
Fulfillment of desires by the power of thought: how to properly realize your dreams

How great when all desires are fulfilled, is not it? But when life does not go according to our plans, someone just gets upset, and someone is ready to make an effort to fulfill a dream. Fulfillment of desires by thought - fiction or reality?

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How to formulate your desires
Zeeland equipment
Psychologist's comment

Many who managed to get what they wanted in some miraculous and inexplicable way are sure that there are no coincidences. But in this case, there are many nuances that you need to know before you connect the Universe to the realization of your dreams.

How to desire?

  • Desire formulation

You need to clearly understand what you want. Desire is described in as much detail as possible, with all the clarifications (if rest is a particular country, if love is a description of a partner). The formulation does not allow negations and the use of the particle “not”. Desire is always formulated in the present tense, i.e. you imagine that you already have what you need.

  • Visualization

It is necessary to direct the energy in the right direction. In every detail, imagine your fulfilled desire. Not everyone can immediately visualize. But this is a powerful technique that is worth learning. To facilitate the task, you can draw your desire, mentally presenting its execution, putting your energy into the drawing.

  • Release

As long as you keep your desire with you, it cannot work. The last stage is to release the desire to the Universe so that it will be fulfilled, and not to remember it endlessly. In every life there have been cases - when the desired has been fulfilled, and already it is not necessary. When you are worried about the fulfillment of a desire, energy is spent on your anxiety, not on getting what you want. Make and forget is the basic rule.


It is not recommended to ask for money. Given that they are always needed for something specific, you need to ask exactly what you want to spend them on. Otherwise, the money may come in a way that does not suit you: there are examples of payments on insurance, etc.

How to speed up the fulfillment of desire?

To quickly get the desired person must have a large amount of energy. If energy is not enough, then execution can be expected for a very long time. The power of thought is enormous, but most people themselves block its flow with discontent, anger, ingratitude towards what they already have.

There is an axiom that claims that each person has the best that he could have at the moment, because it could be much worse. Gratitude, love for others, positive - that makes us stronger inside and filled with energy. It is these people who get everything faster and easier.

Why not all desires are fulfilled?

You want everything at once. This is a standard situation for a person. Nobody wants to settle for less, everyone dreams of large-scale. However, the fulfillment of such desires requires a tremendous amount of energy, and given that people are also used to doing nothing, and just dreaming, often there is no change in life at all. It will be correct to formulate one dream in each area of ​​life in which you want to receive changes, and concentrate on their execution.

The fact that desires are not fulfilled is often said by those people who cannot clearly articulate them. After all, desires can contradict each other, and a person is not able to understand what is more important and interesting for him. The complexity of the choice here plays a key role. It is necessary to understand that sometimes it is necessary to refuse (or temporarily postpone) one desire in order to get another.

Fulfillment of desire can interfere with internal blocks. As a rule, these are laid down in childhood “I am not worthy” or “I am not good enough for this”. Only self-confident people have enough energy, so you need to pay attention and work on yourself.

Technique of fulfillment of desires for Zeeland

Fulfillment of desires by the power of thought is possible with the help of various techniques. For example, you can use the “Glass of Water” technique offered by Vadim Zeeland.

Water is poured into an ordinary glass - preferably thawed or spring water. Take a blank sheet of paper and write down the necessary installation at the moment. For example, “To resolve this situation, all the circumstances were the best for me”. Then a glass of water is placed on this sheet, and palms are placed on the sides of the glass (not touching).

Between the palms should arise heat, a clot of energy. Say clearly and confidently (aloud or mentally) the phrase that is recorded, while using visualization techniques. Drink water.

And the main thing. Miracles happen, and you need to believe in them. But having to formulated a wish also an action plan, in accordance with which you will daily approach the goal, the chances of success will increase significantly.

Polina, Novorossiysk

Watch the video: Sadhguru - Just Pay Attention To Your Breath, Anything You Wish Can Happen. Mystics of India (October 2024).