Personal growth

Examples and applications of abstract human thinking

In the process of knowing the world, a person is faced with exact values, quantities, definitions.

However, in order to make a complete picture of a phenomenon, this is often not enough.

Moreover, it is often necessary to operate unknown or inaccurate data generalize and systematize information on any particular properties, build various hypotheses and conjectures.

In such cases, a person uses abstract thinking.

Abstraction - what is it in psychology?

Abstraction - this is a process of cognition, in which there is a distraction from non-essential properties, parameters, relationships of phenomena or objects in order to identify their more important generalizing patterns.

In other words, this is a generalization that can be made on objects or phenomena, processes, distracting from some of their properties.

The following concepts are associated with abstraction:

  1. Abstract logic. It reflects a person's ability to reason, think, build statements, using not specific data, but concepts.
  2. Abstract images - These are images that do not correspond to any real subject.
  3. Abstract conclusions - a thought that was formed on the basis of several judgments about something.

Concept of abstract thinking

What is abstract thinking in simple words? What does abstract thinking mean?

Before considering abstract thinking in detail, it should be noted that the following types of thinking exist:

  1. Practical (visual-effective) - is based on impressions from the senses, from the primary images of certain phenomena. In this case, the situation is transformed when dealing with direct objects.
  2. Visually-shaped - it relies not on real phenomena and objects, but on their secondary images — for example, images, schematic plans.
  3. Abstract logical - thinking, in which the final thought is formed in the process of operating with abstract concepts.
  4. Abstract symbolic - at which the perception of information transmitted through various symbols occurs.

Moreover, all mental activity of a person can be represented in the form of the following mental operations:

  1. Analysis. Separation of the whole into parts. In this case, the knowledge of the whole is achieved through a more thorough study of its individual parts.
  2. Synthesis. The connection of fragmented parts into one.
  3. Generalization. Selection of common features that are inherent in phenomena or objects, followed by their combination on this basis.
  4. Classification. Disunity and grouping of phenomena or objects into classes (groups) based on both common features and their differences.
  5. Abstraction. Determination of the properties of phenomena or objects, based on their common features with a one-time abstraction from certain other of their qualities that are insignificant in this situation.

In simple terms, abstract thinking is activated when a person does not have any accurate information, good examples, does not contact with real objects, but forced to speculate and make certain conclusions.

Such thinking is inherent in theoretical scientists, mathematicians, economists, programmers.

They assimilate information in the form of numerical values, codes, and convert it using formulas and mathematical operations — that is, they work with the fact that impossible to see, touch, hear, perceive using the senses.


There are such forms of abstract thinking:

  1. Concept. In this form of thinking, a common property is determined that is inherent in objects that also have some differences. For example - the phone. Phones can be touch, button or even disk, be made of various materials, have completely different additional functions - a flashlight, camera or infrared, but abstracting from these differences, you can distinguish their common function - to make calls.
  2. Judgment. The purpose of the judgment is to obtain something confirmation or refutation. In this case, the judgment can be both simple and complex. There is no water in the cup - this is a simple proposition. It is unambiguous and short, there are no additional actions or phenomena in it. An example of a complex judgment - the cup was knocked over, water spilled from it.
  3. Inference. This form is a thought based on two or more judgments.

    Inference consists of three stages - a premise (initial judgments), a conclusion (logical thought process over the initial judgments) and a conclusion (a final judgment formed).


A good example of abstract thinking - maths.

When solving examples, we operate only with numbers, having no idea about what subjects we are talking about - having in mind only some digital quantity.

Nevertheless, performing certain actions with this value and coming to some conclusion.

Also abstract thinking manifested when planning. A person sets himself any goals, calculates his own possible steps and situations to which they will lead.

In this case, the intended situation does not exist in reality, but based on the conclusions of a person’s life becomes more predictable, focused and organized.

Yet abstract thinking does not always lead to a correct assessment of the situation.

for exampleA woman who has a negative experience with several male partners can make a judgment that all males have certain negative qualities - laziness, rudeness, indifference.

How to develop?

Application of abstract thinking by the child begins as early as preschool age.

As a rule, this coincides with the time when he begins to speak.

He compares his toys, finds differences of one type of animals from others, learns to write and count.

In the school period confidently thinking abstractly is already a necessity, since such subjects as math and physics appear.

At the same time, the more attention was paid to the development of abstraction in childhood, the more easily a person uses this type of thinking and in adulthood.

Developed abstract thinking gives a person the following advantages:

  1. Reflection of the world without the need for contact with real objects. A person can operate with any data without the need to use the senses.
  2. Generalization of phenomena. This makes it possible to more effectively obtain and use their own knowledge in various situations. A person receives any information, summarizes it with already existing knowledge and subsequently remembers it better and extracts it from memory.
  3. A clear statement of thoughts. Thought processes can occur even without internal dialogue, but the final judgment is easily transformed into speech.

Although the development of abstract thinking in childhood is of great importance, it is even possible for an adult to train him by performing certain exercises.

It is important that they are systematic - only regular classes can lead to tangible results.


Tasks for abstract thinking:

  1. Inventing oxymorons. It is necessary to come up with several phrases in which the words will be opposite in meaning - for example, black snow, cold fire, bright darkness.
  2. Reverse reading. For this exercise, you need to read the art book in chapters in reverse order, trying to determine exactly what the story began in the book that preceded this or that event.

    This is a rather difficult exercise, so it’s best to take pieces with a simple plot.

  3. Functions items. You should think of the maximum possible number of ways to apply this or that thing - for example, you can write a letter on a piece of paper, make an envelope out of it, light a fire with it, etc.
  4. Analysis of communication. In the evening, you need to introduce people with whom you communicated during the daytime, while remembering not only the content of the conversation, but also the tone, the interlocutor's posture and gestures, facial expression, and surroundings - and reproduce the dialogue in memory as detailed as possible.
  5. Initial. You should write any letter on a piece of paper and for a certain time period try to remember the maximum number of words beginning with this letter.


Abstraction in psychology - this is the focus of a person’s attention on a particular situation, in which he perceives it from the third position, that is, without participating in it, being above it.

Abstraction sets the general direction, helps better formulate a goal, discard non-essential factors in the situation, focusing on the more important nuances.

Insufficient ability to abstract from the situation can lead to stress, a sense of moral dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and problems with communication.

How to learn to abstract?

Using not very complex psychological techniques, you can learn to abstract from what can disturb you set your own goals and achieve them:

From society

A long stay in the same society can negatively affect a person as individuals - gradually his life includes the social norms of this society, patterns of thinking and the perception of certain situations. This reduces the flexibility of behavior and response in different situations.

In order to abstract from society, try longer to remain alone. At the same time try not to remember your surroundings. Focus on your own desires.

Choose that occupation that you prefer - a walk in the woods, picking up mushrooms, fishing, meditation, reading a book - one that does not require the presence of another person nearby.

Change your occupation - New impressions will make you distract from the usual patterns and switch to your own perception.

From man

Some people, despite the fact that we are not perceived as unpleasant, can significantly influence on our worldview.

In this case, our own ideas and desires can be superimposed on the wishes of this person.

In order to abstract from a particular person, you can change the social circle for a while.

It is desirable that new friends sympathized with to you, and communication delivered pleasant emotions.

Analyze how this person differs from your new acquaintances and determine the differences. You can also be alonedoing your favorite thing.

From unpleasant people

It happens that you have to be in a society of unpleasant people, which you cannot avoid - for example, at work. In this case, the actions or behavior of these people may make it difficult to concentrate on the task to be performed.

In order to abstract from them, do not try to exclude them from your attention, do not perceive their speech as something that can be stopped, but imagine that this is background noise, which can disappear by itself.

As, for example, you can often not hear the ticking of the clock or not ponder what is happening on the screen of a constantly on TV.

From the situation

In difficult situations, your thoughts may be confused, and emotions interfere with reasonable cold-blooded decisions.

In such cases, you need to focus on breathing and count, for example, up to ten.

Correct estimate can only come with time.

Also try to imagine that you are far away from this place, or that the situation happens to another person. Try to throw away the minor distractions, focusing on the most important issues.

Help learn to abstract may habit plan your affairs in advance clear goal setting and following it.

In any situation, try to highlight important and minor points - perhaps for this you will first have to analyze several cases and write the conclusions in a notebook. Learn the sequence - do not strive to do several things at once.

Abstract thinking used by us in many situations of life, so one cannot ignore the ability to think quickly and correctly in the abstract.

Take for granted that the thinking processes are similar to sports exercise - regular exercise will help you greatly develop your abilities.

About the abstract thinking of a person in this video:

Watch the video: Top 10 Applications of Machine Learning. Machine Learning Application Examples. Edureka (December 2024).