Personal growth

Human memory: properties, characteristics, laws

It is difficult to imagine how we would live without memory. But what is memory? What processes are involved, so that we can easily accumulate and reproduce information? Scientists have determined what properties memory has and how this complex associative mechanism works. We will talk about the laws, theories, psychology and physiology of this property.

What is human memory

Memory is a complex of mental abilities to accumulate, save and reproduce information. Without these skills, it is difficult to imagine human existence. Academician Ivan Sechenov argued that without the ability to store sensations and information, we would forever remain in the development phase of the newborn. After all, how to meet basic needs, if this is not formed a single presentation?

The title of the flagship in the study of memory was secretly given to Herman Ebbinghaus. The researcher, experimenting on himself, formulated the definition of memory, revealed the nature and mechanism of its action.

Today it is known that the level of its development depends on:

  • the work of the nervous system;
  • the formation of each of the processes of memorization;
  • education, level of training;
  • temperament;
  • kind of activity.

In addition to personal characteristics, the memory has age limits. For example, preschoolers, primary school students, teenagers memorize new things in different ways. Based on this, there are theories that claim that a child can learn several languages ​​before the age of 3.

It is difficult to answer the question "what is normal memory", since it is developed differently for everyone. But some deviations still occur. We can live with them all our lives, without giving the proper meaning.

The most common disorders are:

  • hypomnesia - reducing the possibility of remembering something;
  • hypermnesia - intrusive memories, febrile excitement;
  • paramnesia - distortions of memories, their substitution or deformation.

Memory properties

  • Capacity - the amount of material that can be remembered.
  • Memorization speed - individual rate of learning new.
  • Storage time - the period from the appearance to the disappearance of the material.
  • Reproduction accuracy - the level of reliability of the original facts.
  • Playback speed - The rate of search for the necessary statements.
  • Noise immunity - resistance to all kinds of obstacles.

Memory processes


We remember information both arbitrarily and not arbitrarily. Personally significant facts are usually deposited in the consciousness themselves, while we maintain a passive position. Memories in this case are fragmentary. We remember what bouquet of flowers we got on our first date, but we forgot what we were wearing. The point is not that someone set a goal to remember a bouquet and considered the whole evening its components. This is how selectivity works.

An interesting study was conducted by the psychologist Blum Zeigarnik. She proved that unfinished actions are remembered better. For example, if we are late for the train, have not achieved promotion, have not received what we expected, then we will definitely fix this event firmly in consciousness. As it turned out, situations with a positive resolution do not stay for a long time. So affect the negative emotions resulting from stress and frustration.

Psychologists have determined how does the memorization process work. It is based on repetition and meaningful perception. There is a special direction of psychology - mnemonics, in which the principles of associative memorization are studied. For example, the transfer of information through images, pictures, schematic images.

Depending on the type of memorization, there are 4 types of memory: motor, figurative, verbal and emotional. Each person is more developed one or another species.

Saving material

Depending on the level at which the material is fixed, there are distinguished sensory, short-term, long-term and operational types of memory. Each of them has its own characteristics.


There are four forms of information reproduction:

  • Recognition - occurs when we re-see the object.
  • Memory - the object is missing, but with the help of associations you can involuntarily reproduce the forgotten.
  • Recollection - to reproduce the material, you need to make an effort.
  • Rminiscension - playback with a delay, that is, recalling what seemed long forgotten.


This is the process of reducing the amount of stored data. This is a natural, natural action, which in rare cases is an anomaly. Forgetting is due to the following factors:

  • Time - after 60 minutes, we tend to forget half of what we heard.
  • Use activity - we forget that we do not use constantly. But the ability to swim, ride a bike or knowledge of the language is recorded at a subconscious level, so it is not forgotten.

Physiology and psychology of memory

Physiological aspect

Physiologists carefully examine memory, the definition of which is due to studies of the nervous system. So, the volume of our "archive" depends on the number of nerve cells involved. It has also been proven that DCO, LEO, CaMKII proteins are necessary for memorizing and active brain function. It is their shortage that causes various diseases associated with amnesia.

The connection of memory with physiological activity is known. California scientists have found that exercise increases levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamic acid in the brain. 20 minutes of active exercise is enough to raise the concentration of the necessary compounds at a level sufficient for memorizing.

Theories of Memory in Psychology

Memory in psychology is a property that helps a person to navigate in space and time. Whole theories take place about what processes happen to us during memorization.

  • Associative - our brain is looking for a connection between objects, pulling up everything that is involved in a given situation from the “archive”. The search takes place behind categories of similarity or contrast.
  • Behavioral - to remember the material, you need to perform exercises. So the material is securely stored.
  • Cognitive - information is processed using blocks. Some blocks recognize it, others create an oriental map, others hold it.
  • Activity - A look at the process as a human interaction with the world.

How the laws of memory work

  • Law of Interest - interesting or unusual facts are remembered for a long time.
  • Comprehension - what we understand, realize, perceived deeper.
  • Installations - if you want to remember something, then it will happen.
  • Actions - when the theory is fixed in practice, the action is better remembered.
  • Attention - memory and attention are inseparable, since only the concentration on the object helps to maintain an accurate picture of it.
  • Context - The facts, fixed by associations, are assimilated more reliably.
  • Braking - if we study similar concepts, then one "overlaps" the other, neutralizing both.
  • The edges - clearer preserved what is submitted at the beginning or end of the text.
  • Reiteration - if the material has been repeated several times, it will be remembered better than the one that was spoken once.
  • Incomplete - unsaid phrases or unfinished actions are remembered better.
  • Graduations - portioned material is memorized easier.

Human memory has become the object of many studies and theories. It is not surprising, because a person has a unique property to accumulate, store and reproduce information. We told what laws govern this process, revealed its psychological and physiological features. In order not to forget, use the article as a cheat sheet.

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