
How to make acquaintance and start a conversation with a girl on the Internet?

During the rapid development of the Internet and the widespread distribution of gadgets correspondence with the girl as the beginning of a relationship no longer looks out of the ordinary, and acquaintance on the Internet is more likely the norm than an exception.

How to behave when chatting online, how can you please the girl and what should be avoided when communicating on the Internet?

How to communicate with girls online?

The specifics of communication in the network by correspondence, for example, in the VC, it is that you do not see and do not hear the girl at the time of communication, and it may take quite a long time between the question and the answer.

However, do not consider this as flaw - it is better to try to see in it the following positive aspects:

  1. You always have time to think about the answer or question to the interlocutor.
  2. You can easily hide your embarrassment or embarrassment in case of their occurrence.
  3. Communication by correspondence, oddly enough, has more openness than conversation in reality.

However, such communication implies that first of all you should be interesting to the girl as a person.

You will not have the opportunity to look into her eyes, touch her, take her hand - all these nuances of courtship and seduction will have to take place on a mental level.

How to start a conversation on the Internet?

How to start a conversation with a girl? In order to make contact with the pen girl, you first need to clean up your own page in the social network where you want to correspond.

To evaluate you and form the first impression, it will just need to run a quick glance over your page.

The following items will be undesirable.:

  • the abundance of profanity on the page;
  • vulgar jokes, especially degrading women;
  • depressive or suicidal statements.

After removing the above elements, you should think about how to start a conversation with a girl, because the banal "Hello, let's get acquainted!" likely to be rejected.

The ideal option to start dating would be to enter into the discussion of the topic, where the girl left her comments so that later you could go on to personal correspondence.

You can immediately ask a question in personal messages, but you need to take care, so that it is really interesting.

If you start from scratch, without a clue for any topic, the offer of acquaintance should be non-trivial.

How to talk?

To make a conversation with a girl, it is necessary that she, first of all, she was interested in herself.

You may have to study well her profile, find out her interests, favorite movies and music, and preferences in literature.

You can view the profiles of her friends to have an idea about her social circle.

Having got acquainted, it is better to start with a discussion of precisely those topics that are close to her.

People tend to communicate willingly on familiar topics, but the perception of completely new information from a stranger may seem too costly, not worth attention.

What topics can you talk about?

What to talk to the girl in the correspondence? When communicating on the Internet, you have plenty of topics for discussion with your interlocutor.

Especially comfortable that you can not only have a lively dialogue while correspondence, but also share various media materials - videos, books, images, links to interesting articles - do something that is a bit difficult in live communication, because on the social network you will have time for study the material you share, learn more about it and form a better opinion.

The best thing start communicating with light topics:

  1. Leisure time. This topic opens up an opportunity for you not only to learn more about a girl's hobbies - she may share her dream of organizing her leisure time, for example, watching an expected movie or going to a concert of her favorite band. In the future, this can be an excellent excuse for meeting in reality.
  2. Art. Together with a girl you can visit virtual museums, share your favorite tracks, discuss pictures - and do it slowly and deployed, which is even a little problematic in real life.
  3. Books. Here you also gain significantly in comparison with reality - a live young man quoting a famous writer can be puzzling, but when communicating on the Internet this is the norm.

    Share your favorite quotes with each other, you can even read a work together and tell each other about your impressions.

    Of course, it is better to talk about this only if the girl likes to read.

  4. The relationship between a man and a woman. Correspondence is good because people do not see each other and this contributes to a more frank conversation. With this theme, you can kill two birds with one stone - firstly, to take the interlocutor with an interesting conversation, and secondly, to learn firsthand about her vision of the relationship between a man and a woman. Besides, if you seem to the girl to be an interesting young man, she will certainly enthusiastically support this subject.

Not necessarily immediately climb into the wilds and go into a serious topic - start with easy and pleasant communication. In time, you will still have this opportunity.

Focus on the positive - thus you fix the pleasant emotions of the girl, and she will gladly respond to your messages.

Phrases examples

At the beginning of the acquaintance you do not need to be intrusive and rush to go to a personal conversation. The best option would be to make acquaintance struck up as naturally as possible.

For example, a girl posted a summer photo near a remarkable monument in some familiar city on vacation.

In this case, you can write: “Great place to stay. There is a skating rink nearby, although it works only in winter. Have you ever been to this city in the winter? ”

If you still want to immediately communicate in personal correspondence, can write the following: "Hello! You have a wonderful selection of audio on the page - just what I wanted to listen to, but there was no time to put together a playlist. Tell me, maybe you're still listening? ”

It’s not necessary to write the phrase “let's take a closer look” in order for your communication to go a bit further with a couple of dropped phrases - all this may look absolutely organic and easy.

How to continue and keep the conversation going?

The second important point when meeting online is the implementation re-contact.

If you initially had an interesting two-hour conversation, writing a girl a second time would be an absolutely natural step. But what to do if communication for some reason did not advance further than a few phrases?

In this case better wait some time - two or three days, after which, for example, send the following message: “I remembered for a long time, where I saw a movie I was interested in - of course, on your page! You just help me out in leisure activities. By the way, how are you with him now? ”

You can act a little bolder - for example, write the following: “Something made me remember you, even though we talked quite a bit. Will we meet again? "

If you remember her, she will tell about it and then the conversation will go more freely.

How to finish the conversation?

It is important to correctly complete the conversation on the social network so as to prepare the girl for what you will write to her again. It should also not be intrusive.

For example, you can ask how often she allows herself free time for such correspondences. If so, just say that would be happy to chat again. If not, note that today luck has smiled at you and you are not averse to seeing her smile a second time.

You can also limit yourself to a banal, but at the same time, an unequivocal phrase: “I was glad to talk with you. Before communication, if that ".

A must also if you wish extend acquaintanceThere will be an expression of pleasant emotions at the end of your communication.

Tell that to you it was nice to chat, to spend time talking to her, make a compliment that she is a pleasant companion.

Do not wait for the topics of conversation to expire and there will be an awkward pause in the conversation. - if you suddenly feel that you do not know what to talk about further, it is better to refer to urgent matters and end the conversation on a pleasant note.

Common mistakes made by guys

What you do not need to talk about and how not to behave with a girl in networks? When communicating in social networks, you should also avoid those may be uninteresting for a girl.

Traditionally this is Specific male topics:

  1. Auto. You should not send her a photo of a car that you would have dreamed of buying or admiring the novelties of the automobile industry - of course, if your interlocutor herself is not an avid motorist.
  2. Computer games. Usually the enthusiasm for computer games causes some negativity among the fair sex. Therefore, this topic is better not to touch.
  3. Intimacy. It is not necessary to impose a conversation on intimate topics at the very beginning of your acquaintance - if you have everything with the girl, you will catch up.

    However, the topic of sex in the first hour of correspondence is still a moveton.

  4. Dirty stories or jokes. Also, any humor that would rudely make fun of women. Maybe some humorists sometimes allow themselves to joke about the many-sided relationships between a man and a woman, but doing this at the beginning of dating a girl is unlikely to have a positive effect on her attitude towards you.
  5. Politics. Even if you are a fan of reading political news, in this matter it is best to be neutral - at least at the beginning of your communication history.

Social networks actually represent ideal place for dating.

At the same time, developers deliberately simplify this process - the profile suggests filling in the fields in which you want to indicate your hobbies, save your favorite movies and music - that is, make the search as easy as possible close to the interests of the person.

And over time, this method of communication is becoming increasingly popular - sometimes you do not even need to be distracted from your favorite things and at the same time have a pleasant conversation with a girl who has become interested in you.

How to communicate with girls on the Internet:

Watch the video: THIS is How A Girl Wants You to TEXT HER. How to Flirt with A Girl Over Text (May 2024).