
5-minute meditation-break for every day - video

Each of us is faced with stress day by day, negative experiences, stress, restless thoughts, anxiety. Sometimes the routine seizes us headlong and we can barely find time during the day to quietly “breathe”.

Different people try to cope with stress in different ways. Someone turns on the TV in the evening, another opens a bottle of beer, the third breaks off the accumulated tension on relatives. And someone generally spends days at work at work and “rests” only during intermittent, restless short sleep.

I used to resort to all these dubious "ways." Strong coffee several times a day to "accelerate." And then alcohol in the evening to "slow down". And, of course, hourly smoke breaks at work and at home (and sometimes every half hour).

The result - depression, anxiety disorders, deterioration of physical health, "emotional burnout", a decrease in life satisfaction ...

But then I found for myself a much more effective way to relax, relieve tension and replenish energy than smoking cigarettes. And of course, not carrying any harm to the body, but only benefit. And in the video that you can see in this article, I will teach you this effective practice, which will take no more time than a regular smoke break.

But which, at the same time, is able to change your life once and for all!

This way is meditation or awareness. Scientific studies have long proved its effectiveness.

Daily practice is an island of peace and quiet in the midst of daily routine and fuss. Every person needs it.

To achieve a positive effect of meditation, I recommend practicing 2 times a day for 15 to 20 minutes per session.

But if you find it very difficult to maintain such a routine

Or if you need additional relaxation during the work day.

And maybe you are still completely new and you need a simple and affordable technique.

Then watch my video "5-minute meditation for every day."

In this video, I suggest you meditate with me.

Moreover, this practice can be performed not only at home.

But also at work.

Not every person can allocate a lot of time to rest during the working day. But to find 5 minutes is for everyone. So much time is spent on smoking one cigarette.

But meditation allows you to relax much deeper than smoking. You can use this practice at work, as a kind of "useful smoke break".

If you do not have the opportunity to do it sitting, you can practice standing up, or sitting in the car (but not only when it is traveling).

It is not necessary to close the eyes, you can sit with your eyes open if you are afraid of the curious glances of your colleagues.

This practice can be performed during the journey, difficult, long flights to calm down and relax.

Or before important events, to pull yourself together and concentrate.

Or in any other life situations. 5 minutes is not much time.

If you do the practice regularly, you will soon notice:

  • That you become more relaxed about the difficulties of life
  • You better fall asleep
  • You are less disturbed by various scrape and intrigue at work. The things that caused the alarm before that do not seem so significant.
  • It's easier for you to concentrate. You are less distracted
  • You have more strength and energy
  • You have more motivation and desire to act.
  • It's much easier for you to let go of stress and tension.
  • .

Ready to experience the positive effects of meditation?

Then sit down in a comfortable position and turn on my video:

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Watch the video: POSITIVE MIND in 5 Minutes Meditation (April 2024).