
3 ways to control anger

Death "theory of catharsis." The Greek philosopher Aristotle (coined the term "catharsis" as a method of liberation or purification from psychological stress) and a neuropathologist from Austria, Sigmund Freud, were in favor of people getting rid of stress and seeking emotional relaxation.
The latter insisted that the suppression of negative emotions in oneself leads to nervous and mental disorders, even hysteria. Sigmund Freud was of the opinion that it is more useful to splash out a strong anger than to restrain him.

But thirty or forty years ago, scientists who tested the idea of ​​catharsis, did not find it a real confirmation. The data from these studies prompted psychologist Carol Tevris to conclude: “It’s time to put a stake in the heart of the theory of catharsis. The point of view that observing violence or committing violence leads to deliverance from hostility and aggression, in fact, has no real basis.”
And psychologist Gary Hankins writes: "According to the latest scientific data, by throwing out all the accumulated anger, according to the catharsis method, you do not get relief, but further aggravate the tension. This is tantamount to trying to put out the fire with gasoline."

There are three sure ways to deal with your anger.

1) Loosen the power of your anger.
To cool your passion, stop and try to relax. Try not to say right away what strives first to fly out of your tongue. If you feel that emotions take hold of you, even a little bit, and you will break down and suffer you, then follow the advice of King Solomon: "Leave before the quarrel breaks out."
2) Learn how to relieve tension
Here are some simple ways to relieve stress.
1) Take deep breaths for a few seconds - the fastest and one of the best ways to temper your anger.
2) Without ceasing to breathe deeply, regularly repeat something like: "I will calm down," "do not pay attention," "I will not take it to heart."
3) Try to do something peaceful and enjoyable: listen to soothing music, read something interesting, walk around the garden or work in the garden.
4) Do not forget about physical education and healthy eating.
3) Develop realistic expectations.
You cannot completely avoid situations that provoke anger, but you are able to control your reactions. But to achieve this goal, you need to change your thinking.
Maximalists or persons with excessive demands, as a rule, more often than others lose their temper. What is the reason? The reason is that the failings of those around them and those circumstances that do not meet their exaggerated standards instantly cause anger and frustration for maximalists. It follows from this, if we deeply expect perfection from others or ourselves, we will inevitably be doomed to great anxieties and worries.
Changing the approach and making additional targeted efforts control your anger, you can learn and get used to express your feelings in a positive way - for the benefit of both yourself and others.

Watch the video: Helping Kids Deal With Anger And Frustration HD (May 2024).