Personal growth

How to learn to express your thoughts orally and in writing?

Thinking about how to learn to express your thoughts, you need to prepare for the fact that it will take some time. This skill is formed as a result of training. It will help to talk with yourself, keeping a blog or diary, reading books. Moreover, it is important to combine these techniques, engage constantly.

Reading around the head!

It is impossible to learn how to speak and write correctly without a worthy example. Such is the quality literature. Read at least a few pages a day. Genre can be any, but wondering how to learn how to express your thoughts, it is better to stay on the classics. Works by contemporaries will do, but if the author puts slang into the mouths of his characters or uses common language, it will be difficult to learn from him.

Unfolding complex on simple

The presence in the speech of neologisms, complex terms, words borrowed from a foreign language can either indicate a broad outlook and intelligence, or spoil the impression about a person. It is necessary not only to enrich the vocabulary with new words, but also to be able to explain them easily.

Collection of information

Another benefit of reading is gathering information. It must be reliable, informative, capacious. If a person spends hours talking about how ships ply the universe, even amazing eloquence will not save his public from boredom. Armed with truthful and factually confirmed information, the speaker will feel more confident.

Free writing

There is an effective exercise that will help both learn to state your thoughts in writing, and later to pronounce them. You need to choose any household item in the house, for example, a kitchen stove. Next, you should write an essay about her about 400 words (this is one printed sheet A4). You can complicate the task - without training 5-7 minutes, talk about the device.

To make the exercise even more interesting, you can turn the furnace into the "main character" of the story, having considered it from different sides.

  • Describe the history of the appearance of the plate in the house. The reason for the purchase, where the acquisition was made, on what basis it was chosen.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the stove, as if someone asked if it works well. You can even imagine that someone is interviewing what it is like to live in the same house with this stove.
  • To consider the technical characteristics of the device and safety techniques to work with it. To do this, you need to examine the information from the network or instructions to it.
  • Compose a mini-novel about the furnace. The genre is not important, since it also trains fantasy. This may be a fairy tale, fantasy, female romance, drama.

Speaking actions

You can turn any action into a game. For example, imagine yourself as a leading culinary project. In the process of cooking you need to describe each action, explaining how to chop the parsley, in what sequence to lay the products. You can tell where the recipe came from, or make remarks about the benefits of one or another ingredient.

You can do the same with any home process. For example, in the process of cleaning to tell what tools are used to restore cleanliness. Going through things in the closet, talk through the story that is connected with her: the dress in which they went for the first date; sweater, which was spilled soup.

By theses

It is checked that the text is better absorbed if it is written thesis. Short paragraphs or a list are perceived much easier and faster to remember. To hedge yourself, you can memorize the number of points and pronounce their numbering. For example, you need to call 10 advantages of the cream. In speech, you can openly call them: first, second, third, etc.

If there is to be a public speech where you can use the cheat sheet, it will be easier to navigate in it, if you emphasize the most important and present thesis.

Keeping a personal diary

Personal diary - the keeper of secret secrets and trainer for the expression of thoughts. The main condition is not only to make notes, but also to re-read them. By keeping a diary, a person will be able to see his progress, the first entries may be simple, then the speech will be filled with new verbal turns. You can enter the habit - to describe the day at least five epithets or phrases. In order to complicate the task a little, you can put a condition - phrases should not be repeated, at least within one week. This will encourage the search for synonyms, the development of vocabulary.

Eradication of parasitic words

In the conversation of almost every person there are such words: type, in short, well, in general, damn, as it were, etc. They should not be. You can work out a reflex in yourself so as not to speak. To do this, put on your hand the usual gum (not soft), and each time the word parasite, to delay and release it. So an understanding will come that speaking wrong is painful.

Self talk

Not everyone can immediately speak in public, so you can try to sharpen your speech alone with yourself. You can talk about everything - about experiences, about how the day went, about plans and dreams. The inner critic needs to be muffled a little, because you only learn to express thoughts, but it is important to maintain objectivity.

Another good way is to record your speech on the recorder. You can listen to it later to evaluate not only the quality of speech, but also the tempo and timbre.

Speech rate

It is important not only to logically express thoughts, but also to speak correctly. Speech should be expressive, not too fast, but not monotonous. It must contain pauses, expression. Here is the voice recorder. After listening to the recording, you should make out how pure diction, pronunciation.

You can develop the right speech by listening to the speeches of stars and just public people. Attention should be paid not only to what they say, but also to how they do it. Mimics, gestures are important.

Conducting conversations

This item is important when you want to learn how to express thoughts verbally. You can memorize speech, train your behavior, but it is worth someone to ask an additional or suggestive question and thoughts in question. To avoid this you need to communicate more. You can do this in person or by chatting on the forums. Comments on social networks will do.

Help from

If we are talking about writing, you should put your creations, even early ones, on public display on the Internet, the criticism will not keep you waiting. But one should distinguish constructive comments from the banal Internet banter or subjective opinion. Rate oral speech will help friends. Ask them to determine if there are parasitic words in your speech, or at what rate you speak. It is not always possible to hear this independently.

Not everyone knows how to learn to express one's thoughts, but this skill can be developed in oneself. It will help with performances in public, will allow to establish mutual understanding, as sometimes the inability to speak lucidly is fraught with quarrels and offenses.

Watch the video: Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (December 2024).