
Depression: what to do?

There are times in a person’s life when he is depressed, overwhelmed by overwhelming problems and worries. He is constantly in a bad mood, there is no desire to continue or complete the work begun, there is no satisfaction from past joys, a feeling of his own uselessness and uselessness appears. Similar behavior indicates depression. Depression can not just wait or worry. It is necessary to start treatment in time to feel the fullness of life again.

How to behave during depression?

Sometimes depression can be caused by a single event, for example, the death of a loved one. But as time goes on, the brain and the senses adapt to life with the traumatic recall. After a difficult period, life is gradually filled with new events and colors. But it does not always happen as we expect. It happens that experienced grief or stress triggers depression or aggravates its course. Recently, depression is often diagnosed as a chronic disease or condition.

Most often depressed people are unstable and unstable psyche. Treatment for depression is primarily aimed at acquiring and strengthening mental immunity. Medications, such as anti-depressants (in more detail in our article - pills for depression) can help with this, but without an integrated approach to getting rid of the causes of the disease, it will be difficult, because there is a high risk of relapse!

It should be noted that there is no single scheme for getting rid of depression. The success of treatment depends on the severity, form and duration of the disease. However, there are several general rules and actions that will help relieve depression and improve depressed mood:

Physical exercise

Sport contributes to the development of positive hormones and replaces a portion of antidepressants. The main rule - sport should not be violence against yourself! In the world there are an infinite number of types of physical activity. If you are sad at the thought that sport is running, gym and intense workouts, relax! Think what you like. What could you have fun, despite being tired? It can be dancing or horseback riding. Love peace? Yoga and Pilates perfectly complement a relaxed lifestyle. Water skiing, walking in the mountains for beautiful scenery, cycling and even trampolining - all that you like. Depression is characterized by constantly emerging negative thoughts, and sport is the best way to get rid of them. He completely takes the human mind, and he does not have time to think about the bad, it can even be called a kind of deception for the brain.

Internal state control

This is one of the most difficult rules for treating depression. Depression is filled with feelings like anger, depression, irritation, or envy. All these emotions poison the personality and make it even more prone to a depressive state. This can be compared with a car with a defective part, which at any time can cause an incident on the road. So it is with feelings. Any uncontrollable impulse can lead to inevitable consequences and troubles in life. Passive aggression aimed at themselves can completely destroy the person. It is important to understand what is the source? Where do these thoughts come from and what kind of ego state is voiced by them? Most likely this is your inner critic. With him you must learn to live and not allow him to command you from your own head. It's not you! Take it easy. Emotions themselves are just emotions, you need to learn to recognize and live them without “destroying” yourself or others.

Do only what you want and do not do what you do not want

These are the 2 main rules of life out of 6, fixed by the popular psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky. According to his method, as soon as everything that we dislike and brings negative emotions disappears from our life, life improves significantly. The editors checked it for themselves and recommends doing it to everyone! Think about it - do you often act in life as you like? Or do what you want for you? Neither wife, husband or your children (boss, parents, etc.)? YOU! And only you. Depression can be largely due to the lack of things in your life that you love. You have the right to make in life a choice in favor of your happiness. Start small - eat your favorite chocolate or a pack of chips for lunch, whatever, as long as you want it. Gradually introduce it into your life. Tell your wishes: “YES!”, At least 3 times a day. The world will not collapse. It certainly won't crash! And joy will appear in your life. And it will help to overcome depression. We checked! The main thing is not to fall into moral degradation and not to begin to decompose. Avoid this - it is an escape from problem solving.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and complain about life

Do not regret what could be and what really is not. If you constantly complain to others about life and think about how unhappy you are, it will only aggravate the situation and increase the depressive state. You need to learn how to train your blues and do not let her take over. You can imagine that sadness and blues - the common cold. We must take it as a temporary state of the brain. After treatment, the disease will pass.

Identify the event that affected the onset of depression

This action is one of the main in the fight against depression. One should not underestimate the event, which, although it is in the past, continues to aggravate heavy thoughts and negatively affects the patient’s daily life. It is necessary to get rid of such a burden and take a fresh look at life and the world around us. You can do it yourself, ask for help from relatives and friends who are aware of this situation. To assist in this situation, it is best to contact a psychotherapist and together find a solution to the existing problems.

Improving external living conditions

Sometimes, to gain spiritual comfort, a sufficient condition is a change of housing or living conditions. Of course, to get rid of depression, it is important to change your inner state, but often any minor changes in living conditions can turn the mood of a person in a different direction. Sometimes a person can be a large number of joint tenants in the house, at the slightest opportunity to move and create an acceptable comfort for themselves. Maybe you like pets, then you should get them.

Sometimes work can depress a person and bring him to depression. You can change jobs, you can do your own business, which has long dreamed of. There are many opportunities to change activities, you should not sit and wait until luck comes to you, you need to explore new options, make plans and look for new ones.

Nature and clean air, being away from the bustle of the city is often recommended by doctors in the treatment of depression. In such conditions, you can be alone with yourself, analyze the situation, understand yourself and your feelings. This will help to find peace of mind and find your happiness.


Do not forget about the minor joys in life that will help in the period of depression, and perhaps - and get rid of it. Music, movies, books, healthy sleep, sports and a balanced diet - all this will help to relax, to find peace of mind and tranquility. However, with a deep form of depression (all about severe depression and its signs - in our article severe (deep) depression), you must still seek the help of a specialist.

Watch the video: Living With Depression: How To Deal With Depression (October 2024).