Personal growth

Bad mood: what is the reason?

You can bet that you know how to use a mobile phone, a TV, and a washing machine. What about the most complex instrument that you yourself are? Unfortunately, many of us have not learned to understand ourselves even in adulthood.

For example, can you say for sure why you have an inexplicable longing, sadness, bad mood? If you answer this question instantly, then consider that there is no problem, because by removing the reason you know, you will immediately raise your spirits.
But sometimes this reason is superficial, and the main one is hidden deep in the subconscious, and we do not want to notice it. That's when our mind sends a signal: suddenly it becomes sad, the mood spoils, misunderstandings fall on me. In fact, this means that we have unmet needs, and it is time to take steps to implement them.
There are people who have learned to ignore their bad mood. They simply do not want to solve their problems and "drive them" deep inside, which as a result leads to various diseases, depression, and bad dreams.
You must be brave enough to face the cause of a bad mood — your real life problem. You think that you have completely forgotten about her, and she suddenly reminds herself of the sudden sorrow. The main problems in humans, as a rule, not so much. The rest just seem big. If you could eliminate the main reason, then minor issues would disappear by themselves or stop worrying you.
But what to do if it is very difficult to find out the subconscious reasons for your bad mood, since it seems that there are too many of them? Or the solution of the main problem requires considerable time and effort (for example, divorce)? Well, in this case, go from the opposite. Make a list of all your minor troubles and divide them into those that do not depend on you, and those with which you are able to cope.

Immediately start to solve simple questions depending on you:

- the key broke - order a new one,
- the socket does not work - invite an electrician or fix it yourself,
- extra 5 cm at the waist - start doing gymnastics or sign up at the gym,
- etc.
You will not solve a global problem this way, but gradual deletion from the list of such simple trifles will immediately change your well-being, which is what we actually need. Even if it is not possible to achieve a positive result in these small issues, the fact that you take some measures will improve your mood.
Just try not to bring your position to a whole list of even small problems. It is better to solve them immediately, as they appear. There is one little trick. Do not let new information come in that may turn out to be negative until you have solved the previous problem. For example, you may receive a not very encouraging response from your client or partner in the mail. Do not open the mail before you do not solve pressing issues and do not achieve that your mood is normalized a little.
The most common cause of a bad mood, usually lying on the surface, is a pile of unfinished work. In this case, the only way to feel better will be that you will force yourself to calmly and slowly begin to do your work one by one at a time. Don't wait for it to end, just do it. Remember that sadness is a call from the subconscious to start performing certain actions.

Watch the video: How to Get Out of a Bad Mood (April 2024).