Love and relationship

How to fall in love with a girl: tips with the comment of a psychologist

Women are mysterious creatures, their behavior and reactions to any actions are difficult to predict. Some proud dreamers all their lives waiting for the prince on a white horse, others - rush to the first man who invited them on a date, and do not disengage from him until he makes an offer.

Of course, most Russian women want to start a family, have children and live happily ever after with their loved one, but for this they need to fall in love. If you are serious and want to find out how to fall in love with a girl, you should read our recommendations and choose the ones that you consider most effective.


They are met by clothes, there’s no way around it. Most women prefer their man to be more beautiful than a monkey, so you should make an effort to look presentable. What is needed for this? Just check if you meet the listed points.

If more than half of them you missed, then you should pay more attention to their appearance, to please someone.

  • Fresh haircut. Attend a hairdresser at least once a month. A recently trimmed man looks younger, neater and more positive than a young man with hippie patla, from which even his eyes are hard to see.
  • Regular shaving. It is not necessary to shave every morning, manically destroying every hair on your manly chin (although it would not hurt, but women are not so cruel). Light, two- or three-day unshavenness is quite admissible - it even looks stylish (but not at all!).
  • Clean, ironing clothes. A man dressed with a needle will always attract the attention of women around him, while an untidy subject in a spotted sweater is unlikely to be a hero of the bright dreams of a lonely young lady. Keep your clothes clean, regularly wash and iron shirts, pants, sweaters and other things. They can be inexpensive, but must be clean. Oh yes, do not forget to change socks on time! And if they have a hole, then throw them away immediately!
  • Footwear. Your shoes should also be neat, polished and shiny. Many women judge the status of a man by his shoes, so you should pay special attention to this piece of clothing.
  • Correspondence of the image to the moment. This phrase refers to the relevance of your costume in certain cases. For example, if you go on a date to the theater, it is best to choose a classic suit, and not a pair of faded jeans and a baggy sweater. Do not make the lady blush for your ignorance, dress according to the dress code of the event.


In this section we will talk about how to fall in love with a girl thanks to your lifestyle. As you know, women love successful, strong men who achieve their goals and always move forward. It is not necessary to be like Superman and try to meet any standard, it is enough to be successful in a certain area and not to make rash actions that can be negatively perceived by a woman. So, what kind of lifestyle you need to lead to win the love of your lady?

  • Do not abuse cigarettes and alcohol. Nobody forbids you at all, especially in our difficult time. There are, of course, ardent champions of bad habits, but the overwhelming majority of girls are willing to accept small weaknesses. But the desire to relax sometimes, after drinking a bottle of wine with a girlfriend for the evening, far from drunken stupor with "friends" every evening in the garage. Not one, not even the most patient woman, can endure life with an alcoholic, unless she suffers from grief herself.
  • Do sports. A healthy and strong man - the dream of every woman. Regular physical activity not only has a beneficial effect on the entire body, raising immunity, leading to muscle tone, charging with energy, but also uplifting, and positive people only attract people, including women, to themselves. If you go to the gym or do any kind of martial arts, then you can stand up for your lady anyway, and she will certainly respond to your feelings.
  • Go to your goal. If you have decided on what you want to do in life, then we congratulate you - half the work has already been done. Now the main thing is not to deviate from the intended path and systematically, step by step, move towards the fulfillment of your dream. Women love motivated men, because they know what they want and how they will achieve it. Such certainty is alien to most girls, and therefore captivates them in men.
  • Be active. Pseudo-thinkers and pseudo-thinkers, who spend most of the day thinking about the meaning of life and watching TV, begin to annoy. In order to develop, you need to constantly do something. The same is true of love: if you do not pay attention to her, she will wither. Active actions in all spheres of life (in career, in relationships, in your favorite activity) - this is another answer to the question of how to fall in love with a girl.

Relationship behavior

If you have already started a relationship, but are not yet sure about the feelings of your passion, do not miss the moment. It is at the beginning of the relationship that the foundation for the further joint path is laid, and it will be half built by you. If you do not know how to fall in love with a girl, then pay attention to your actions towards her:

  • Keep your promises. If you have agreed to meet, then make every effort to come on time. Of course, sometimes there are force majeure, but then you need to find a way to warn the girl in advance about the cancellation of the meeting and apologize to her. Regularly unfulfilled promises can cause separation, as the girl will consider you irresponsible.
  • Do not fool your girlfriend. We all lie every day on trifles, now it's not about that. You can not lie to a loved one about global things: about feelings, about health, about the reasons for your actions. A lie will sooner or later come to light, and then you will hardly be able to restore your previous confidence.
  • Make surprises. Small, but regular signs of attention without any special reason - this is the best way to fall in love with a girl. Every woman loves attention, especially from her man, so it is very important to give it to her constantly, even when the candy-bouquet period has already ended. It is not necessary to spend much money, the main thing is to make surprises from the heart, investing your feelings in them. Believe me, a sincere girl will definitely appreciate it.
  • Help your darling. Assistance can be both physical (carry bags, help with relocation, repair the crane), and moral (support in difficult situations). Still, women are the weaker sex, no matter how strong they want to appear. Try to always come to the rescue of your girlfriend on time, in order to create in her a feeling of a solid shoulder and protector.
  • Be polite. Observe the basics of etiquette, take care of your chosen one: move the back of the chair when she sits down, give her a coat, open the door in front of her, etc. Modern men often neglect these simple signs of attention and care, so against their background you will look like a real gentleman, next to which any woman will feel like an English lady.
  • Speak This recommendation applies to both heart-to-heart and compliments. No wonder they say that women love their ears, so why not become for their beloved a pleasant companion? Women do not like silent people, because they are trying to independently think out everything that he is silent about, and usually nothing good comes of it. Talk to her about your feelings, compliment her with her good qualities - and then you will not have to think about how to fall in love with a girl, because you will achieve your goal. Believe me, it's better to let a woman speak with you than she then discusses your silence with her friends.
  • Introduce her to friends and family. If you have been in a relationship for some time, then you should not hesitate to introduce your girlfriend to your friends and parents. If you miss the right moment, the girl will begin to doubt your sincere feelings, which will certainly lead to misunderstanding. When you introduce her to your loved ones, you show her your trust and seriousness of intentions, so any woman will be delighted with this development of events.

Watch the video: 10 Psychological Tricks That Work On Girls Collaboration (January 2025).