
7 Ways to Awaken Inspiration

How to awaken inspiration

To find your own creative way, you do not need to work long and long, it’s enough to follow specific actions. After all, everybody has creative potential, only he sleeps somewhere inside. All that needs to be done is to awaken this sloth and he will bring many creative contributions to your life and, thus, diversify and bring color to the gray routine. What do I need to do? The recipe is very simple, here are 7 ideas that will help to awaken the inspiration inside you:

Create space.
The space that surrounds us is an important factor, which gives the feeling of having a kind of listening to the inner self. To create space, you can do anything: from an ordinary walk to a simple observation by the window. In other words, it simply means to do something else, that is, not to force the creative process and not "extinguish" in its search.
The subconscious mind always works on things for us and often personifies what is inside us. They come at the very moment when we do not expect it. Therefore, first of all, you need to provide yourself with this and create favorable conditions for the energy to awaken inside without extra effort.
For example, walking causes a state similar to trance, which frees the mind and brings ease, facilitating the exploration of odd possibilities and incredible ideas.
Relax and feel.
Our traditional view that "time + effort = results" is wrong. We often believe that if we had more time or had energy, then we could find time for creative projects that we dream of or, finally, finish the ones we started. But this can not be done, but, on the contrary, less effort and more internal relaxation and you will feel how dormant creativity wants to break free. Never try to force yourself to do something - let it go to chance and everything will happen by itself. After all, internal stress is the greatest enemy of sleeping creativity.
How often do you find that your thoughts are somewhere else? Maybe you are too focused on the past or the future? Presence is an alignment of attention to thoughts about this moment, instead of being infinitely absorbed by internal worries and reminders. Being in the present, we have access to inspiration and creative energy. No need to engage your thoughts with something that causes discomfort and blocks inner potential. Your thoughts should be about “here and now”, and not burdened with dinner concerns.
Make small changes.
The smallest change can bring your world to a different level of self-awareness. Buying something even very small will allow you to awaken a new perception of your space in you. You can change anything and it will please both the eye and the soul. Everything that relates to creating order in your physical environment will encourage and nudge you towards creativity. Make these small changes - it is absolutely scary.
Shake your world.
You regularly need to try to do something new or the opposite of what you are doing. Creativity is enhanced by our ability to look at things from many different points of view, without repeating the same things over and over. Even if a new activity or mode of action makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it seems insignificant, anyway, new solutions can lead to big changes in your creative activity.
Celebrate your mistakes.
Many people forget that mistakes are only a transitional stage by the time when everything starts to work as expected. A mistake is only a sign that you are moving, progressing and growing. Do not give up and throw the case, if it did not work from the first steps. This is a natural process and you need to learn to appreciate it, draw conclusions and move on. Moreover, you need to learn to accept mistakes as an indisputable fact of your creative activity, because only this feeling, the feeling of understanding, that an erroneous action is only proof, that you need to try and find the most optimal way to solve them contributes to the disclosure of your creativity. Do not forget, Rome was not built in one day. Celebrate your mistakes - it only means that you are on the right path.
Sharing is so easy.
Many of the great creators believed that the demonstration of works before their completion is a bad sign. What does it end up badly affect the object of their creation. So know, this is just superstition. Learn to share your feelings and the fruits of work, even when you are stuck in the middle and do not know what to do next. When this happens, it is called "creative cork"- but you can take it out only by sharing it with others. The way you will present, talk about your child - will revive that sense of beauty and allow you to connect again to the inner resource of creativity. Then you will create more and more. Delight and positive thoughts of the work you are doing can awaken good feelings and boost your creativity. If the reviews of others do not bring a lot of heat - do not be upset, but rejoice - after all, these may be the first signs of envy.
Stay with you in comfort and share it with the world - only then can you effectively inspire inspiration in itself creativity and multiply it a hundred times.

Watch the video: 5 Lessons To Live By - Dr. Wayne Dyer Truly Inspiring (November 2024).