Love and relationship

Love at first sight: does it really exist, and when can it overtake

Love is such a multifaceted concept that even psychologists are very reluctant to discuss it. Sometimes a feeling arises gradually, but often it begins and suddenly. Does love at first sight really exist, and in what cases can it overtake a person?

Psychological interpretations of feelings

Love at first sight is nothing more than an illusion. At least that's what most psychologists think. A person begins a relationship, is seen with his beloved almost every day, and soon he completely convinces himself that the feeling originated instantly. In fact, for the emergence of true love, a combination of several factors is necessary:

  • presence of emotional compatibility of partners;
  • common interests, attitudes, beliefs;
  • the presence of physical attraction and satisfaction with each other in bed.

These are only the most common factors affecting the emergence of strong feelings. Love at first sight - no more than a feeling of attraction to a partner. The main components of this feeling are passion, undisguised physical desire and dreams of the partner’s ideality, which rarely correspond to reality. To characterize this feeling can be the word "love". A person seems to be experiencing familiar emotions, but at the same time he can easily abandon the novel, if life goes like this. It’s almost impossible to give up real feelings, and people have been fighting for them for years.

Psychologists believe that for the emergence of sincere love takes months and even years. During this time, people manage to learn the weaknesses and merits of each other, reconciling with them. As a result, there is no trace left of that first sensation: it either completely dissipates or is transformed into sincere affection.

Sometimes love at first sight turns into a real feeling, and for this to happen, psychologists advise you not to rush into the pool with your head. It is necessary to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the relationship, understand not the ideality of the partner, and only then begin the novel.

Who can be overtaken by instant feeling

Even sincerely believing in the existence of love at first sight, a person cannot always meet her. Experts say that a certain psychological background is needed here. Who is the easiest to fall in love instantly?

  1. Those who are not satisfied with their marital status and want to change it.
  2. To those who have enough freedom, both in their views and in their personal life, to begin an instant novel.
  3. Having a need for protection also becomes an incentive for concluding such a union.
  4. More often, this feeling is exposed to the younger generation, while older people are skeptical about such premature romance.

To trust a person, to see in him the only condemned one, you need to have some psychological dissatisfaction. Perhaps a person has long dreamed of a strong relationship, and perhaps only recently experienced a serious break. He needs spiritual warmth, so the emergence of love at first sight becomes a gift of fate.

If a person has recently experienced a tragic rupture, then feeling can be nothing more than an illusion. Sometimes such a lover even shifts the character traits and behavioral traits of the previous partner to the new passion. Such self-deception usually ends in nothing good for both partners.

Such sensations can overtake the person who is free to life and has broad views. He does not care what others think about short-term relationships, and he does not care about the possibility of the disappearance of feelings.

Despite the fact that the feeling of being in love may occur in everyone, and even at the wrong time, representatives of the younger generation under the age of 30 are more susceptible to it. Psychologists believe that such age limits can be explained by elementary youthful maximalism.

To suddenly determine the emergence of feelings is not difficult, since all thoughts of a person are occupied only with that very ideal. He suddenly begins to see the world in new colors, his mood improves, thoughts of a joint future appear. This feeling of incredible happiness can persist for a couple of days, and can accompany a person for months. However, sooner or later, the feeling of first love will pass, and either deep feeling or complete indifference will change it.

Advantages and disadvantages of falling in love at first sight

This bright feeling has a lot of advantages, and here are just some of them:

  • usually these feelings are the strongest, conquering a person to the depths of the soul;
  • it is such feelings that leave memory in the heart for life;
  • having love at first sight in its arsenal, it is usually easier for a person to cope with conflicts that invariably arise in a relationship;
  • It is this feeling that most often inspires creative heroism.

Poets, musicians, filmmakers - they all just love to sing a sudden love. However, this does not mean that the light feeling has only one side.

The main disadvantage of this love is that it passes quickly. Within a month, the feelings become weaker, and the person begins to notice those shortcomings that previously had no meaning for him.

Another drawback is the high non-reciprocal percentage. Noticing a handsome guy on the street, the girl may fall in love, but what is the probability that these emotions will be mutual. In this case, the beautiful story will turn into a tragedy.

And finally, this romance rarely ends in marriage. Usually partners are disappointed in each other because of the previously created ghostly ideals and part. However, there are cases when such emotions can be carried through life.

It is very difficult to build relationships, and sometimes it takes too much time for love to arise between partners. Much can be said about instant love, but the main thing is that this feeling remains a bright spot in the biography of anyone who has experienced it.

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