In order to succeed and become a leader, you need to be brave. But what to do if this quality is not from birth, and fears do not give me time to recover? How to become a brave, confident person? We will tell you how to change yourself and stop being afraid.
Understand what courage is
Courage is more than victory over fear. Mastering courage means becoming successful and sociable.
Courage is a skill:
- to take responsibility;
- take a sober look at what is happening;
- own your emotions;
- protect your territory interests;
- make quick decisions.
Having understood what this quality means, you can start a course called "How to become brave and successful." It is laid out in the following paragraphs of this article.
Believe in yourself and not be afraid of change
One thing is insecurity, and another is distrust of oneself: "I can not", "Nothing will work out", "Everything is hopeless." Such an attitude is already a defeat. You need to believe in your own strengths, capabilities, abilities, as well as trust yourself.
There is one more important point, pushing on frank conversation with itself. Sometimes our uncertainty is the result of a fear of change. After all, to have an interview means to change the rhythm of life, to show the best qualities, to stretch, as they say. And why, if you don’t really need to try at this job. True, the salary is small, there is no development.
It does not happen that the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. After all, how to become better, bolder, if not to be ready for change? Especially, to the best.
Defeat fear
Fear is one of the reactions of consciousness to what is happening. It occurs at the moment when it is necessary to decide whether to run away or advance. When we are afraid, the body begins to actively release cortisone - the stress hormone. That it can be thanked for panic attacks.
Interesting that fear is inherent even to newborns. It manifests itself in the form of self-preservation instinct. The first fears that our subconscious gives out are the fear of noise and falling. The rest of the fears - the result of the influence of close or life circumstances.
Almost all phobias or complexes are rooted in childhood, when caring parents inspire: "You can’t go there - angry dog", "If you study badly, you will become a loser", "So no one does, be like everyone else!". Being formed under the fear of social condemnation, we, being already adult uncles or aunts, are afraid of dogs, are sick with the syndrome of excellence and are afraid to object to the leadership.
The rest of the fears we diligently instill themselvesFor fear of getting sick, go crazy, die.
Those who want to learn how to become brave need to get rid of their fears, change their thinking, understand that our thoughts prevent us from becoming brave.
Here are the rules to start with:
- Do not avoid fear and the situations that cause it.
- Meet head-on with a nook of fear if it is safe.
- Rationally, logically explain what is happening.
To develop determination
How to become brave or at least they seem? Learn to make quick decisions. It is important not to let the imagination draw a picture of the negative consequences of your action.
You can take as a rule - for reflection, no more than 2 seconds. For example, a dog appears from around the corner, at the sight of which the soul goes to the heels. You need to count in your mind to two, come to your senses, taking in themselves in hand. It is not so important what exactly to do - call for help, pick up a stone from the ground, the main thing is not to lose composure.
If you manage to overcome yourself, it is advisable to reward yourself - eat a cake or spend a couple of hours in the entertainment center.
To risk
Risk is a medicine under the clear title "How to become brave." The fact is that when we risk, the body produces adrenaline, and it blocks fear.
To err, to lose or to lose something is not as bad as never to risk at all. Being in the shell reduces self-esteem, and the risk increases it. You can start by participating in the auction, and finish by opening your own cafe or buying a motorcycle.
How to become brave? Learn the basics of this quality in practice. It will not be easy, but there is no other way. Reading smart books, useful articles is a great start, a good motivator, a solid foundation. But this is just a theory, and everyone should develop the skills himself.
For example, put a limit - up to three bold actions per day. It's not about saving drowning people or catching up with armed robbers. "Plank" courage at all different. Someone talking to a stranger - this is the hardest act, requiring effort and work on themselves. You can write to the girl you like (boyfriend), return the product to the store or, in the end, make a remark to a neighbor whose dog has appropriated your rug.
All at once may not work, but the result will not take long. After a month of intense training, you can share your own experience how to become brave.
Find inspiration
Psychologists are confident that a good result can be achieved only when there is support. For example, it is better to run in the mornings with the company, and to practice it with a coach. Alone, it is possible to overcome the summits, but it is much harder.
So with self-development. You need to find a brave and determined person who knows exactly how to become brave, can inspire or cheer.
Someone draws strength, watching a series of films "Die Hard" with Bruce Willis, and for someone an example to follow is a person who has overcome a terrible disease.
No matter who becomes the inspiration, the main thing is that he was, and he wanted to be equal to him.
Use affirmations
How to become brave? Instill yourself this by a positive attitude. Every day you need to start with the words: "I believe in myself and my strength. I will succeed. I am not afraid of anything." Ideally, if you manage to pronounce the lines in your voice and looking in the mirror. So you can deceive your own subconscious.
Do your body
Statistics say that 85% of brave men are physically healthy people who monitor their diet and daily routine of sports.
How to become brave, if you have never been so? Sign up in the sports section, learn self-defense techniques, discover new facets in yourself.
Achievements in training will give confidence in yourself, and courage in general.
These 9 tips are a great cheat sheet for someone who wants to learn how to become brave. We told how to change your life for the better, overcome fears, set up positive thinking. There is an opinion that the courageous are especially lucky, so follow our advice more boldly and you will succeed!