The modern pace of life, a lot of problems, constant stress - all this, ultimately, can lead to emotional failure, cause mental fatigue and apathy.
Such a reaction of the body will be quite natural under certain circumstances. And only if this condition is delayed for several weeks, you should think about the possible development of depressive disorder.
Women develop depression three times more often than men (the prevalence is 2.5% among men and 7.5% among women)
Women perceive the world more emotionally, so they are more susceptible to stress, emotional failures and the development of a pathological mental illness.
An experienced specialist will help in time to recognize the disease, and will find methods for its treatment. To diagnose the presence of a depressive condition, it is necessary to analyze a number of depressive symptoms in women that indicate it, as well as the degree of development of the disease. We understand the topic with our site.
Until now, there is no consensus about the causes of depression in the beautiful half of humanity. It is believed that the pathology may occur under the influence of the following factors ׃
- genetic predisposition
- consequences of a prolonged stressful situation
- increased susceptibility of the world
- dependence on human opinion
- hormonal failure in the body
- disorder in personal life
- avitaminosis
Doctors identify the main prerequisites leading to serious illness.
Biological factor
This includes, above all, hormonal disorders in the female body. At risk are adolescents when puberty occurs. As well as mature women in the period of menopause and climax changes. During pregnancy there is a jump in hormones. Therefore, the occurrence of postpartum depression is quite common. In some women, it is manifested in the form of indifference to the child, in others - in constant fear for the baby.
Social background
To stress leads to congestion at work, the desire to quickly make a successful career. In another case, social insecurity puts pressure on women. They are constantly worried about the future. Nervous tension leads to the development of a depressive state. At risk include mothers with many children, as well as single women.
The constantly accelerating pace of life, lack of time for proper rest, lack of sleep and poor nutrition all have a negative impact on the female psyche.
Personal factor
The emotional state of a woman is influenced ׃
- conflicts at work
- quarrels in the family
- loss of loved ones
- divorce
- fear of old age
- everyday problems
- disorder
- chronic diseases
- worrying about children
Depression can occur for many reasons. It is very important to recognize the first symptoms of depression in women and start treatment.
With the appearance of some signs of the emotional state of a woman, it is necessary to take urgent measures to prevent the onset of the disease from becoming severe. We list the main symptoms that doctors use to determine the presence of depression.
Feeling useless
Constant feeling of uselessness, hopelessness, loss of faith in your own strength. This condition may begin suddenly and last a short period. And it can become a constant companion at work and in personal life. This is an alarming "bell", which should pay close attention.
Thoughts of worthlessness
Constantly emerging thoughts about the worthlessness and the futility of their lives. Reflections on the fact that the chance to change something is missed forever and does not expect anything good in the future.
Loss of interest in the lives of those to those around us
Loss of interest in the life of loved ones, indifference to daily worries and affairs, irritation on everyday issues. Such a state should cause concern to loved ones.
Disappearance hobby
Hobby favorite hobby or hobby instantly disappears. The days pass bleakly. Everything that previously seemed interesting and important has lost its appeal.
Joyful events have gone somewhere
The last joyful events that really excited and gave a surge of joyful emotions happened a long time ago. Depression paralyzes and does not pay attention to something good and joyful.
Weight gain
Pablo PicassoStarts to "ride" weight. A woman is gaining extra pounds, then rapidly loses them. This is because at first she tries to "jam" her problems, mainly with sweet food. During a depressive state, interest in life, nutrition, and appearance is lost.
Trouble sleeping
Begin problems with sleep. Women are exhausted by the constant desire to sleep or insomnia. Lack of sleep can be accompanied by headache. Drowsiness leads to apathy and indifference.
A lot of nerves
Constant nervousness, endless bouts of irritability, neurosis, and even anger. All and all interfere with life, infuriate themselves. Washes and worried about the impossibility of hiding from the whole world somewhere in space on another planet.
Loss of strength
Lost vital energy. Sluggish condition. There is no desire to do anything. Constant fatigue, loss of tone. There is a relentless desire to get into bed and hide from everyone under the covers.
Lack of acceptance of own appearance
There is an aversion to his own appearance. The woman stops paying attention to herself. She is no longer interested in cosmetics, fashionable and beautiful clothes.
Memory problems
There are problems with memory. It is impossible to focus on something concrete or really important.
It always hurts
The presence of persistent pain. It hurts literally everything - the head, muscles, joints. Depression affects not only the mental state, but also the physical.
Suicidal thoughts. Or endless conversations that friends and acquaintances have already “exhausted” in this world and they are “much better” there.
One or two signs from this list is not cause for alarm. You should seriously begin to worry if 5 or 6 symptoms are constant companions of a person.
The ICD-10 classification is a depressive symptomatology accepted in medicine. This classification is common for men and women. The fact that a woman is sick can be argued if there are two symptoms from the main group and more than three from the additional one.
The main group of symptoms includes ׃
- Constant bad mood. If it lasts more than two weeks and it was not influenced by any important negative events in life.
- Anhedonia. This is a condition in which a person is no longer interested in what used to cause him a pleasant feeling of joy. There is a loss of interest in your hobby or other satisfying activities. Song Yanka Dygilevoy with this name perfectly conveys the state of anhedonia.
- Constant breakdown. Especially if it lasts more than a month.
Additional symptoms include ׃
- surrounding reality is seen only in gray or black colors
- haunting fear of death
- constant feeling of helplessness and uselessness
- self-dissatisfaction, self-esteem tends to zero
- fearless feeling
- inability to focus on something
- inability to make any decisions
- thoughts of suicide
- obvious disturbance of food habits, as well as excessive appetite or lack thereof
- constant drowsiness and tired feeling
- insomnia
- anxiety without reason
- sweet taste in mouth
The ICD-10 criteria allow you to diagnose a depressive state, if a certain number of the above symptoms characterize a person’s behavior for more than 14 days.
Also, the diagnosis can be confirmed in the event that the period of symptoms is shorter, but they are pronounced and severe.
It is very important not to panic and not get lost if you have diagnosed depression. This disease is treatable, and the woman’s emotional state is fully restored. Psychologists have specially developed a number of complex therapeutic measures to combat this disease, and the Editorial Board, in turn, recommends consulting a doctor. On the treatment of depression, we recommend reading our article.