Personal growth

The role of the worldview system in human life and activity

With the term "Worldview" in their activities, sooner or later, everyone faces.

What does it mean and what role does it play in our life?

Definition of concepts

Worldview - what is it in psychology?

Worldview - this is a person’s understanding of the general laws and fundamentals of both nature and public life, which often serves as the leading motive for its activities, the main direction.

These are beliefs and attitudes that determine direction, behavior, and even choice.

A distinctive feature of this thesis is that its formation and development is carried out under the influence of various elements, including the current historical epoch, scientific and technical activities, promoted political ideas, and public consciousness.

You can briefly call such characteristic features of the worldview, as:

  1. Integrity - the interrelation of three basic elements: man, the world around him and the relationship between them.
  2. Active form of knowledge - In this case, it implies the life position and behavior of the individual.
  3. Universality - based on the fact that in the process of life under the influence of various sources, common cultural material and everyday life is formed its own view on reality.

What does the worldview system mean?

Worldview system is a generalized and orderly set of views on nature, society and man himself.

That is, these ideas in general about the existing world, as well as beliefs, assessments and norms, which determine the attitude to reality, and, therefore, choices and actions.

Constituent elements

What is included in the worldview?

This concept consists of complex elements, which include beliefs, values, knowledge, ideals, norms, emotions and feelings.

In general, you can distribute them into the following categories:

  1. Cognitive. It is a generalized knowledge, both everyday and professional. These are ideas about how everything works, how life arose, what a person is, how society works, etc.
  2. Value-normative. These are norms, ideals and values. These include ideas about the meaning of life, goals, good and evil, morality, religion, etc.
  3. Emotional-volitional. This category includes belief, beliefs, personal opinion. This means not only the intellectual base of the individual, but also his emotional state.
  4. Practical. Under the category in question refers not only to the totality of knowledge, values, beliefs and personal attitudes. It is also a real willingness to behave in a certain way in certain circumstances.


Since this definition is influenced by the immediate surrounding world, its level of development and historical stage, the following types can be distinguished:

  1. Mythological. People could not explain the phenomena of social life or nature, as a result of which myths arose.

    Their basic principle is the predominance of fantastic explanations of what is happening with a person.

    However, in mythology, one can observe moral and ethical problems and values.

  2. Religious. Religious teachings contain certain dogmas that followers of this doctrine should adhere to. Any religion includes moral norms and their strict observance, as well as the question of morality, good and evil, etc., on which he bases his convictions.
  3. Philosophical. The basic element of this type is theoretical thinking or, in other words, generalization, systematization and logic. While the mythological type is more based on the emotions and feelings of people, the philosophical type is based on the human mind. The philosophical type implies freethinking and the presence of various alternative interpretations.
  4. Ordinary. Fundamental basic of this type becomes common sense, as well as experience gained in the process of life activity.

    Its peculiarity is that the view of reality is formed spontaneously, it cannot be systematized and foreseen.

  5. Humanistic. It is based on the fact that a person is the main value of society, he has the right to meet existing needs, necessary development and self-realization. In this regard, the fundamental idea of ​​this type is the idea that all people are equal to each other and everyone can realize their desires and aspirations.
  6. Scientific. It can be called a modern interpretation of the philosophical type. In the form of main components also distinguish generalization, systematization, logic and reason. The only thing that sometimes science is too far away from human needs, which results in development aimed at manipulating and intimidating people.

Worldview installations

Worldview installations are starting point of human activity and behavior.

They condition his attitude to everything that surrounds, to nature and society, as well as to himself.

One can even say that attitudes underlie the principle of the formation of the individual as a person.

Principles of the worldview of personality

As we have already found out, the worldview of the individual represents a whole range of views this person about the world and himself.

Based on this definition, the following can be distinguished the principles:

  • it includes knowledgethat justify the attitude towards the world and are necessary for self-determination;
  • does not develop as a result of the assimilation of various knowledge and bringing them into the system, but in the end extensions of self-determination personality and giving them special value;
  • its formation is carried out by dissatisfaction with their interests, thoughts and actions, their instability and banality;
  • cannot be formed immediately in finished form;

    The process of creation is gradual, throughout the life. Helpers are reflection and theoretical thinking.

  • is different individual creative character. That is, it is not mastered mass stereotypes.


Worldview, of course, is more important in human activities.

This is due to the fact that it is with his help the inner world is formed directly, as well as the main values ​​and norms that constitute the foundation of its existence throughout life.

In his everyday life, a person not only tries to know the world around him and his logic, but also tries to assess reality, to realize the meaning of his own existence.

Thanks to this, people are able to divide the world into good and bad, beautiful and ugly, truthful and deceptive, fair and unfair, and so on.

As a result, human values ​​become criteria for the degree of spiritual and social development of the individual. For self-determination, the individual will not turn to scientific treatises, although they can be described as a necessary basis of ideas about the world.

To find an answer to the question about the meaning of life, it is necessary to develop spiritual qualities. Only through this will it be possible to realize our own values ​​and desires, to find our destination in the world.

The system of views helps to streamline knowledge about the world and oneself, about the possibilities of knowledge.

Thus, such an ideology contributes not only to the realization of the meaning of life by an individual, but also affects the formation of its installations.

In general, this affects both society and its level of development.

What role in human life plays?

We have analyzed the meaning of this concept as a whole, now let's answer the question: what role does it play directly for each person?

To begin with, thanks to him it is possible streamline the surrounding realitymake it simpler and clearer. Such ideas allow to comprehend the essence of society, its ideology.

Due to this, people have a whole system of values, norms, methods and ideals that help him move through life and achieve his goals.

If an individual does not have a solid view of the world, his existence turns into chaos, the psyche becomes an aggregate of unrelated goals and experiences.

Worldview is a very important component of life for both the individual and for society as a whole. With it, you can realize yourself and the surrounding reality, as well as find the meaning of life.

Forms, elements, types of worldview:

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