A life

What is a lifestyle and what is it like

Lifestyle - this is how a person prefers to live, to present himself, what puts in priority, how he contacts with others. If something does not suit in life, then most likely you need to change her style. It is not necessary to do this sharply and dramatically. You can start to make a "map of behavior" and identify the basic habits that interfere with happiness.

What is a lifestyle?

Lifestyle - these are features of behavior, thinking, principles based on the individual's own ideas about how to live correctly and interestingly. Determines the degree of maturity and integrity of the individual, involvement in society. Quite often, a person does not form a lifestyle on his own, but adjoins a group of people who, in his opinion, live as he would like.

Sometimes people copy the lifestyle of another person, often this happens in adolescence, when a child has idols from among classmates or show business stars.

"National" styles of life

The word "national" was in quotes, because it can only be called so conditionally. Based on historical stereotypes and cultural peculiarities, 4 most vivid lifestyle can be distinguished.


  • Showy politeness. Americans do not always speak directly about what they do not like, especially when it comes to higher-ranking bosses. Because they have the habit of deliberately losing the boss in something to show respect.
  • Neighborhood. Friendship with neighbors is expressed in frequent barbecue on weekends, decorating houses for holidays "like everyone else." Practicing greeting new tenants, always with refreshments.
  • Paid for any work. In many American families, children receive pocket money for doing feasible housework - mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage. Sometimes they help a neighbor for a cash reward.
  • Freedom of movement. It is easy enough for an American to move from one state to another for work or study (not in the material, but morally). For a political career go to Washington, for the popularity - in Los Angeles. They freely make friends with their neighbors and colleagues, because the move does not seem to them emotionally difficult.
  • Public life. Participation in a golf club, bridge, playing bingo, Sunday trips to church. Americans love to bunch up.

How to know that you live in American? The basis of this lifestyle is practicality. Everything is done with a specific purpose. Family - salvation from loneliness; Work - for earnings and career building. Time is the most valuable resource, because everything is grasped and clearly divided. Everything has its price, you have to pay for something with money, for something with principles.

The main thing in the American style of life is the belief that dreams come true with due effort. Purposefulness, broad outlook, courage in building plans - this is what it means to live in an American way.


  • Respect for elders. Family values ​​are extremely important for the Japanese, because grandparents are held in high esteem here, even if they are strangers.
  • Power machines. Japan is a high-tech country. Apartments here can live on their own ecosystem thanks to the "smart" technology, but the furniture in the house, as a rule, is not enough. All that can make the car, the Japanese prefer not to do it yourself.
  • One job for life. Firing is considered a shame. Many Japanese in their entire life never change jobs, it is believed that it is necessary to achieve career heights in one company and preferably from scratch.
  • Emotion Management. The Japanese are extremely unemotional, and this concerns both excessive joy and anger.
  • Proper nutrition. In Japan, there is a cult of food. The process of feeding itself is a definite ceremony. At lunch breaks, the Japanese eat what they brought from home.

How do you know that you live in Japanese? Thoroughness, diligence, hard work are the three elephants on which the life of a person who has adopted the Japanese style is built. The work is sacred, it is impossible to postpone or transfer it, it has taken upon itself the burden, which means it must endure it. It is possible and necessary to be interested in everything new, but to introduce it into your life, should only be the case if it does not re-read life principles.

Adherence to principles and rules is important, but this does not mean obsession or narrow-mindedness. Confidence in the future. In the first place is the convenience of life, getting rid of excess. Hardly on the balcony there is a place of one old ski. The order is in everything, from the space in the house to the thoughts in the head.


  • First thing airplanes... Up to 30 years old, you need to get an education, get a good job and have time to climb the career ladder, and after that you can think about your personal life.
  • Meet on clothes. The French dress very simply, women are more likely to wear shoes at a low speed than they wear heels. In France, there is brandmania. If the label does not indicate the name of the famous label, then the person may be suspected of a bad taste.
  • Children are the flowers of life. The family is the basis of society, because the French do not stop at one child. Weekends are usually spent with the family.
  • Snobbery. The French are great snobs. They clearly know which school to send the child to, which lyceum is the right one, which one needs to breed a dog in order to be accepted by the high society.
  • Ladies and gentlemen. France is a country of love and high fashion. Despite the fact that the French women, like other women, strive for equality with men, they will never refuse a pleasant seductive compliment or a mannered open door in front of them. And men will not miss the opportunity to show manners.

How do I know that you live in French? The impeccable sense of style and the balance between work and family is what French life looks like. To live in French means to look like an acrobat in a circus, to soar easily and naturally, no one should guess how much effort is spent on keeping the brand. Everything must be perfect, from a pair of selected shoes to plans for the next 10 years.

Knowing your worth, striving for the best and doing it beautifully are the rules of life in French. The ability to find good in every day.


  • More than anything, Italians love to relax.. Dinner from them can slowly develop into dinner. Most people in Italy start work at 9 am, but by 10 the employees are tired and can go for coffee, the legal break starts at 12, and they will not spend it for work either.
  • Politeness is a national trait. If the Americans are more ostentatious and more often they have a desire to get something in return, then the Italians have it in their blood. Even at the first meeting, they assign the interlocutor the title of “dear” or “dear”, and kissing the cheeks as a sign of greeting is practiced among men.
  • Skirts - favorite clothes. Women will not trade them for pants. After all, this way they will have the opportunity to flaunt in expensive stockings and pumps. But too short skirt still remains a move.
  • Family bonds. Family for Italians is not only relatives, but also friends and some colleagues. Therefore, an Italian family holiday is a gathering that can be gathered by several dozen people.
  • Emotions over the edge. Passion and expression are the most outstanding Italian features. Italians seem to cry constantly, when they are happy, and when they are angry.

How to know that you live in Italian? The main thing is not to strain! Every minute you need to look through, not fussing and not hurrying. Life is a holiday, but the person on it is not invited, but rather an organizer, because it is important to take care of everything. And even this needs to be done with a smile and pleasure, and also emotionally and passionately.

Life is one and one must live it in pleasure. It is impossible to earn all the money, but it is better to spend the evening with a glass of wine, looking at the sunset, than over the papers. The accumulation of emotions is harmful to health, because it is better to throw them out, by beating plates or loud laughter.

The best lifestyle is international! There is a place for the American dream, French charm, Japanese respect and Italian passions.

Watch the video: The Colorado Lifestyle. Whats it like living in Colorado (January 2025).