Personal growth

Energy of life or how to increase the energy of a person

It is known from the school course of physics that any movement is caused by energy. But since the biological form of the existence of matter differs from the physical or chemical, there is a special energy of life. People, as a biosocial phenomenon, endowed with mind and soul, should have an even more developed energy structure, known as human energy. What it is? Is it possible to measure it? What happens if its level drops? How to increase vital energy? Is it possible to keep it high?

What is human energy?

Human energy is an invisible force that gives the body integrity, breathes life. Thousands of ancient treatises have been written about its nature, active philosophical reflections are being conducted, serious scientists pay attention. But one hundred percent answer, which would satisfy everyone, has not yet been found. In any case, the official science.

If you do not take into account the spiritual component, the human energy -set of all components that ensure the flow of physiological processes, including higher nervous activity. In this understanding, life energy comes down to biochemistry and biophysics. We consume food, which, digesting in the digestive organs, gives us nutrients.

Once inside the cells, these compounds are broken down, releasing the necessary energy. Therefore, based solely on mechanistic views, it can be argued that the source of energy for life is food only. But why then do people talk about "spiritual food"? Where to find her? What it is? Let's talk about subtle matters.

Human energy structure

The doctrine of the spiritual realm is rooted in Hinduism. His followers secrete the pranic, mental and body of consciousness. According to Vedanta, the subtle bodies are called koshas. They consist of five levels: the body itself, the life force, the mind’s container, pure knowledge, the shell of bliss. These were the first attempts to classify human energy.

Ancient philosophical and religious teachings were further developed in the writings of Helena Blavatsky, whose ideas were popularized by the writer Ani Bezant. Thanks to their efforts, the world learned about the seven bodies.:

  • Physical - consists of habitual matter;
  • Essential - it contains the energy of life;
  • Astral body - emotional sphere;
  • Mental body - a container of thoughts;
  • Karmic (causal) body - the level of fate;
  • Buddhic - the soul of man;
  • Atmic - spirit, the main goal of life.

Human energy permeates all spheres of life. It passes through all its bodies, arising from both poles. On the one hand, people draw vitality from the food they consume. On the other hand, the energy of life and mind comes from the cosmos, feeding the spiritual component of the personality.

Wrong lifestyle, negative emotions and actions destroy thin bodies, depleting energy potential. This is manifested in poor health, depression, failure, illness, suffering. The inner energy of a person depends on his mental and emotional attitude, spiritual purity.

How to increase vital energy?

You can get the missing kilojoules in several ways. Again, it is worthwhile to separate the “recharging” of the biological and etheric body. They are closely related, but the principles of work are somewhat different. Where to get energy for the body? - From food. But what should be eaten for a full life? - This is the second question. Not to mention the feed air and subsequent bodies. So, let's talk about how you can enhance the energy of a person.

Proper nutrition

Whatever higher creatures people do not consider themselves to eat, it is still necessary. Quality of life depends on the quality of food. Plays a role and speed of assimilation. The fastest energy suppliers include fruit and vegetable juices, buckwheat porridge, bananas, fruits, eggs, fish, chocolate, green tea. If we talk about the replenishment of the body's resources for a long period, then red meat, cottage cheese, legumes, seeds, nuts will help. The "heavier" the food, the more time and effort is spent on its assimilation. Many nutritionists recommend small and frequent "snacks" that support vital energy at the required level, but not tiring digestive organs.

Healthy sleep

The biological body may wear out in the event of improper "exploitation." Physical problems are displayed at higher energy levels. During sleep, forces are restored, and the necessary energy and resources are accumulated for activity. Also important is the time when we go to bed. It is recommended to do this no later than 23.00. The average duration of healthy sleep is 8 hours.

Walks in the open air

Motor activity and oxygen have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, including the release of energy. The fact is that glucose is the main source of vital energy. It is able to split in the presence of oxygen. The more it is in the tissues, the more active these processes go. In addition, in order for energy to enter the body, it is necessary to release it, so that a new one comes in place of the old one. No wonder they talk about the cycle of everything in nature. So, a walk or a run through the park may take some of the energy, but it will prepare a good “ground” for its renewal.


Many spiritual practitioners use meditation to renew the vitality and energy of a person. This method allows you to settle the mental activity, to harmonize its emotional background. It consists in the adoption of a comfortable posture, complete detachment from sensual reality in favor of the release of its inner essence.

In the process of meditation, the personality is connected to the Information Field of the Universe. His life energy is purified and renewed. These techniques are widespread since prehistoric civilizations. Such a long time of existence and popularity only confirms their effectiveness.

Breath control

Improper breathing is the first cause of energy loss. A person who does not know how to control his breath, sprays vital reserves in vain. In the case of the slightest panic, breathing and heartbeat are instantly increased. The body loses the kilojoules it needs. Only one conclusion - if someone does not want to be sprayed for nothing, he should master breathing techniques. It should be remembered that the breath is subject to our will. Accordingly, if you practice, you can learn to control it.

Human energy is a symbiosis of its vital energy and spiritual component. You cannot fill it with food alone. In order for the forces not to leave, it is necessary to equally protect your body and spirit. Helpers in this are sleep and breathing, which allow you to prevent unnecessary waste of human energy. A healthy lifestyle combined with spiritual self-development will help to always remain in a good mood, be full of strength and enthusiasm.

Watch the video: Sadhguru - How to active your energy body Increase Your Life Energy (December 2024).