soul.

For the past 80 years, art therapy has been victoriously sweeping across the planet, helping to increase self-esteem and develop the creative abilities of its fans. You can also try to express yourself through colors, sounds or dance steps - and fully experience the happiness of creating something new. If you sit down to write a novel or symphony while it is too early, you can review the masterpieces of cinema over the past hundred years, and draw inspiration for future accomplishments.

Do good

An Anglo-American group of mathematicians proved the evolutionary advantage of altruism in comparison with the egoistic model of behavior. Now the whole world knows that helping one's neighbor is not only beneficial, but also beneficial for all participants in the process.

It is impossible to be happy in the environment of unhappy fellows, and the provision of help brings a feeling of joy and satisfaction, including to the benefactor himself. In good deeds, it is not “the amount of the donation” that is important, but the general message and direction - to do good at the first opportunity. And giving grandma a place in transport is also considered.

Make friends with neighbors

Aristotle called man a public animal. The great Greek did not want to offend anyone, only to emphasize the exceptional role of society for the formation of the individual. After 2,000 years, mankind invented the Internet and global social networks in the hope of becoming closer to each other. It turned out, frankly, crooked. But the need for communication has not disappeared anywhere, and to become happy without her satisfaction is unlikely to succeed.

Psychologists have noticed an interesting detail: for a harmonious existence, we equally need both strong friendships and “social strokes”. The last phrase is called easy, superficial interaction with unfamiliar people.

For example, a baker's greeting in the bakery nearest to the house, a friendly conductor's nod on the daily route, a question about the weather of the neighbor from the upper floor. Outwardly insignificant, these contacts give a sense of cohesion, security, and even a rented apartment acquires the features of a quiet, cozy harbor.

Bluebird happiness loves the brave, decisive, active. Following every day at least one of the above tips, you will be able to tame it. How to become happy? Harder than continuing to be unhappy. But everyone who once asked this question, and after, having tried the tools offered by us, is able to achieve his goal. A little perseverance, a handful of positive thoughts, a little more attention to others, a little less self-criticism, plus respect for your own desires ... And yesterday's dream today is becoming a reality. All in your hands!

Watch the video: How To Be More Happy, Healthy, Motivated, & Successful! (May 2024).