Family and Children

Tips from teachers of psychology: how to educate a girl?

Everyone dreams of being proud of her baby.

Parents of girls need to properly educate their daughters so that worthy women will grow out of them in the future.

Ill-mannered girl: signs

Recognize the ill-mannered girl can be on a number of signs inherent in her behavior:

  1. Capriciousness. A child on any occasion demonstrates discontent, emotional reactions. The reluctance of adults or peers to fulfill the wishes of the girl leads to protracted tantrums on her part. At a younger age, this behavior is a variant of the norm and is often associated with the instability of the emotional sphere of a small child. But after the age of 3 years, this behavior already indicates the absence of elementary upbringing, since the child can perfectly control himself and perceive the words addressed to him.
  2. The habit of interrupting the interlocutor. In society, there are certain norms of dialogue. Opponents allow each other to express an opinion, to complete the thought. The manner of constantly interrupting people is peculiar to ill-mannered girls.

    Moreover, they can demonstrate this behavior not only when communicating with children, but also during conversations with adults.

    So, children can interrupt the educator, teacher, parents. The reason for such disrespect for the interlocutors lies in the disinterest of other people and the desire to stand out in any situation.

  3. Disrespect for elders. Reluctance to give place in the transport to an elderly person, rude communication with adults, inadmissible familiarity, ignoring the authority of parents — all this testifies to a deep lack of education. In our country, all children from an early age are inculcated with the concept of respect for the older generation. Demonstration of the opposite behavior always causes public condemnation.
  4. Intervention in adult affairs. A girl can rest assured that she has every right to interfere in adult conversations or to take part in solving serious issues. This is due to the lack of understanding of their real position in the family hierarchy, an overstated opinion about their own importance.
  5. Ingratitude. Often children show ingratitude towards their parents, grandparents or other people. For example, the mother cooks dinner for the family all evening, and the daughter refuses to eat it, citing her refusal to want to try something else. Or dad buys the girl for her birthday with an expensive phone, which she had long dreamed of, and her daughter complains about the color of the model.

    Such ingratitude testifies to pampered and ill-mannered. The child is in the confidence that everyone around him is in debt to him.

    Any gifts and cares are taken for granted.

  6. The habit of littering. This is the most pronounced manifestation of bad manners, which can often be observed in modern children. The reluctance to maintain cleanliness in their own home, on a visit, in public places or on the street is peculiar to many children. This habit speaks of unscrupulousness, lack of self-discipline, disrespect for others, disrespect for the work of other people. Moreover, such behavior is absolutely conscious. The child is well aware that throwing the bottle on the road, and not in the urn, it goes wrong. But the desire to do the right is missing.
  7. Failure of the established rules. This is the main feature that combines all the previous ones. Reluctance to obey the rules that exist in the family, in a group or in society, disrespect for traditions, ignoring norms and values ​​- all this is the result of bad manners.

Raised daughter - what is she?

Such a girl able to behave in accordance with existing rules in society and make a good impression on the people around them.

She always greets when meeting with familiar people and says goodbye at parting. Able to be interested in the affairs of the interlocutor, carefully listen to him and keep the conversation going.

Such a child will always hold the door if necessary, help lift a fallen thing, won't interfere with adults conversation.

A girl never allows herself to be capricious or screaming in a public place because she understands that such behavior is unacceptable.

She will never discuss a person in a loud voice in his presence, point her finger, comment out loud, etc. Girl will never offend someone intentionally.

Her respect for adults manifested in obedience and understanding of their duties: clean the room, wash the dishes behind them, behave properly at the table, do not distract parents from important matters.

Girl always asking parents for permissionto do something or take.

Similar behavior is demonstrated outside the home: she will never take someone else's toy in kindergarten or school, she will not begin to touch other people's things without asking.

The main positive quality - the ability to control your emotions. Even in a bad mood or an unstable emotional state, the girl will not allow herself to show disrespect for others, to violate existing rules.

How to educate?

Each age period has its own characteristics, which need to be considered when building the educational process:

  1. 0-2 years. In infancy you need to give your daughter to explore the world, try their capabilities. Children closer to the year can already understand simple commands - “no,” “take,” “don't go,” etc.

    By the age of 2, they are already capable of perceiving more complex indications of adults, therefore, during this period, it is necessary to start nurturing actively.

    It is important to communicate smoothly and calmly, to adhere to a single line of conduct. The kid should clearly understand the meaning of the words “should”, “cannot”, “stop”, “go”. His unwillingness to obey the requests of his parents should not be ignored. It is necessary to explain the basic rules to the daughter in an accessible language. At this age, the ability to help, sympathize, care, and be interested in other people is developed.

  2. 3-5 years. This is a period of unreasonable "stubbornness", which is associated with the desire to prove their independence. It is important for parents to maintain a balance of rewards, coercion and punishment for disobedience. Punishments can be expressed in disregard of hysteria, imposing restrictions on games and entertainment. Good behavior is also important not to ignore. Encouragement and praise stimulate to commit further actions that have caused approval. During this period, relationships with parents are key. Dad and Mom are standards. The behavior that parents demonstrate is completely copied by the daughter. Full personal development is possible only in an atmosphere of calm, mutual respect and warmth.
  3. 6-8 years. This is a period of active cognition of the surrounding reality, mastering the laws existing in society, and building relationships with peers. The child develops its own system of values, which he orients when making decisions.

    Possible deliberate demonstration of disobedience, defending their position. It is important for parents to respect the identity of their daughter, but not to stop correcting and directing her behavior.

    Any bad deeds should lead to punishment. It is important to constantly talk, establish a trusting relationship. It is at this age that key social skills are laid down.

  4. From 10 years. During this period, children demonstrate independence, peer society. It is important not to lose control, to remain in trust. Parents of the daughter should respect her independence, but continue to instill basic values ​​and rules.

Features of sexual development

Sexual education girls plays an important role in the process of becoming her personality. She should receive all the main answers to exciting questions in the family.

It is advisable to submit information in a calm, natural setting. The topics discussed should correspond to the age at which the child is located.

In the preschool period are important hygiene issues, attitudes towards boys, understanding of decency etc. As you age, questions will arise about the perception of your body.

An older girl will be most worried about the relationship with the opposite sex, changes in appearance. Do not hesitate to discuss with a daughter who has reached adolescence, issues of a sexual nature. This will help avoid potential problems in the future.

The girl must understand that the discussion of the topics of concern not shameful or wrong.

The more naturally and calmly parents will behave during such conversations, the more correctly the information will be perceived.

It is important that in the process of sex education both parents participated. Dad's interest is an important factor in developing the right attitude towards men.

What is puritan education?

Puritan upbringing involves creating strict rules that must be strictly followed.

The way of life of such families is based on prohibitions, restrictions, asceticism. In the first place come diligence, dedication, thrift.

Similar approach as much as possible excludes any temptations and excesses. Parents who choose this style of education, seek to raise virtuous girls with a stable system of moral principles.

Parents who are fascinated by the idea of ​​Puritan upbringing often limit girls in many joys available to the rest of their peers: movies, cafes, discos, popular toys, telephones, etc.

On the one hand, this approach allows to cultivate a spiritually developed person, free from material dependencies.

On the other hand, girls from such families often experience lack of freedom and entertainment.

Having matured and freed from parental care, they often try to fill in all that they lacked in childhood.

How to raise a girl without a father?

The absence of a father is not an obstacle to a successful educational process. Mom should just follow simple rules.:

  • provide protection and support;
  • keep compliments on appearance;
  • do not interfere with communicate with the father;
  • never talk about dad badly;
  • find a close man who will replace the absent father (stepfather, grandfather, uncle, godfather);
  • his own example to instil ideas about femininity, decency, dignity.

Consequences of severe punishment

What are the consequences of the strict upbringing of girls with a belt? Corporal punishment of children for any offense. absolutely unacceptable.

Such behavior of adults not only leads to emotional alienation, hostility towards parents, but can significantly harm the psyche.

Girls who were beaten by their fathers in childhood often have relationship problems with the opposite sex: treat men incredulously and cautiously.

Often they grow into women with low self-esteem, who constantly choose for themselves victim position.

The use of physical force by the mother leads to the fact that the daughter does not feel protected, since the main person in her life hurts her.

It is advisable to choose softer and effective punishment: restrictions, prohibitions, ignoring, etc.

Thus, a raised set of children has a certain set of qualities that are approved by society. The girl needs to instill these qualities from the first years of her life.

How to raise a girl? Psychologist tips:

Watch the video: 10 Psychological Tricks To Get Her To Like You - How To Make a Girl ATTRACTED To Me? (December 2024).